
How to Boost Your Network Security for the New Year

One of the best resolutions that you can make this year is to boost your network security for the new year!

The new year means a lot of things to everyone, whether it’s the chance to finally get in shape and use that gym membership, finally get to the bottom of your Netflix queue, or finally start flossing twice a day. The new year also means a lot of things for your network security! One of the best resolutions that you can make this year is to boost your network security for the new year!

Use a Password Manager

This is a very easy new year’s resolution to add to your list and then almost immediately cross off. Improving your online network security with a password manager is very simple and very effective. A password manager will help further secure your accounts, especially if you have been using the same password or the same couple passwords on a wide variety of websites. All it takes is one website having a security breach for all of your personal information to be accessible across the internet. Password managers generate secure passwords for each website and keep track of them for you.

Use a VPN

If you aren’t already using a virtual private network or VPN, you should consider adding one as part of your network security. A VPN will allow you to send data and receive data on public networks (like the Wi-Fi at Starbucks) in the same secure manner that it would be sent if you were on a private network. This can protect your computer from any potential public vulnerabilities. A VPN sounds more complicated than it is, and Working Nets is happy to help you set one up for your home or business.

Working Nets Can Help You Enhance Your Network Security

Working Nets is IT without the ego. We offer technological help and top-notch service without making you feel out of the loop or left behind. Even today’s top technology professionals still have issues with their gadgets and software sometimes, so don’t be afraid to ask for help if and when you need it! Our specialty is helping you understand the pieces of technology you use in simple ways. By outsourcing your information technology to us (and letting us do the network design planning), we will make sure that your company is up to date and safe, because technology never sleeps. Interested in finding out more about our services? Give us a call at (443) 992-7394 or visit us online. For more technology tips, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and LinkedIn.