
Keeping your Network Protected: A quick guide

Worried about your network?

We’ve all heard of computer viruses and people trying to infiltrate our systems, but how exactly do you keep people and bad programs out? Well, there are a couple of sure fire ways to protect your system that will also help to protect your business. If you have an ecommerce website or conduct any sort of financial business online, then protecting your network is absolutely essential. Let’s find out how you can do that. Ready? Here we go! [Read more…]

Don’t Let Customer Service Suffer: Use Troubleshooting!

No matter what kind of business you run, the quality of customer service is always going to be foremost in your mind. Your customers and clients are the primary reason behind your company’s success, and so it is important that they are met with nothing less than the highest quality service available. But when things go wrong with your technology and customers are met with error messages and blank screens, they start to feel less and less like they are receiving good service. What is the solution? Troubleshooting services!

 Troubleshooting Identifies Issues Quickly

Whether your network is experiencing a minor glitch or a full-on outage, any size issue can have a negative impact on the quality of your customer’s experience with your company. If they go to your webpage expecting to be able to easily access their account, shopping cart, or other information, and they cannot, then they may call in their complaints, or worse, leave your site for that of a competitor company! Network failures and issues lead to lost business, but not to worry. With troubleshooting services from Working Nets, you have a reliable, knowledgeable resource to contact to talk you through the various things that may have gone wrong with your system. Our IT specialists are well-versed in the different kinds of networks and the problems that usually plague them. With this knowledge, they can quickly identify the issue and are able to provide a customized solution that will have your site up and running as it should be as soon as possible!

Oftentimes, businesses wait until they are facing down a network issue to seek help, but this is not an effective strategy. While troubleshooting can help you identify issues in the moment, routine network maintenance is the key to developing a system that will always function as you intended it to. This means that your customer services, not to mention your bottom line, will not suffer as a result of technological troubles!

To talk to someone about troubleshooting for your small business, give us a call at (443) 992-7394. We’d be happy to assist you with your professional business networking needs.

You can also visit WorkingNets.com and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+

Data Breaches: What Causes Them and How Can I Stay Protected?

With all of the vital, private information stored in your network, protecting yourself from data breaches is one of the most important aspects of your business. But in order to prevent data breaches, you first need to learn what exactly causes them. They are blamed on a number of different things: are they a system malfunction, or are they human error? Read on to find out Working Nets’ take on data breaches and what you can do to shield yourself from them.

 Do Employees Contribute to Data Breaches?

According to the 2011 Cost of Data Breach Study, 39 percent of organizations could cite negligence on the part of employees as the cause of their data breaches. If an employee of your company is either unaware of how to prevent data breaches or they go about instigating a data breach themselves, much of your valuable information could be put into jeopardy. One of the reasons that employee data breaches have become more and more prevalent is due to the changing nature of technology. Cloud computing networks and mobile devices mean that employees can now gain access to company information away from the safely monitored in-office network.

Another leading cause of data breaches is the more familiar method of a hacking attack. By targeting your network, hackers can infiltrate your data system and steal important information, including credit card information, personal identification numbers, and email passwords. The breakdown of which industries experience what type of data breach falls into clear categories: non-financial businesses (i.e. healthcare groups) experience higher levels of employee data breaches, while financial institutions more often experience outside hacking attacks.

So how can you work to protect your network from a severe data breach? IT experts from Working Nets can create a data protection solution customized for the exact nature of your network. Being prepared for an impending breach is the best line of defense, and a well-maintained network will also avoid many of the other problems that could disrupt the functionality of your business on a day-to-day basis.

To talk to someone about data breaches and security and disaster preparedness  for your small business, give us a call at (443) 992-7394. We’d be happy to assist you with your professional business networking needs.

You can also visit WorkingNets.com and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+


