
The Notable Differences Between Free vs. Paid Antivirus Software


What’s the difference between free and paid anti-virus software?

Antivirus software is a necessity in this day and age. Whether you go online for fun or business, you will want to make sure that your date is protected. Now, there are plenty of options when it comes to an antivirus software, but they mostly come in two flavors: Free and Paid. Today we’re going to be talking about the difference between these two types of protective software. Are you ready to learn more about them? Well, here we go.

Free Anti-Virus Software

For the price, you really can’t beat the free software. There are a ton of amazing free options that do a fantastic job of protecting your computer without a hefty price tag. Avast, Windows Security Essentials, and other free software will provide the protection you need and are crafted by some of the leading software developers. The only problem with free software is that it usually doesn’t have absolutely everything you may need to keep your PC clean and safe. Supplemental protective software is often necessary, but it is also usually free.

Paid Anti-Virus Software

If you’re looking for the complete experience, then you might choose to invest in paid antivirus software. With this option, you’re really getting a software package that will come with additional resources that you would otherwise have to find and configure yourself. This may be the best option for someone who doesn’t know their PC very well, or simply doesn’t want to get their hands dirty. However, the price of convenience can range anywhere from $30 to $80, so make sure to shop around before you sign up for any old software.

Which one is right for you?

Well, it all comes down to what you prefer. Would you like to save money or do you want the whole package in one? That’s up to you. Both types of software are going to provide you with the same result, just in different forms. The important thing is that you need to have some kind of antivirus software if you’re going to surf the net. Going in with nothing is simply not an option.

When you’ve got an issue, or you’re ready to update your OS, give us a call! We can help you get your computers and networks up to speed with the latest and greatest software. There’s no need to struggle in silence. Call one of the leading IT management businesses in your area and get the answers you need.

To talk to someone about managed IT for your business, give us a call at (443) 992-7394. We’d be happy to assist you with your professional business networking needs.

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