
The Danger In Ignoring Software Updates

Ignoring software updates could prove to be costly.

Software updates are a given when it comes to the technology we most frequently use. They’re also a nuisance though, because nobody looks forward to the time it takes to install the software update. If you do choose to ignore these updates, it could potentially harm your computer in irreversible ways. Even if it’s just a small fix, updates are designed to make your computer less vulnerable. Foregoing the update can leave you susceptible to the cyber-criminals of the world. Before you choose to ignore the next software update you see, make sure you understand the consequences of that decision. [Read more…]

3 Malware Threats You Need To Be Aware Of

Malware is malicious software which can be introduced to your computer in the form of a worm, virus, logic bomb, Trojan horse, rootkit, or spyware.

Most of us live either all day or most of our day connected to the internet, which is what makes protecting your devices and data from malware so important. If you are not exactly a tech geek, and aren’t even quite sure what malware consists of, do not worry. At Working Nets, we can help. Malware is malicious software which can be introduced to your computer in the form of a worm, virus, logic bomb, Trojan horse, rootkit, or spyware. Here are 3 malware threats you should know about.

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Ransomware: A Disturbing New Trend in Cybersecurity

A recent rash of ransomware attacks on hospitals has shown the need for strong cybersecurity measures even at places not normally considered a high-value target for hackers. While ransomware isn’t new technology, its use as a tool for extortion is on the rise.

Ransomware locks you out of your data unless you agree to a hacker’s demands. Working Nets can help protect your business and customers.

What is Ransomware?

Ransomware is a type of malware that blocks access to vital software or data, requiring a key or piece of code to unlock. It’s commonly used by hackers to extort their target — if you pay the hacker’s ransom, they’ll give you the key and you’ll be able to access your software or data. It’s been used recently in high-profile attacks against hospitals, banks and individuals. [Read more…]

Keeping your Network Protected: A quick guide

Worried about your network?

We’ve all heard of computer viruses and people trying to infiltrate our systems, but how exactly do you keep people and bad programs out? Well, there are a couple of sure fire ways to protect your system that will also help to protect your business. If you have an ecommerce website or conduct any sort of financial business online, then protecting your network is absolutely essential. Let’s find out how you can do that. Ready? Here we go! [Read more…]

Should you Worry About your Mobile Device Getting a Virus?

Is malware lurking on your mobile device?

We’ve talked a little about how to tell whether or not your PC has a virus, but what about your personal or company phone? You may not have thought much about this, but it warrants a little bit of your time. After all, if you use a company phone, or even a personal phone, for your job then your information might be at risk. That’s why Working Nets is here to give you the rundown on phone viruses so that your business can stay safe. Let’s go over the facts. [Read more…]

Watch Out For “Regin” Malware

At Working Nets, we know that staying on top of the latest in emerging security threats while running a small business can seem impossible. That’s why we’re here with updates on significant developments in the field of cyber security and their implications for your business. While many pieces of malware originate from abroad, this latest technological threat is home-grown, from the United States government as a matter-of-fact. Known as “Regin,” this piece of spyware, recently discovered by security firm Symatec, has been spying on international businesses for at least 6 years.

What is Regin?

Regin is a type of malware known as a Trojan, which is defined as a non-replicating piece of malware which disguises itself as a benign or useful program and typically opens a back door through which a third party can steal data and manipulate the infected computer.

Symantec has described Regin as “a complex piece of malware whose structure displays a degree of technical competence rarely seen.” This highly elusive and versatile piece of malware uses a structure typically employed for long-term intelligence-gathering. Regin has been found observing government organizations, infrastructure operators, businesses, academics, and individuals, collecting massive amount of data for years.

The largest percentage of targets infected with Regin have been small businesses and private individuals, the vast majority of whom are located in Saudi Arabia and Russia, but has also been seen found in Mexico, Ireland, India, Afghanistan, Iran, Belgium, Austria, and Pakistan.

How Does It Work?

With a highly modifiable structure, Regin can inject custom features and software into a target. It then follows up with a five-stage decrypting process delivering valuable information and complete access to a remotely connected host.

Where is Regin From?

Symantec’s initial assessment stated that “The development and operation of this malware would have required a significant investment of time and resources, indicating that a nation state is responsible.” Recent reports have shown strong evidence indicating that Regin can be traced to U.S. and U.K. officials, like the much maligned Stuxnet malware.

What Does Regin Mean for My Small Business?

The revelations about the extensive length of time and breadth of focus of Regin illustrate that the largest cyber-security threats facing businesses do not come from small-time independent hackers, but by vast, highly organized, and well-funded government organizations. Threats may come from any direction, within our borders, or globally, and staying prepared and in the know about cyber security is paramount to your businesses success.

Keep Your Private Information Secure with Working Nets

Outsourcing your IT can give you peace of mind and allow you to take care of the things that are important for your company. Working Nets is a Maryland based IT Service and Security company that services businesses nationwide. We’re always on top of emerging cyber security trends and threats so you don’t have to be.

To talk to someone about managed IT for your business, give us a call at (443) 992-7394. We’d be happy to assist you with your professional business networking needs.

You can also visit WorkingNets.com and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+

WireLurker: A New Kind of Security Threat for the iOS

Apple devices have long lorded their comparable lack of malware over their Windows competitors. However a new cyber security threat, dubbed WireLurker, may signal a coming change in the iOS’s fortunes. Working Nets, one of Maryland’s leading cyber security providers, is here with the details on why this malware is particularly dangerous for iOS devices.

What is WireLurker? What Makes it Dangerous?

WireLurker is a piece of malware, originating in China on some 500 infected apps on the unofficial Maiyadi app store, which has already infected close to 400,000 iOS devices. More importantly, WireLurker is the first known malware to target non-jailbroken iOS devices. Previously malware on the iOS was confined to users who jailbroke (disconnecting their operating system from Apple’s network and disabling limitations on installing unauthorized software) their phone, meaning that most consumers of Apple products had a very high degree of guaranteed security. The discovery of WireLurker could herald an onslaught of malware directed at iOS devices belonging to anyone.

How Does WireLurker Work?

WireLurker makes its way onto a device through infected malware downloaded from an app store or the internet, from there it infects the iOS of that machine, and makes its way to others by installing rogue apps whenever an infected device is connected via USB to an uninfected one. The original WireLurker malware made its way onto such a large number of devices because it was hidden inside seemingly legitimate applications, including illegitimate versions of highly successful games like The Sims 3 and Angry Birds.

What Does WireLurker Do?

WireLurker like most malware is used for data collection. What’s especially unusual is what data the malware seems to be interested in collecting. Most malware gathers up as much personal data as it can handle but WireLurker has only been observed identifying device owners, leading some to speculate that it was being used by the Chinese government to root out the identity of software pirates. However the amateurish nature of WireLurker’s distribution has made most cyber security experts skeptical of that assertion.

Keep All Your iOS Devices Secure With Working Nets

Keeping up with the latest cyber security threats can be exhausting, especially if you’re already running your own business. Outsourcing your IT can give you peace of mind and allow you to take care of the things that are important for your company. Working Nets is a Maryland based IT Service and Security company that services businesses nationwide. We’re always on top of emerging cybersecurity trends and threats so you don’t have to be.

To talk to someone about managed IT for your business, give us a call at (443) 992-7394. We’d be happy to assist you with your professional business networking needs.

You can also visit WorkingNets.com and follow us on FacebookTwitterLinkedIn and Google+

Outsourcing IT to Prevent Cyber Crime

Malware and spyware are a big problem in a world that relies so heavily on technology. Many businesses have the option for buying items online or use some type of server whenever you shop with a credit card. Those who shop with Target or eBay learned about that the hard way in the past year when both companies were breached by hackers. 15 million new malware strains were discovered in the first quarter of 2014 alone. Protecting yourself from malware and spyware has never been more important than it is right now, especially for small businesses. Luckily, we have the answer.

How Does Outsourcing IT Help Protect You?

Let’s start with some figures. The good news is that America is not in the top 10 countries for being the most-malware infected. The bad news is that we’re not in the bottom 10, either. Many computers still get infected with common types of malware, such as Trojans, worms, and viruses. One of the best ways for small businesses to avoid dealing with these problems on company computers is to get anti-virus software and enable firewalls. These are only as good as their updates, though. If users aren’t on top of anti-virus updates and know exactly what types of malware and viruses are prevalent at the time, there’s not much they can do to protect themselves. It’s a lot of work to keep up with all of the malware and spyware on the Internet today. Outsource IT companies make it their business to know what’s going on and how to prevent problems. When you outsource your IT, your network becomes safer and so does all of the information on it.

How Can I Protect My Company from Malware?

There are a few things that you can do to help. The first and most important thing is to learn about what malware is and what it does. The more you know, the better you can fight it. Educate your employees on what is and isn’t safe on the Internet. By outsourcing your IT, you can also block certain sites from employee computers in order to decrease the likelihood of visiting sites that have malware. Doing so will help with computer safety and security as well as productivity. The main thing to take away is to find out everything you can about malware and talk to someone about outsourcing your computer security to a company that exists to protect your company!

Welcome to Working Nets – your virtual IT Department!

At Working Nets, we know that the idea of having your computer hacked is a scary one. Nobody wants to think that their information is out there for everyone to see. Call us today to find out more about anti-virus and anti-spyware software as well as outsourcing your IT. You can reach us at (443) 992-7394 or visit WorkingNets.com today for more information!

You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+.

Source: PandaSecurity


Keep an Eye Out for “Ransomware”

You’ve heard of malware and spyware by now, and you likely have a good idea of how to protect your computer from malicious programs that can take information right off of your computer and share it with hackers. This week we’re talking about a specific type of malware, and a pretty vicious one at that. The creators of ransomware of not only hack your computer, but they’ve also developed a sneaky way to get money from you (you know, or your credit card number). In order to get control of your computer back, you have to pay them a ransom of $300. Sound pretty awful? It is. It’s also almost impossible to stop.

The most recent and powerful piece of ransomware is brought to us by Cryptolocker. Basically what this does is use a “botnet” (network of hijacked computers) to spread viruses to multiple computers. The FBI did try to shut Cryptolocker down, but their methods weren’t exactly flawless or foolproof. They seized Cryptolocker’s servers and replaced them with FBI servers. The problem is that the actual ransomware is still around. It just needs to be updated. Hackers are smart enough to figure out a way to start distributing the malware again. All they have to do is switch their method of delivery. While this may be a minor setback, it’s not going to be enough to actually stop them entirely. It’s just a bump in the road, especially when you consider that the people behind Cryptolocker have already managed to collect 4 million dollars in the span of nine months. It’s a dangerous “get rich quick” scheme that’s spawning a malware trend amongst hackers everywhere.

The problem isn’t just affecting Americans, but is a worldwide problem that is only growing. The moral of the story is to take precautions. Once ransomware is on your computer, you’re not going to be able to get it off without either paying the fine or losing the entirety of your files. And we really don’t suggest paying these criminals. Protect yourself.

  • Only open email from reputable sources and never click links that take you to outside pages unless you trust the site and have done some research.
  • Make sure that your firewall is up and running. It’s also advisable to have anti-malware and anti-spyware programs installed on your computer.
  • Do not click on pop ups and be careful about who you let use your computer. Make sure it’s someone you trust and someone who knows the precautions as well as you do.

Internet safety is important for avoiding being a victim of ransomware. Call us today to find out more about anti-virus and anti-spyware software as well as outsourcing your IT. You can reach us at (443) 992-7394 or visit WorkingNets.com today for more information!

Welcome to Working Nets – your virtual IT Department!

You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+.

Source: Money.CNN

How to Avoid Viruses and Spyware

Computers house the most important information for your business. Technology has taken over the business world entirely; people rarely have paper copies of anything anymore. One of the scariest things imaginable for a company is being hacked or getting a virus that causes you to lose all of the data on your computer. Spyware actually allows hackers to see what information is on your computer. Think of all the different files you have – financial statements, documents that have sensitive meeting information on them, private client information, and more. If you find yourself hacked or lose all of your important information, it could seriously set your company back. The following tips will help you avoid spyware and viruses.

  • Anti-virus and anti-spyware protection – There are many software companies that offer virus and spyware protection for your computer. You should always do your research on the software that you choose to make sure that it’s going to offer comprehensive protection. It’s also important to check for software updates so that you know your computer is continuously protected.
  • Use Internet common sense – The Internet was first introduced to the public in 1991, meaning we’ve had the opportunity to work with it and learn about it for almost 23 years now. Those who have been using the Internet for that length of time have a decent idea of what causes viruses and spyware to show up on their computers: clicking on suspicious links and popups number one among them. Make sure that you trust the source for any link that you click on.
  • Check every day – You should have you protection run a scan for viruses and spyware every day. The sooner you discover a problem with your computer, the less likely you are to sustain permanent damage to the hard drive. Shut down a problem as soon as it comes up. Knowing about something is the first step to taking care of the problem.
  • Outsource your IT – Outsourcing your IT gives you a group of computer savvy people at your fingertips. They can give you all the tips and tricks you need for keeping your computer safe from spyware and viruses  while making sure that your system is entirely up to date. Hiring a company to take care of your IT needs can actually save you money and worry.

At Working Nets, we know that the idea of having your computer hacked is a scary one. Nobody wants to think that their information is out there for everyone to see. Call us today to find out more about anti-virus and anti-spyware software as well as outsourcing your IT. You can reach us at (443) 992-7394 or visit WorkingNets.com today for more information!

Welcome to Working Nets – your virtual IT Department!

You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+.

Source: Tech Republic