
What Is Spyware And How Can I Prevent It?

Spyware, this is something that all computer owners go at great lengths to avoid. This is because it is malicious code that attacks your computer.\

Spyware is computer software that performs certain behaviors without your explicit permission. These behaviors include collecting personal information, advertisements or changing certain settings on your computer.

However not all advertisements are/or contain spyware.

Spyware is difficult to remove because it was designed that way. Some changes spyware makes to your computer is changing your search engine or adding additional components to your toolbar that you don’t want or need.

There are a few simple steps you could do to keep spyware off of your computer.

The best way to keep spyware off of your computer is with an antivirus program and by keeping your antivirus program up to date. You also need to read the terms and conditions carefully when installing a product, file, or service from the internet.

Spyware can drastically slow down your computer and make it more difficult to use. The best way to protect yourself is to be prepared.

For more information about computer security in Baltimore:

  • How Can I Protect My Computer From Viruses and Spyware?
  • How Can I Create A Secure Password? Tips from Your Baltimore IT Company
  • Has My Password Been Compromised?

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