
What is an HDMI Cable and Why Should You Use One?

The HDMI cable is relatively new–they were first used in December of 2002. So, it’s understandable that not many people are aware of its function.

For those who aren’t particularly tech savvy, the phrase ‘HDMI cable’ may sound confusing.  We understand that, for many, cables are defined by shapes rather than what they’re called, and it’s not always apparent what they do.  And in fact, the HDMI cable is relatively new–they were first used in December of 2002.  So, it’s understandable that not many people are aware of its function.  To discover what an HDMI cable does and how it can benefit you, read on.

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How to Know if Your Motherboard is Dead

The motherboard is one of the central parts of your computer, so replacement should be put off unless it is completely necessary.

If your computer has been acting up, you might be concerned that your motherboard is malfunctioning or completely dead. The motherboard is one of the central parts of your computer, so replacement should be put off unless it is completely necessary. So, how can you tell if your motherboard is dead or just malfunctioning?

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Why Do Phone Batteries Explode?

Samsung tells the press that it’s because the battery was manufactured incorrectly–but the Galaxy’s battery isn’t the first to explode in the history of cell phones.

Recently, Samsung’s Galaxy Note 7 has run into some battery issues.  According to a small population of customers, their phone battery simply overheated and exploded, causing a full recall of the product.  Samsung tells the press that it’s because the battery was manufactured incorrectly–but the Galaxy’s battery isn’t the first to explode in the history of cell phones.  What causes such modern technology to simply catch fire?  And why do we carry that around in our pockets?  Read on for a quick run-down of why batteries explode in the first place.

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Fixing Common Pokemon GO Issues

There’s no doubt you’ve encountered some issues when playing the new craze, Pokemon GO.

We don’t usually cover apps on Working Nets, but we are dedicated to supporting you and solving your tech problems, regardless of where they originate.  So, there’s no doubt you’ve encountered some issues when playing the new craze, Pokemon GO.  Since the game is still in beta, it’s bound to have some errors that are going to get fixed in the next few updates.  But for now, let’s focus on getting ourselves familiar with ways to solve common problems.

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Ransomware: A Disturbing New Trend in Cybersecurity

A recent rash of ransomware attacks on hospitals has shown the need for strong cybersecurity measures even at places not normally considered a high-value target for hackers. While ransomware isn’t new technology, its use as a tool for extortion is on the rise.

Ransomware locks you out of your data unless you agree to a hacker’s demands. Working Nets can help protect your business and customers.

What is Ransomware?

Ransomware is a type of malware that blocks access to vital software or data, requiring a key or piece of code to unlock. It’s commonly used by hackers to extort their target — if you pay the hacker’s ransom, they’ll give you the key and you’ll be able to access your software or data. It’s been used recently in high-profile attacks against hospitals, banks and individuals. [Read more…]

Start Employing Data Backups to Avoid a Data Loss Disaster

The security and reassurance of frequent data backups are invaluable, from personal to corporate use.

Whether you just got a new piece of tech during the holidays or whether you’re in need of a new year’s resolution, now is the time to start backing up your personal data. Getting into the habit of a frequent data backup will save you lots of heart and headache in the event that your computer (or computer system) meets its untimely demise. Data loss can range from losing a few hours’ worth of writing to the downfall of an entire business, but in any case, it’s better to spend some time on a data backup than to deal with inconvenient data loss or catastrophic IT failure. [Read more…]

Three IT Tips for Casual Computer Users

If you’ve been having computer issues lately, give these three tips a try!

Computers are incredibly useful machines, but thy can often be very fragile. If you’ve been having computer issues lately, give these three basic IT tips a try before you try and haul your computer down to the repair depot. Take a moment to save yourself some time and money!

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One Keyboard Shortcut You Should be Using

Keyboard shortcuts can make it easier to work with your PC.

Keyboard shortcuts are combinations of two or more keys that you can use to perform a task that would typically require a mouse or other pointing device. Keyboard shortcuts can make it easier to work with your PC, saving you time and effort as you work with Windows and other apps. But the recent update to Windows 10 has changed some of those time-honored keyboard shortcuts (and added some new ones!) So here is one of the most useful keyboard shortcuts for multitasking: Window Snapping!

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How Can You Choose the Right Computer for your Business Needs?


Find the right computer for your business solutions.

Selecting the right hardware for your business can often be a challenge. The market is huge and it can be very intimidating for people who aren’t computer savvy. So, what can you do? Well, that can often depend on your comfort level, but don’t worry. We’re going to be talking about it today. Are you ready to learn more about how you can choose the right computer for your business needs? Well, let’s do it. [Read more…]

Rethinking Conference Calls with Skype


Are you struggling through conference calls? Skype can help.

When you need to hold a conference call, you may find yourself still struggling with phones or other outdated equipment. There’s no need. Skype for business is offering you freedom from the world of phones and opening the door to internet communications.  Now, this used to be known as Lync, but has been rebranded and put into beta so that you and other businesses like you can give it a shot. So, would you like to learn a little more about Skype for business and what it can do for you? Well, let’s do it! [Read more…]