
How to Backup Files on Your Computer

You never know when disaster can strike; a virus, a power outage, or personal mistakes can lead to deletion of necessary files.

It’s always a good thing to protect your files.  You never know when disaster can strike; a virus, a power outage, or personal mistakes can lead to deletion of necessary files.  So, when you’ve got them all backed up, you can rest assured that everything will stay perfectly safe, even when something terrible happens to your computer.  You can always replace a computer or download new programs, but files such as pictures, videos, and similar personal content can’t be replaced.  Read on to figure out how you can backup the files on your computer safely and efficiently.

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What to Do if Your Computer Doesn’t Connect to Wi-Fi

It can be stressful and annoying, but knowing how to fix the problem can help make it a little less of both. Here are some steps to take if you lose your internet connection or your computer won’t connect to Wi-Fi.

We have all been there—right as you are about to send an important email or finish a document online (okay, or watch the season finale of a show on Netflix), your computer suddenly won’t connect to the Wi-Fi. It can be stressful and annoying, but knowing how to fix the problem can help make it a little less of both. Here are some steps to take if you lose your internet connection or your computer won’t connect to Wi-Fi.

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How to Know if Your Motherboard is Dead

The motherboard is one of the central parts of your computer, so replacement should be put off unless it is completely necessary.

If your computer has been acting up, you might be concerned that your motherboard is malfunctioning or completely dead. The motherboard is one of the central parts of your computer, so replacement should be put off unless it is completely necessary. So, how can you tell if your motherboard is dead or just malfunctioning?

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5 Common Tech Questions and Their Answers

We specialize in making you feel comfortable asking these things and getting legitimate, easy-to-understand answers.

Sometimes, it can be scary to ask common computer questions out of fear of being judged.  We specialize in making you feel comfortable asking these things and getting legitimate, easy-to-understand answers.  We know that not everyone is all about computers.  So if you’ve been experiencing some of the following tech issues, don’t worry!  We can explain them to you and give you working solutions.

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