
Cyber Security Tips for your Phone or Tablet

Whether you run a company or just have a phone or tablet as an individual, you want to make sure that your information stays safe and secure. Generally there is information on your mobile device that you would rather the whole world didn’t know. People frequently make purchases from phones or tablets, which means that your credit card information, address, and phone number can be floating out in cyberspace. You’re probably now asking yourself the question: what can I do to secure my phone or tablet from prying eyes?

  • Password Protect – You should ALWAYS password protect your mobile device. Use something that is easy for you to remember, but that won’t be immediately obvious to anyone else who might be interested in getting your information for unsavory purposes.
  • Don’t Use the Same Password – If you use one password or pin for something, don’t use it for something else. If a hacker gets a hold of your password and you use the same one for everything, they’re going to be able to hack every account you have. This can result in stolen identity, lost money, or worse. Make sure that each password is original and difficult to guess.
  • Two Factor Identification – You should start using this for everything. Most websites will give you the opportunity to ask for a phone number upon login, or a remotely generated pin. This may require you to use a separate mobile device to get the code, but you will ensure that your information is safe.

You should always make sure that your privacy settings are correct on your social media, as well. This will help you keep private information private as well. Don’t risk losing important information. Make sure you protect your devices.

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Source: Five Security Tips to Protect Your Social Media Accounts