
How Ransomware Spreads And How It Will Continue

Ransomware is a devastating situation for anyone involved, and it’s becoming more prevalent with the recent attacks.

Ransomware is a devastating situation for anyone involved, and it’s becoming more prevalent with the recent attacks. The attacks are only spreading too, which makes things harder to defend against. It’s also hard to actually catch these attackers, because they are so skilled at what they do and there’s a variety of ways for them to evade being caught. It’s important to be aware of how you can get caught in one of these schemes, and what you can do to avoid them entirely.

Be Aware Of Email

Email is still probably the number one source for people being caught be ransomware. It’s the easiest way for attackers to reach a large base of potential victims. A popular way for these attackers to reach people is by creating fake websites within websites. It’s essentially phishing. They’re trying to devise pages or pop ups that’ll make people click. If they get that click, they get the redirect to a site that exposes people to malware, which is great for them but a worst case scenario for innocent users. They can actually shadow these domains for a few weeks, which is scary to think about.

Actual Ransom

A trend that may show itself in the near future is ransomware attackers charging people with actual ransom. For example, an attacker could infiltrate your system and track down your information, and then from that point they have the necessary pieces to then use it against you.


Yes, it’s a thing. Attackers will actually go out of their way to pay for ads, and when they get a hit it takes user to dangerous server. From that point, they can unveil the specific vulnerabilities within your system. The issue for the user here is that there isn’t much in place currently to prevent this type of breach, as it relies more on advertising networks to put precautions in place. That being said, you just need to be aware of what you’re clicking on. That’s the most important thing to remember to avoid computer viruses and actual harm.

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