
Effective IT security & disaster preparedness

IT Disaster Recovery. Is your information technology system prepared to handle large and small IT security disasters? In business we use information technology to improve the information process of business operations. This improvement of the information process can speed up electronic mail and make business telecommunication more reliable and accurate. This is possible when your company’s IT security system has a disaster preparedness strategy for your servers to process information and store large data even in a situation where office computers, laptops and wireless devices IT systems stop properly operating.

With an effective IT security and disaster recovery plan, your employees will have the opportunity to create data, process it, fully manage your IT system and successfully communicate business information even during circumstance of system down time. By having an IT security and disaster recovery plan, you will meet business needs and recovery no matter  what has impacted your data. It is important to have an IT security and disaster recovery plan because some business data security cannot be left to chance. For vital data, your business relies on quality information technology to maintain a steady business. When you do not prepare for IT disasters, you will leave your business vulnerable to major data loss, hardware failure, malware problems and hackers.

IT disaster preparedness will make sure your IT systems have excellent connectivity and very consistent with your business objectives, functions and processes. You can only access these thing with the analysis of your business IT needs and the impact IT systems have on your business.  Having  a disaster preparedness plan for your IT security systems, you can secure your technology with a back up power supply, external data storage, secure software applications or cloud data and restoration applications. This is especially a great option for companies where downtime toleration is not feasible.

Under intolerable downtime situations,  it is best to have critical data stored or backed up off-site. Or you can you utilize hot sites to store your hardware and software data. You can do this with Working Nets, enhance your IT security. As a good business leader, it is your job to prepare your company for IT disaster but also know how to positively respond to unpredictable IT issues, such as loss of access , data or applications. From retail stores to hotel chains, a business needs a good IT security and disaster preparedness plan. Don’t let bad IT events be the reason your business shuts down.

Working Nets can provide you regular backup and the appropriate remote access for your IT security solutions. We are here to help your business become more productive and meet individual job requirements  with risk and threat analysis, training your staff on the most effective IT disaster solutions.

Do you need help with improving your computer security or IT issues?

We can help you out. When you’ve got an issue, or you’re ready to update your software, give us a call! We can help you get your computers and networks up to speed with the latest and greatest software. There’s no need to struggle in silence. Call one of the leading IT management businesses in your area and get the answers you need.  Outsourcing your IT can give you peace of mind and allow you to take care of the things that are important for your company. To talk to someone about managed IT for your business, give us a call at (443) 992-7394.

We’d be happy to assist you with your professional business networking needs. Working Nets is a Maryland based IT Service and Security company that services small businesses nationwide. Contact us to find out how we can be of cyber-service to you! You can also visit WorkingNets.com and follow us on FacebookTwitterLinkedIn and Google+.

WireLurker: A New Kind of Security Threat for the iOS

Apple devices have long lorded their comparable lack of malware over their Windows competitors. However a new cyber security threat, dubbed WireLurker, may signal a coming change in the iOS’s fortunes. Working Nets, one of Maryland’s leading cyber security providers, is here with the details on why this malware is particularly dangerous for iOS devices.

What is WireLurker? What Makes it Dangerous?

WireLurker is a piece of malware, originating in China on some 500 infected apps on the unofficial Maiyadi app store, which has already infected close to 400,000 iOS devices. More importantly, WireLurker is the first known malware to target non-jailbroken iOS devices. Previously malware on the iOS was confined to users who jailbroke (disconnecting their operating system from Apple’s network and disabling limitations on installing unauthorized software) their phone, meaning that most consumers of Apple products had a very high degree of guaranteed security. The discovery of WireLurker could herald an onslaught of malware directed at iOS devices belonging to anyone.

How Does WireLurker Work?

WireLurker makes its way onto a device through infected malware downloaded from an app store or the internet, from there it infects the iOS of that machine, and makes its way to others by installing rogue apps whenever an infected device is connected via USB to an uninfected one. The original WireLurker malware made its way onto such a large number of devices because it was hidden inside seemingly legitimate applications, including illegitimate versions of highly successful games like The Sims 3 and Angry Birds.

What Does WireLurker Do?

WireLurker like most malware is used for data collection. What’s especially unusual is what data the malware seems to be interested in collecting. Most malware gathers up as much personal data as it can handle but WireLurker has only been observed identifying device owners, leading some to speculate that it was being used by the Chinese government to root out the identity of software pirates. However the amateurish nature of WireLurker’s distribution has made most cyber security experts skeptical of that assertion.

Keep All Your iOS Devices Secure With Working Nets

Keeping up with the latest cyber security threats can be exhausting, especially if you’re already running your own business. Outsourcing your IT can give you peace of mind and allow you to take care of the things that are important for your company. Working Nets is a Maryland based IT Service and Security company that services businesses nationwide. We’re always on top of emerging cybersecurity trends and threats so you don’t have to be.

To talk to someone about managed IT for your business, give us a call at (443) 992-7394. We’d be happy to assist you with your professional business networking needs.

You can also visit WorkingNets.com and follow us on FacebookTwitterLinkedIn and Google+

Baltimore Tech News: Third Major IT Security Flaw Discovered This Year

According to the Chinese zodiac were in the year of the Horse, but IT professionals are starting to see it as the year of the bug. With Heartbleed and Shellshock IT security has had a tough enough time keeping up with emerging security threats, but now there’s a new bug on the horizon: Poodle. Working nets is here with the details on this new IT security threat and what you can do to combat it and keep your Baltimore business safe.

So What is Poodle?

Poodle, an acronym which stands for Padding Oracle On Downloaded Legacy Encryption, was discovered, like the Heartbleed and Shellshock vulnerabilities, in a 15 year old technology: SSL 3.0, which stands for Secure Socket Layer 3.0, is a technology that is widely used today to encrypt a user’s browsing session, particularly if they are using a public network or device. The Poodle vulnerability presents the potential for hackers to observe and even hijack a browsing session, taking control of somone’s online banking, email, or social networking accounts. Three IT security researchers at Google announced the discovery of the Poodle vulnerability last month.

How Dangerous Is Poodle?

In response to the announcement the OpenSSL Project,  developers of the most used SSL applications, advised makers of web-browsers to disable support for SSL 3.0. IT security experts seem to agree that Poodle is much less of a threat than Heartbleed or Shellshock, in large part because SSL has been largely superseded by a newer security protocol called TLS. Additionally to pull off an attack the victim must be actively browsing on the same network at the same time as an attacker, giving Poodle a much smaller window of vulnerability.

How Can I Stay Safe?

To be safe, make sure your browser is up to date and not using SSL 3.0. If this is impossible, stay away from using a public network, or network that unfamiliar users can log on to, while conducting secure transactions, managing sensitive emails, or other information that you wouldn’t want others seeing. To make sure your Baltimore company’s sensitive data is being protected, consider outsourcing your IT security to a dedicated professional.

Working Nets

Staying on top of everything can be a hassle, especially if you’re already running your own Baltimore business. Outsourcing your IT can give you peace of mind and allow you to take care of the things that are important for your company.

To talk to someone about managed IT for your small Baltimore business, give us a call at (443) 992-7394. We’d be happy to assist you with your professional business networking needs.

You can also visit WorkingNets.com and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+

Why Do Companies Keep Being Hacked?

Based on the frequency of companies getting hacked, you would think that there are no security systems currently in place. Recent companies that have been hacked include Snapchat, Kickstarter, Tinder, Target and Neiman Marcus. The motives of the hackers are understood, to make a lot of money in a short period of time without doing a lot of work. But why aren’t these hackings being prevented.

The answer is simple, certain hackings take place because not everyone goes the full length to protect their account. If someone chooses a simple password over a complex one, it increases their chances of being hacked. Here are some tips for creating a secure password.

Additionally, security should always be a priority when it comes to creating a website, store, app. But that is not always the case. Companies are more focused on delivering an app than delivering an app and protecting you at the same time. Security isn’t the first thing on a developers mind. What needs to be done is that security is integrated into stage one of planning something. Security has to be integrated in the beginning to really be effective.

Unfortunately, when companies lack important security features, the users end up getting the short end of the stick. For a consumer, the best way to protect your data is to continue making secure passwords.

Welcome to Working Nets – your virtual IT Department in Baltimore!

At Working Nets in Baltimore, we support your business by providing top-notch Information Technology (I.T.) services to companies like yours: Companies that don’t need full-time I.T. services, but do need someone to turn to, when they are having a problem. We provide services like Network Design, Monitoring and Maintenance. We troubleshoot technical issues when they arise, and give you options for solving them. We help you use your technology investment to achieve your business goals.

At Working Nets, our focus is on your needs!

You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+.

Olympic-Themed Internet Phishing Scams :: Cybersecurity Tips

Every four years, the best athletes gather from around the globe to compete in the Olympics. Unfortunately, the Olympics also provide Internet scammers with a new outlet to try and phish information from unsuspecting and trustworthy individuals.

What is Phishing?

Phishing refers to attempting to acquire personal information – such as usernames, passwords, and credit card information – and money by masquerading as a trustworthy entity.

Olympic-Themed Phishing Scams

  • London 2012 Ticketing Team: This phishing scam sees scammers pose as ticketing officials offering unsuspecting individuals with an once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to purchase Olympic tickets that have been made available because of a previous bidder’s inability to pay for them. However, unlike the previous bidder, you are expected to pay upfront. This is why the original email is followed by a phone call asking for credit card information.
  • London Olympic Cash Officer: Unsuspecting individuals are sent an email from the “London Olympic Cash Officer” stating that the recipient has been randomly selected to receive a cash prize of 1.6 million GBP. However, to receive the payment the individual must provide personal information.
  • Dr. Beavis: Unsuspecting individuals are sent an email (signed by Dr. Beavis) stating that they, along with 6 other individuals, have been randomly selected as the winners of 7 million GBP. And, of course, they must provide personal information to claim their prize.
  • You are needed … Get Back to Us: Unsuspecting individuals are sent an email headed “You are needed … Get Back to Us.” It informs the recipient that they are needed to participate in the Olympics as a coordinator or event staffer. The individual is then directed to a site where they must input personal information and provide payment for the placement services.
  • Ring Steward: Unsuspecting individuals are sent an email (or letter) informing them that they have been selected to be a ring steward in the Olympics. Recipients are asked to call a phone number for additional details. And guess what? They are then asked to provide personal information.
  • Text Message Scams: Yep, phishing scams can include text messages, as well. This phishing scam involves a text message stating that the recipient has won 300,000 pounds in the London 2012 lottery. Recipients are then asked to call a phone number and provide personal information to claim their prize.

And this is just the beginning!

If you have any questions about Internet Phishing Scams and IT Security, please contact Working Nets by calling (443) 992-7394 or visit WorkingNets.com today!

Welcome to Working Nets – your virtual IT Department!

At Working Nets, we support your business by providing top-notch Information Technology (I.T.) services to companies like yours: Companies that don’t need full-time I.T. services, but do need someone to turn to, when they are having a problem. We provide services like Network Design, Monitoring and Maintenance. We troubleshoot technical issues when they arise, and give you options for solving them. We help you use your technology investment to achieve your business goals.

At Working Nets, our focus is on your needs!

You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+.


10 Olympics-Themed Phishing Scams To Avoid At All Costs