
Keeping your Network Protected: A quick guide

Worried about your network?

We’ve all heard of computer viruses and people trying to infiltrate our systems, but how exactly do you keep people and bad programs out? Well, there are a couple of sure fire ways to protect your system that will also help to protect your business. If you have an ecommerce website or conduct any sort of financial business online, then protecting your network is absolutely essential. Let’s find out how you can do that. Ready? Here we go!

Update your software.

Software creators are constantly working to make their product better, and that means less vulnerabilities. So, as you update your software, you will find yourself with new security features. Security software in particular is essential to keep updated. New viruses are always coming to light, and software programmers are working hard to keep up with those definitions.

Keep your firewall blazing.

A good firewall is going to keep interlopers from infiltrating your system. It will keep problematic files from slipping into your machine and causing trouble. Male sure that your firewall software is top notch and that it is consistently updated.

Make sure your passwords are strong.

Creating a strong password is essential to keeping your network safe. This is particularly true if you have employees working remotely. Now, it’s not enough to simply make a good password. You also need to change it frequently so that it remains as secure as possible.

Need help protecting your PC from malware or hackers?

When you’ve got an issue, or you’re ready to update your software, give us a call! We can help you get your computers and networks up to speed with the latest and greatest software. There’s no need to struggle in silence. Call one of the leading IT management businesses in your area and get the answers you need.

To talk to someone about managed IT for your business, give us a call at (443) 992-7394. We’d be happy to assist you with your professional business networking needs.

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