
The Most Successful Phishing Attempts to Be Aware Of

The Most Successful Phishing Attempts to Be Aware Of

Phishing attempts are becoming more sophisticated over time, and even professionals in the tech industry have fallen for the attempts. You are never too gullible or too knowledgeable to fall for a phishing attempt. Here are some of the most advanced and successful phishing methods that you should be aware of. [Read more…]

Technology Trends to Look Out For in 2018

The world of computers, smartphones, self-driving cars, and even storage and apps have been developing at lightning speed, so how will that develop next year?

As 2017 comes to a close, we wonder what staying on the cutting edge of technology will look like in 2018. The world of computers, smartphones, self-driving cars, and even storage and apps have been developing at lightning speed, so how will that develop next year? We hedge our bets on expanding artificial intelligence, continuing research on digitally enhanced reality, and perfecting digital twin technology. [Read more…]

How To Navigate Disaster Recovery

Disaster recovery plans are important to have in place.

IT services are a growing necessity in today’s world of technology. Especially with the amount of risks that could hinder a business, it’s imperative that protection and planning is produced for companies of all sizes. No matter what type of business it is, information technology is a critical component of daily functions. With that knowledge in mind, it’s astounding how many businesses do not have a disaster recovery plan in place. This is something that could easily translate to failure in the event of a crisis, and there are ways to plan for an emergency of this kind. [Read more…]

How To Save Power While Using Your Computer

The industry has devised a wide variety of useful techniques to help you in saving power, but you have to be consistent with them.

Computers basically run everything we do, whether it’s for personal or business use. The frustrating aspect is that the power behind them can easily fade in a short time. You’re using so much power when you navigate your computer, and it can be a legitimate concern toward your efficiency. The industry has devised a wide variety of useful techniques to help you in saving power, but you have to be consistent with them. It’s not just a one-time fix. These are tips that will advance the amount you conserve. [Read more…]

Effective Ways To Protect Your Computer

With the amount of information we put on the internet and the threats in the cyber security universe, it’s vital to know about self-protection.

In the world of technology, access is universal. With everything just a few clicks away, things are faster than ever, but they’re also more dangerous than ever before. It’s a bittersweet development, and it’s something we have to figure out. This accessibility makes it important to have the best security techniques. With the amount of information we put on the internet and the threats in the cyber security universe, it’s vital to know about self-protection. It’s imperative that you realize hacking can affect you. Too many people think it’s just something they see in the news and will never harm them, but you can’t have that mindset. [Read more…]

The Danger In Ignoring Software Updates

Ignoring software updates could prove to be costly.

Software updates are a given when it comes to the technology we most frequently use. They’re also a nuisance though, because nobody looks forward to the time it takes to install the software update. If you do choose to ignore these updates, it could potentially harm your computer in irreversible ways. Even if it’s just a small fix, updates are designed to make your computer less vulnerable. Foregoing the update can leave you susceptible to the cyber-criminals of the world. Before you choose to ignore the next software update you see, make sure you understand the consequences of that decision. [Read more…]

The Benefits of Windows 10

In technology, change is inevitable and usually, the most efficient way to complete your tasks is by updating your system.

Sometimes, after you’ve gotten used to working with a specific operating system it’s often difficult to find the motivation to change. You’ll have to learn new functions and find all your most used features all over again. In technology, change is inevitable and usually, the most efficient way to complete your tasks is by updating your system. For Windows users, Windows 10 serves as a further improvement on a design, and features many benefits that users will enjoy. [Read more…]

Tips To Improve Your Streaming Speed

If you are tired of waiting for videos to buffer, here are some of our best tips for improving your streaming speed.

Streaming speed is more important than ever, as businesses and homes rely on high-quality internet. Between tablets, desktop computers, laptops, televisions, and more, even good connections can undergo periods of strain. If you are tired of waiting for videos to buffer, here are some of our best tips for improving your streaming speed. [Read more…]

Why You Should Consistently Back Up Your Computer

One of the best ways to ensure that your computer is running in the most efficient manner possible is regular computer backups.

Backing up your computer is one of the things that we all know that we should be doing, but neglect to actually do. One of the best ways to ensure that your computer is running in the most efficient manner possible is regular computer backups. Why are computer backups so important, and what can happen if you aren’t getting yours done? [Read more…]

5 Ways to Make Your Computer (and Life) Run Faster

If you are struggling with a slow computer, here are five easy ways to make your computer run faster.

When your computer is running slowly, it slows everything down. A slow computer can prevent you from getting a work assignment done on time, meeting an important deadline or cause you a lot of frustration throughout the day. If you are struggling with a slow computer, here are five easy ways to make your computer run faster. [Read more…]