
Surprising Ways Technology Can Impact the Presidential Election

Where does current technology in 2016 end up making a huge, groundbreaking difference in the outcome of our election?

In a world filled with technology, it’s no surprise that even our presidential elections are being affected.  Of course, we’ve been through the last few elections with an increase in technological sophistication, and social media has been quite the influence.  But where does current technology in 2016 end up making a huge, groundbreaking difference in the outcome of our election?  At Working Nets, technology is our passion; let’s go over the fascinating ways it influences everything, even our politics.

Campaign Apps


Yes, they exist.  You can download apps particular to each candidate–there are also apps regarding the current predicted outcome, the news surrounding the candidates, and more.  The circulation of these apps provides plenty of campaign opportunities, both positive and negative.  Through these apps, candidates can really interact with their audience, which pushes the need for technology even more as the two nominees compete for office.


Real-Time Updates


It used to be that all of our election updates came from watching the new during the vote counting process.  Now, we can have live Twitter updates as the votes are counted!  We can also see the details of each campaign as it happens, and keep up with real-time events that influence each candidate.  This also appeals to a younger demographic, which includes generations that are notorious for not coming out to vote.  Hopefully, such technological inclusion will bring these people to the polls!


Viral News


In an instant, anything can go viral.  A scandal, an opinion, a quote–this makes it incredibly easy to smear and support candidates.  When it’s this easy, candidates have no trouble finding dirt on their opponents.  It also sparks heavy debate on social media that can carry the name of their favorite through every trending tag system.  It’s possible that this phenomenon has already drastically affected the results of the election before it’s even happened!


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Working Nets is IT without the ego. We offer technological help and top-notch service without making you feel out of the loop or left behind. Even today’s top technology professionals still have issues with their gadgets and software sometimes, so don’t be afraid to ask for help if and when you need it!


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