
The Benefits of Windows 10

In technology, change is inevitable and usually, the most efficient way to complete your tasks is by updating your system.

Sometimes, after you’ve gotten used to working with a specific operating system it’s often difficult to find the motivation to change. You’ll have to learn new functions and find all your most used features all over again. In technology, change is inevitable and usually, the most efficient way to complete your tasks is by updating your system. For Windows users, Windows 10 serves as a further improvement on a design, and features many benefits that users will enjoy.

An Improved Experience

Many people who used the Windows 8 operating system often complained about the experience not being very user-friendly. All its functions weren’t easily accessible and people just didn’t enjoy the colors and layout in general. Windows 10 addresses those concerns by bringing back the Start menu, toning down the look, and optimizing your desktop space. It’s also much faster. You’ll immediately notice the added advantage of moving around the program with much more ease and speed.

Added Features

Cortana is here to assist you. She is Microsoft’s answer to Apple’s Siri and is a functional tool that will help you navigate the system by setting alarms, reminders, and answering general web-based questions. Other efficient Windows 10 features include the option to print as a pdf and a useful clutter folder that helps keep your email inbox clear and manageable. In addition, a background app manager allows you to decide what apps are actively running in the background while you’re using your computer.

Enhanced Security

With every update that we add to our devices, the importance of stepping up security becomes that much more prevalent. As technology advances, threats to our personal data also become more sophisticated. Using an updated system that is equipped to address advanced threats is key to protecting our personal information. Windows 10 features native security protection, including an antivirus software called Windows Defender as well as Windows Firewall.

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Working Nets is IT without the ego. We offer technological help and top-notch service without making you feel out of the loop or left behind. Even today’s top technology professionals still have issues with their gadgets and software sometimes, so don’t be afraid to ask for help if and when you need it! Our specialty is helping you understand the pieces of technology you use in simple ways. By outsourcing your information technology to us (and letting us do the network design planning), we will make sure that your company is up to date and safe, because technology never sleeps. Interested in finding out more about our services? Give us a call at (443) 992-7394 or visit us online. For more technology tips, follow us on Facebook,Twitter, Google+, and LinkedIn.