
Start Employing Data Backups to Avoid a Data Loss Disaster

The security and reassurance of frequent data backups are invaluable, from personal to corporate use.

Whether you just got a new piece of tech during the holidays or whether you’re in need of a new year’s resolution, now is the time to start backing up your personal data. Getting into the habit of a frequent data backup will save you lots of heart and headache in the event that your computer (or computer system) meets its untimely demise. Data loss can range from losing a few hours’ worth of writing to the downfall of an entire business, but in any case, it’s better to spend some time on a data backup than to deal with inconvenient data loss or catastrophic IT failure. [Read more…]

Phishing Scam Requests Credit Card Info, How to Stay Protected

Unfortunately, scammers are becoming more creative with their attempts to lure you out of your finances. Not only are scammers getting more creative, they are also outsmarting many internet users and getting them to hand over their credit card info. Some common fraudulent behavior includes a scammer using the name of a well-established company such as Microsoft to help establish some trust with the person being scammed.

A common fraud is sent in the form of an email. The email sender claims to be from Microsoft stating that your account is ‘blocked’ and can only be unblocked with a credit card number. The email is actually not from Microsoft. A way to keep yourself safe is to never give out any sort of personal information in an email like this. As a matter of fact, you should not even bother replying. It is best to report the email and contact Microsoft directly if you think there actually is a problem.

At Working Nets, we were founded to provide small businesses, like yours, with expert information technology support they needed. Our disaster recovery services help ensure your vital business data is kept safe and secure!

If you have any questions about Disaster Recovery, please contact Working Nets by calling (443) 992-7394 or visit WorkingNets.com today! You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+.



Disaster Recovery Horror Story #7: Lighting can Strike Twice…Sort of

We have heard all of the excuses before: “Disaster recovery is not important,” or “I can’t afford disaster recovery.” Not important? Can’t afford it? Did you know that 43% of companies that experience major data loss never recover? 51% close within 2 years. Not important? Stop making excuses and get with the times. You need a proper disaster recovery plan in place or you risk losing EVERYTHING if disaster strikes. Are you willing to take that gamble?

Disaster Recovery Horror Story #7: Lighting can Strike Twice…Sort of

Sometimes, even when you think you are doing everything right, something still goes wrong. And in the case study we are about to tell you, something goes terribly wrong…twice! The company did everything right. They backed up their data, tapes were stored offsite, and a restore was scheduled every 6 months. Everything was running smoothly. Then disaster struck.

Lighting struck the building, burning the computer building to the ground. Fortunately, the company’s insurance took care of the recovery costs, providing new servers, a generator, and a mobile building to house them in. All that was left was the backup tapes. A courier was dispatched and the tapes were on route. Then lighting struck again (figuratively).

The courier was in an accident en route to deliver the backup tapes. The courier was okay, but the backup tapes were not, crushed under the wheels of another vehicle. Fortunately, the company had other tapes, but they were a few days old.

They never did fully recover all of their lost data.

Disaster Recovery Services from Working Nets in Baltimore, Maryland

At Working Nets, we were founded to provide small businesses, like yours, with expert information technology support they needed. Our disaster recovery services help ensure your vital business data is kept safe and secure!

If you have any questions about Disaster Recovery, please contact Working Nets by calling (443) 992-7394 or visit WorkingNets.com today! You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+.

System Downtime costs Companies $366,363 annually. Fight Back!

Where did all the data go?

Shockingly, according to the 2012 Acronis Disaster Recovery Index survey, system downtime costs companies an average of $366,363 annually. The survery, which was conducted by the Ponemon Institute and data protection software developer Acronis, found that 86% of companies suffered costly downtime the year before, losing an average of 2.2 days annually. The primary culprits were…

  1. Human Error: 60% of respondents cited human error as the most common cause of downtime.
  2. Data Storage: 70% of respondents cited data storage and the moving of data between different physical, virtual and cloud environments as the biggest cause of downtime.

According to Continuity Software, a New York-based provider of service availability risk management solutions, data storage carries the biggest risk for data loss and costly downtime. The company found that…

  1. The primary cause of downtime and data loss in 58% of cases is storage.
  2. Servers come in second at 17%.
  3. Clusters account for 11%.
  4. Virtualization and the cloud, 9%.
  5. Databases round out the group at 5%.

What is perhaps most shocking is what follows. According to Continuity Software’s findings, 25% of downtime results in Response Time Objective (RTO) violations, which increase downtime. Why? According to Working Nets own David Spigelman, the primary culprit behind RTO violations could be fear.

“The first question the boss is going to ask is, ‘Why didn’t we have that covered?’” explained David. “And if you don’t have a good answer to that question, there’s a real fear that you should have.”

According to a 2011 EVault survey, 17% of IT decision makers would rather have their teeth pulled without painkillers than inform their bosses of critical data loss. And for good reason. Major data loss can be devastating for a business. Of companies that experience a major loss of business data 51% close within 2 years, while 43% never recover.

Do you want to know the secret to minimizing downtime and data loss? Be proactive! Having a disaster recovery and data backup system in place is the best way to minimize downtime and get your business back on track quickly.

Minimize Costly Downtime with Working Nets, your Virtual IT Department!

Downtime is a business owner’s worst nightmare.  This is why data protection and recovery is crucial. At Working Nets, we help ensure that your vital business data is kept secure if disaster strikes. We provide top-notch information technology services to companies who don’t require an IT department, but do need reliable assistance when challenges arise.

By reducing downtime, your office remains more productive and ultimately more profitable!

If you have any questions, please contact Working Nets by calling (443) 992-7394 or visit WorkingNets.com today!

Welcome to Working Nets – your virtual IT Department!

You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+.


6 Surprising Surveys About Causes And Effects Of System Downtime