
Why Are Windows 10 Updates Coming So Slowly?

Windows 10 updates are mandatory and forced, whether you want them to happen or not. And they’re happening more infrequently.

Windows 10 owners know by now that updates to the OS are being released much slower than Microsoft has done so in the past.  Remember when a tiny popup would show at the bottom of your screen, asking you to update, and you always selected for it to update in four hours?  That’s gone, now.  Updates are mandatory and forced, whether you want them to happen or not.  And they’re happening more infrequently.  Read on to find out why.

Being Cautious


The team at Microsoft has been burned by frequent updates in the past.  Those who don’t prefer them find updates annoying and troublesome, and those who wanted faster updates saw that few bugs were being corrected.  Microsoft wishes to push out 10 updates when they are polished and fix more than a few issues.  For this reason, updates are infrequent.


Will it Improve?


The short answer?  Yes.  You may have noticed that the Anniversary update took hours on some computers.  This isn’t good for business, and frustrates customers who don’t have time.  Wasting a good portion of your workday waiting for Windows to update is never helpful.  So, Microsoft is aiming to have several updates per month instead.  This will help satisfy customers who are frustrated with long, spaced updates.  Hopefully, Microsoft will stay true to its word, and you won’t sit during your workday waiting on your computer.


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