
What to Know About The Privacy Battle Between Apple and the FBI

What do you think about the privacy battle between Apple and the FBI? Should Apple write a new code?

If you have been keeping up with the news lately – or even if you haven’t – you have probably still heard a bit about the legal faceoff between Apple Inc and the FBI regarding iPhone encryption and privacy rights. Working Nets is here with to fill you in on some details about the privacy battle between Apple and the FBI.

The Apple-FBI Case

The case surrounds the San Bernardino shooting in December, where Syed Rizwan Farook and his wife killed 14 people at his place of employment – the San Bernardino Department of Public Health. The FBI has reason to believe that Farook’s work iPhone may have contain valuable data regarding his motives, but the phone is password protected. If the wrong password is entered more than 10 times, all data on the phone will be erased. FBI has formally requested that Apple writes a new operating system, the “FBI-OS,” that overrides the disable setting after 10 incorrect password attempts. As of now, Apple refuses to do so, implying that it sets a bad precedent. According to Apple CEO Tim Cook, if this happens, authorities everywhere will start to demand a “magic key” to unlock private data from their citizen’s personal devices.

Essentially, the FBI is not asking Apple to give up Farook’s password. What they are asking, is that Apple write a code that disables the erase setting to allow the FBI to work their magic and guess the password themselves. The case marches on.

Privacy: What Does This Mean?

Privacy rights regarding technology continue to be a hot issue in the tech industry – this just being the first case to break in such a major way in a long time. How will this affect citizens around the world? It’s hard to say at this moment. What we do know is that privacy standards are in place because citizens have a right to expect them, and good encryption is essential to prevent data theft in the event of a stolen phone. However, we also recognize that law enforcement agencies have legitimate needs. Is your data protected?

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