
The Benefits of Windows 10

In technology, change is inevitable and usually, the most efficient way to complete your tasks is by updating your system.

Sometimes, after you’ve gotten used to working with a specific operating system it’s often difficult to find the motivation to change. You’ll have to learn new functions and find all your most used features all over again. In technology, change is inevitable and usually, the most efficient way to complete your tasks is by updating your system. For Windows users, Windows 10 serves as a further improvement on a design, and features many benefits that users will enjoy. [Read more…]

Why Are Windows 10 Updates Coming So Slowly?

Windows 10 updates are mandatory and forced, whether you want them to happen or not. And they’re happening more infrequently.

Windows 10 owners know by now that updates to the OS are being released much slower than Microsoft has done so in the past.  Remember when a tiny popup would show at the bottom of your screen, asking you to update, and you always selected for it to update in four hours?  That’s gone, now.  Updates are mandatory and forced, whether you want them to happen or not.  And they’re happening more infrequently.  Read on to find out why.

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Why You Should Never Ignore a Software Update

Computers, phones, and even game systems all go through frequent software updates that interrupt our time or our work. It’s incredibly inconvenient–but also entirely necessary.

With almost every device, software updates are a nuisance for many people.  Computers, phones, and even game systems all go through frequent software updates that interrupt our time or our work.  It’s incredibly inconvenient–but also entirely necessary.  If you’ve been ignoring that software update for your phone or computer, now’s the time to get it started.  Not convinced that software updates are important?  Read on.

Why is Windows 10 Worth Your Time?

Whether you already updated your computer to Windows 10 or you have been putting off the installation, it gets an unfair bad reputation amongst Windows users.

Whether you already updated your computer to Windows 10 and are regretting your decision or you have been putting off the installation for almost a year and half, Windows 10 gets an unfair bad reputation amongst Windows users. As of now, Windows 10 is running on less than half the number of Microsoft PCs that are running Windows 7, and the usage rate is not increasing much from month to month. Why should you upgrade your computer to Windows 10 and what’s all the fuss about?

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Kindle is Crashing Windows 10 Anniversary Users

Recently, Windows 10 underwent an update called the Windows 10 Anniversary update. Those who have updated are reporting problems when they plug in their Kindle.

Though, to be fair, it’s probably not Kindle’s fault.  Recently, Windows 10 underwent an update called the Windows 10 Anniversary update.  Those who have updated are reporting problems when they plug in their Kindle to charge or to transfer books.  The issue appears to be widespread.  Is it affecting you?  There may be a few ways to work around it.

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One Keyboard Shortcut You Should be Using

Keyboard shortcuts can make it easier to work with your PC.

Keyboard shortcuts are combinations of two or more keys that you can use to perform a task that would typically require a mouse or other pointing device. Keyboard shortcuts can make it easier to work with your PC, saving you time and effort as you work with Windows and other apps. But the recent update to Windows 10 has changed some of those time-honored keyboard shortcuts (and added some new ones!) So here is one of the most useful keyboard shortcuts for multitasking: Window Snapping!

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Windows 10 is Finally Here!


Windows 10 is shaping up to be a decent OS.

That’s right folks, Windows 10 has finally made its debut. There was a lot of hype for Microsoft’s new operating system, so the question is whether or not the hype was misplaced. Some of the features we will be talking about today are Cortana and the Edge browser, Microsoft’s replacement for Internet Explorer. It would seem that Windows 10 is actually quite attractive and, so far, pleasant to use. That’s just one opinion though, so try it and see for yourself. Are you ready to learn more about the Windows 10 user experience? Let’s do it! [Read more…]

We’ve got the rundown on Windows 10

Is Windows 10 right for you?

Microsoft is coming out with a hot new operating system (OS) called Windows 10. As with any new OS, you need to get the rundown so that you know what you’re getting yourself into before you invest. That’s why we’re here with the facts so that you can decide whether or not Windows 10 is right for you. Ready to learn more? Well, here we go! [Read more…]