
Why is Windows 10 Worth Your Time?

Whether you already updated your computer to Windows 10 or you have been putting off the installation, it gets an unfair bad reputation amongst Windows users.

Whether you already updated your computer to Windows 10 and are regretting your decision or you have been putting off the installation for almost a year and half, Windows 10 gets an unfair bad reputation amongst Windows users. As of now, Windows 10 is running on less than half the number of Microsoft PCs that are running Windows 7, and the usage rate is not increasing much from month to month. Why should you upgrade your computer to Windows 10 and what’s all the fuss about?

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Verizon Buys Yahoo at a Nearly Pathetic Price…But Why?

AOL stayed in the past, and that’s why they were bought out. But Yahoo? Verizon just bought them for $4.8 billion.

Last year, Verizon showed its financial superiority by buying out AOL at $4.4 billion.  America Online used to be one of the great monoliths of the internet, back in the days when there were about three functional internet browsers to choose from.  We probably all remember that tell-tale dial up noise and, “You’ve got mail!”  But as time moved on, AOL became essentially obsolete as it was replaced with bigger and better versions of its features.  AOL stayed in the past, and that’s why they were bought out.  But Yahoo?  Verizon just bought them for $4.8 billion.  These two internet giants have been reduced to just under ten billion dollars.  So, what’s Verizon doing with them?

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Union Budget 2016: What it Means for the IT Industry

Do you know what the Union Budget means for the IT Industry?

It is true that the IT industry had many hopes for the Union Budget 2016-17, and many in the industry have found it lacking, however, there are still numerous aspects of it worth talking about, as they will greatly affect the information technology industry. In order to properly understand these adjustments and what they will mean for the IT industry globally, read on. [Read more…]