
Everything You Need to Know About Passwords

Is your information safe? How do you know? Chances are that all of your important computerized information is password protected. But is your password safe enough? Many people choose passwords that are actually really easy to break or guess for people that know them well enough. For example, in order to remember a password, people will frequently pick their child’s name or their dog’s name. This is probably one of the most dangerous things you could do in regards to having a safe password for something you need to keep safe, like a bank account or email. There are a few precautions that you can take to make sure that people have a hard time cracking your password and stealing your information.

  • Use a password generator – Password generators will create a password for you so you don’t have to do it yourself. The cool thing about generators is that they will use as many characters as you tell them to and the password is completely random. It might be difficult to remember, though, so writing it down somewhere safe is advisable. You can also get an app for your phone or mobile device that will store all of your passwords for you safely.
  • Choose a long password – The longer your password is, the more difficult it will be to guess. If you use a generator, make sure to set it for more than 8 characters, at the very least. When you’re creating a password for something really important, though, try to make your password even longer than that. It’s advisable to choose a password of 10 or more characters for your bank account.
  • Don’t just use letters – A lot of websites will require you to use numbers, symbols, and letters now, which is a good practice. The more obscure symbols you use, the less likely another person is to guess your password. Using random strings of numbers, letters, and symbols is great for security purposes. You can also misspell words with numbers and letters to make them harder to guess (ex. w0rk!nGnet$$$$2) – not our password for anything, by the way.

Creating a strong password will help you keep your data secure, which is something that can’t be underrated in a world where hackers are constantly breaking into to computers and stealing important information.

At Working Nets in Baltimore, we support your business by providing top-notch Information Technology (I.T.) services to companies like yours: Companies that don’t need full-time I.T. services, but do need someone to turn to, when they are having a problem.  If you have any questions about password protection, please contact us at 443.992.7394 or visit our website!

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Source: http://lastbit.com/psw.asp