
How Information Technology Benefits Business

Information technology leads to better business. Find out how.

Information technology has developed so rapidly that some business owners aren’t even aware of all the ways they can increase their efficiency. Information technology allows business owners to build a stronger relationship with customers, improve inventory management, and allows for easier finance systems. All of this saves time, which increases productivity. Let Working Nets teach you about a few ways information technology has benefited businesses across the world. Are you in need of our services?  [Read more…]

Why Hire Working Nets For I.T. Help? See Our Testimonials!

At Working Nets, we understand that technology can be confusing and overwhelming. We are here to help – without the ego!

Working Nets is here to operate as your virtual I.T. department. Technology is a major key to success in every business, and we are here for you to turn to when your computers, network and security systems need an upgrade or solution. We provide top-notch information technology services to companies who need reliable assistance when problems arise. Like most great businesses, word of mouth and true testimonials reflect the quality of our work. Let us remind you why you should choose Working Nets for your I.T. solutions.

[Read more…]

Tips and Tricks for Using Your Mac Computer


Are you using your Apple to its fullest? Take a look at our tips and tricks!

Taking a step back from the ongoing debate about what computer is better—Mac or PC—let’s focus on your Mac computer. Your Mac computer can do a lot more than you think, and to use it to its full potential take a few minutes to learn more with these computer tips. [Read more…]

Free versus Paid Antivirus Programs

Choosing between paid and free antiviruses is never easy, but we’re here to help!

The saying “you get what you pay for” has always circulated the antivirus program market. But what exactly do you pay for when you choose a free antivirus program over a paid program? Let’s take a look! [Read more…]

Microsoft Gives Business Computers the Cortana Treatment

The application can pull data from Microsoft’s business application and provides the opportunity for multiple user viewing and editing on their own devices (iOS, Windows, or Android).

Back in July, Microsoft revealed two business applications set to change the way more casual business owners examine their business data. GigJam and Cortana Analytics Suite both use the Cortana personal assistant originally designed for the Windows Phone (and now incorporated into Windows 10), and were presented as a way to make IT-powered business processes more understandable and accessible. Read on to see how these two new tools can help your business adopt the Cortana Treatment. [Read more…]

The Apple-1: The Original Apple Computer

While we have certainly come a long way from the Apple-1, we still find ourselves continually looking for improved computer performance.

It’s hard not to talk about computer history without mentioning Apple computers. Computer design and capability have obviously come a long way since the Apple-1, but it’s important to identify some of the early pioneers of the personal computer movement. Without computer clubs and visionaries like Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, who knows how different the industry may have turned out. [Read more…]

The Benefits of Custom IT Solutions for Your Business

Your business needs systems setup, cyber security, back ups, managed services, and networks to work in the digital age. Why get them all from separate sources when you can get a custom IT solution from an experienced IT company? A custom IT solution is a considerable investment but gets you everything you need without the things you don’t, gets you real hands on support, and improved efficiency over prepackaged systems.

Get Everything You Need and Nothing You Don’t

The first benefit of custom IT solutions for your business is that with custom it solutions you get everything you need and nothing you don’t. By getting custom IT assistance provided by experienced and qualified individuals, you can pick the features you want, the ones most relevant to your business. This way you can get them all from one source, rather then getting multiple prepackaged or proprietary IT solutions to address the things your company needs most you can get them all in one. And with custom IT solutions you don’t get anything you don’t need, no extra clutter on your systems, no distracting programs, and no unnecessary extra costs. So with custom IT solutions you get everything your business needs and nothing it doesn’t, where as with prepackaged IT solutions you might have to buy multiple products to precisely fit your companies IT needs and you’ll get material superfluous to your business. [Read more…]

What’s That Strange Charge On My Phone Bill? The Missed Call Scam

Scammers are always coming up with new ways to trick you out of your money. Their latest plan involves the missed call function on your cell phone. In short, a scammer will call your phone and then hang up immediately. On your phone, you will see a missed call and because you are curious you will call back. Then the scammer charges you for the call for every minute you’re on the line. This scam is called the “One Ring Scam.”

The trick here is when the scammer calls you, your phone only rings once. So you still have the missed call notification but they don’t have to pay for long distance charges.

When you call the number back, you get charged once to connect to the call, and then additional charges incur for every minute you’re still on the phone.

This one is fairly easy to avoid getting sucked into, but below are a list of tips so you can avoid getting scammed

  • If you don’t know the number, don’t call it back
  • Google the number before calling it back, if it’s a scam someone will identify the number as a scam and save you the fees.
  • Check your phone bill for charges that you believe are fraudulent.

Welcome to Working Nets – your virtual IT Department!

At Working Nets, we support your business by providing top-notch Information Technology (I.T.) services to companies like yours: Companies that don’t need full-time I.T. services, but do need someone to turn to, when they are having a problem. We provide services like Network Design, Monitoring and Maintenance. We troubleshoot technical issues when they arise, and give you options for solving them. We help you use your technology investment to achieve your business goals.

At Working Nets, our focus is on your needs!

You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+.



The Data Breach at Target Affects More Than Originally Thought

In December, the retail giant Target reported that hackers had breached their collection of customer data and made off with credit and debit card numbers and affecting up to 40 million people. Now, Target is reporting that the data breach will affect up to 70 million people. In a statement, Target stated that the stolen data includes not only credit and debit card numbers, but names, phone numbers, addresses, and email addresses of customers as well. Target’s ongoing investigation into the matter revealed these new findings in the data breach, which occurred between Nov.27 and Dec. 15 of last year.

Target has attempted to contact every customer for whom it has contact information and inform them that their information was stolen. CEO Gregg Steinhafel apologized to all Target customers in a video statement. According to IT World, “Target has pledged to pay for the costs of any fraudulent charges related to the breach. The company is also offering one year of free credit monitoring and identity theft protection to customers who shopped at the company’s U.S. stores.”

Welcome to Working Nets – your virtual IT Department!

At Working Nets, we support your business by providing top-notch Information Technology (I.T.) services to companies like yours: Companies that don’t need full-time I.T. services, but do need someone to turn to, when they are having a problem. We provide services like Network Design, Monitoring and Maintenance. We troubleshoot technical issues when they arise, and give you options for solving them. We help you use your technology investment to achieve your business goals.

At Working Nets, our focus is on your needs!

You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+.


Acceptable Internet Use While At Work

Much concern has been raised by many business owners, about how to handle inappropriate Internet use at work. Frankly, business owners probably aren’t concerned enough. Let’s look at some interesting statistics. Now mind you. these statistics are from 2006, but I think we can safely presume the situation hasn’t gotten any better:

Stats are from the LocalTel Business Content Web Filter site.

  • 64% of employees admit to using the Internet for personal interest during working hours.
  • 70% of all pornography traffic occurs during the nine-to-five work day.
  • 60% of all online purchases are made during working hours.
  • 37% of at-work internet users in the US had visited an X-rated Web Site from work.
  • 37% of employees report searching for jobs online at work.
  • 27% of Fortune 500 companies have defended themselves from claims of sexual harassment stemming from inappropriate e-mails and Internet use.

All this results in an estimated 30% – 40% loss of productivity. And this doesn’t even consider the effect of the bandwidth spent on this and other things like streaming audio, which could impact even the performance of the users who are trying to use the Internet for business purposes.

In cases where employees download pirated software, music or videos, the businesses could be found liable – even if they didn’t know about it.

And that’s not even to mention the lawsuits that can be brought, particularly if the material is sexual in nature, against the company if a hostile workplace suit is brought.

Bottom line: You need to protect your business.

How? Well, there are a number of components to this, and technical solutions can play an important part of it. But the most important piece, and the one that most businesses – especially small businesses – don’t do, is to put an Internet Acceptable Use Policy in place. This is a policy that explains what is and is not acceptable, and the consequences of non-compliance. If the employees don’t have such a policy, they can always claim they didn’t know it wasn’t okay. Click here for some sample policies.

Once the policy is made available, there are technologies that can be put into place to help monitor and safeguard access. Systems can be as rigid or flexible as the company feels appropriate, while still being protected from inappropriate use.

Keep your business safe!

Disaster Recovery Services from Working Nets in Baltimore, Maryland

At Working Nets, we were founded to provide small businesses, like yours, with expert information technology support they needed. Our disaster recovery services help ensure your vital business data is kept safe and secure!

If you have any questions about Disaster Recovery, please contact Working Nets by calling (443) 992-7394 or visit WorkingNets.com today! You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+.