
How Does Bluetooth Technology Work?

Chances are, unless you are completely avoiding Bluetooth technology on purpose, you have at least two items in your home that are Bluetooth enabled.

Chances are, unless you are completely avoiding Bluetooth technology on purpose, you have at least two items in your home that are Bluetooth enabled. What exactly is the mysterious technology that allows you to chat hands-free in the car, wirelessly print from your cellphone, and feel one step closer to the ruler of your household?

What is Bluetooth?

Wireless communication is a surprisingly old technology once you realize that radio and television sets are technically forms of it. Bluetooth technology is a type of radio-wave technology that is ideal for communicating over short distances. Everything you own that is Bluetooth enabled as a small radio antenna on the inside to be able to send and receive messages with other Bluetooth enabled devices. Depending on the transmitter inside of your device, you might be able to transmit things up to 3 ⅓ feet (class 3), 33 feet (class 2), or an amazing 330 feet (class 1).

How Does Bluetooth Work?

Bluetooth technology works by sending and receiving radio waves in a band of 79 different channels. The short range transmitters need little power, so they are technically more secure than Wi-Fi networks. Bluetooth devices are designed to automatically detect each other and connect. Each device you have will use a different one of the 79 frequencies to communicate with the others. When your devices need to communicate, they will choose a random channel and send and receive information to each other. You won’t need to worry about interference, as Bluetooth devices are designed to hop between frequencies if there are any communication issues. Devices that are communicating with each other can rapidly switch the frequency that they use to communicate, hopping amongst channels up to thousands of times a second!

Working Nets Can Help You With Your Bluetooth Needs

Working Nets is IT without the ego. We offer technological help and top-notch service without making you feel out of the loop or left behind. Even today’s top technology professionals still have issues with their gadgets and software sometimes, so don’t be afraid to ask for help if and when you need it! Our specialty is helping you understand the pieces of technology you use in simple ways. By outsourcing your information technology to us (and letting us do the network design planning), we will make sure that your company is up to date and safe, because technology never sleeps. Interested in finding out more about our services? Give us a call at (443) 992-7394 or visit us online. For more technology tips, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and LinkedIn.