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How to Increase the Lifespan of Your Laptop

Blog, Computers
Often laptops only last so long, after undergoing damage. However, many undamaged laptops in perfect working order end up being thrown out prematurely for easily fixable problems.

Laptops are often replaced every few years, as people seek better and faster and newer technology. Often laptops only last so long, after undergoing damage. However, many undamaged laptops in perfect working order end up being thrown out prematurely for easily fixable problems. Unless you are a total tech junkie who always wants the newest thing to come out, you’ll be happy to know that there are actually numerous ways to increase the lifespan of your laptop.  

Be Gentle With Your Laptop


Laptops can be fragile. It’s easy to break a screen, a keyboard, or get water damage if you are not careful. Many of us eat while on our laptops, and these crumbs can cause problems. Remember to handle your laptop gently, clean it well, and always backup your data. While certain things, such as a cracked screen or missing key, are easy to fix, a broken hard drive is a whole new story.


Clean Your Laptop Hardware Regularly


You can increase the lifespan of your laptop, like most other things in life, with regular care and maintenance. Laptop fans often accumulate dust and keyboards often harbor more bacteria than toilet seats. Be sure to give your laptop a thorough cleaning every once in awhile.


Keep Your Software And Operating System Updated


While no operating system or program is perfect, upgrades often include safety and security features that will help keep your computer safe and functional in the face of evolving digital threats. As soon as an update becomes available for your laptop, take advantage of it and don’t wait weeks and weeks. Staying up to date is key to maintaining your laptop. If your laptop is constantly up to date you lessen the risk of hackers, malware, viruses, and other things slipping through and doing damage. Anti-virus and anti-malware scanners can also do wonders toward keeping your computer clean.




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