
What’s That Strange Charge On My Phone Bill? The Missed Call Scam

Scammers are always coming up with new ways to trick you out of your money. Their latest plan involves the missed call function on your cell phone. In short, a scammer will call your phone and then hang up immediately. On your phone, you will see a missed call and because you are curious you will call back. Then the scammer charges you for the call for every minute you’re on the line. This scam is called the “One Ring Scam.”

The trick here is when the scammer calls you, your phone only rings once. So you still have the missed call notification but they don’t have to pay for long distance charges.

When you call the number back, you get charged once to connect to the call, and then additional charges incur for every minute you’re still on the phone.

This one is fairly easy to avoid getting sucked into, but below are a list of tips so you can avoid getting scammed

  • If you don’t know the number, don’t call it back
  • Google the number before calling it back, if it’s a scam someone will identify the number as a scam and save you the fees.
  • Check your phone bill for charges that you believe are fraudulent.

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