
How to Prevent Your Computer From Overheating

Avoid the headaches that come with an overheated computer.

Every computer requires cooling as a critical part of its functional processes. If they cannot effectively remove the heat that their components can generate during use, there can be significant consequences in regards to the longevity of your PC. Heat build up can actually cause severe damage to your computer over time, causing hardware problems and instability. Current PC models may even shut down entirely and refuse to continue to operate until they have cooled once they reach a potentially damaging level of heat. Use these cooling solutions to make sure your PC can stay cool under pressure.

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Regular Computer Care & Maintenance You Can Do at Home

Basic computer care and maintenance is all about knowing your machine. No two computers are the same. They have different temperaments when it comes to speed and some may be more prone to viruses—like a PC over a Mac. But once you get to know your computer, care and maintenance becomes second nature and you can recognize when the type of issues you may have to use an outsourced IT company for. Before you spend your hard-earned cash on outsourcing your IT problems, discover some of the simple computer care and maintenance you can do at home.

Routine computer care is simple to learn.

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Microsoft Gives Business Computers the Cortana Treatment

The application can pull data from Microsoft’s business application and provides the opportunity for multiple user viewing and editing on their own devices (iOS, Windows, or Android).

Back in July, Microsoft revealed two business applications set to change the way more casual business owners examine their business data. GigJam and Cortana Analytics Suite both use the Cortana personal assistant originally designed for the Windows Phone (and now incorporated into Windows 10), and were presented as a way to make IT-powered business processes more understandable and accessible. Read on to see how these two new tools can help your business adopt the Cortana Treatment. [Read more…]

The Apple-1: The Original Apple Computer

While we have certainly come a long way from the Apple-1, we still find ourselves continually looking for improved computer performance.

It’s hard not to talk about computer history without mentioning Apple computers. Computer design and capability have obviously come a long way since the Apple-1, but it’s important to identify some of the early pioneers of the personal computer movement. Without computer clubs and visionaries like Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, who knows how different the industry may have turned out. [Read more…]

How Can You Choose the Right Computer for your Business Needs?


Find the right computer for your business solutions.

Selecting the right hardware for your business can often be a challenge. The market is huge and it can be very intimidating for people who aren’t computer savvy. So, what can you do? Well, that can often depend on your comfort level, but don’t worry. We’re going to be talking about it today. Are you ready to learn more about how you can choose the right computer for your business needs? Well, let’s do it. [Read more…]

Signs That Your Computer Has a Virus

Computer viruses seem to be lurking behind every link these days. We have heard the horror stories of finding viruses on trusted websites. We’ve heard terrible things about losing all of your data to one of these awful creatures. Viruses are pretty commonplace depending on how you surf the net and what sorts of websites you frequent, but none of us are ever really completely safe. Now, don’t worry, there are ways of telling whether or not your machine has been infected and there is plenty you can do to protect yourself. Let’s check out some ways to see if you need some virus removal help. [Read more…]

Cybersecurity News: Microsoft PCs are infected before reaching Consumers

It has not been a good couple of weeks for Microsoft. First, they discovered that Hackers had found a Security Hole in Internet Explorer. Now, the computer company has discovered that many of their PCs and laptops made in China were embedded with malicious software before ever reaching the consumer. The computer virus allows hackers to switch on a microphone or Webcam, record keystrokes, and access login credentials and online bank accounts.

And because computer companies rely on such a long and complex supply line, the malicious software could have been uploaded at any point, something Richard Domingues Boscovich, the assistant general counsel for the Microsoft Digital Crimes Unit, called “especially disturbing.”

“It’s one of the toughest cybersecurity challenges out there,” said Tom Kellermann, vice president of cybersecurity at Trend Micro. “There’s not really a solution unless you start to only build computers in the USA again.”

This isn’t the first time this has happened either. In 2008, the Defense Department and Federal Aviation Administration unknowingly purchased counterfeit Cisco routers, which were pre-loaded malicious software. FBI investigators found the routers allowed hackers to “gain access to otherwise secure systems.”

Then in May, the Senate Armed Services Committee released  a report citing 1,800 cases of counterfeit electronics from China, electronics used in the Air Force’s largest cargo plane and Special Operation helicopters.

“Companies are in a competitive dogfight to make products cheaper and hit the market faster,” said Scott Aken, a former FBI special agent who dealt with cyber counterintelligence. “They’re not spending time or money to ensure those products they are sourcing from overseas are devoid of counterfeits.”

So what are consumers to do?

Boscovich offers this simple advice: Consumers can often spot dangerous counterfeit technology if the deal “appears too good to be true.”

“However, sometimes people just can’t tell, making the exploitation of a broken supply chain an especially dangerous vehicle for infecting people with malware.”

If you have any questions about Cybersecurity, please contact Working Nets by calling (443) 992-7394 or visit WorkingNets.com today!

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At Working Nets, we support your business by providing top-notch Information Technology (I.T.) services to companies like yours: Companies that don’t need full-time I.T. services, but do need someone to turn to, when they are having a problem. We provide services like Network Design, Monitoring and Maintenance. We troubleshoot technical issues when they arise, and give you options for solving them. We help you use your technology investment to achieve your business goals.

At Working Nets, our focus is on your needs!

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Pre-Infected PCs Expose Flaws In Global Supply Chain