
How to Avoid Viruses and Spyware

Computers house the most important information for your business. Technology has taken over the business world entirely; people rarely have paper copies of anything anymore. One of the scariest things imaginable for a company is being hacked or getting a virus that causes you to lose all of the data on your computer. Spyware actually allows hackers to see what information is on your computer. Think of all the different files you have – financial statements, documents that have sensitive meeting information on them, private client information, and more. If you find yourself hacked or lose all of your important information, it could seriously set your company back. The following tips will help you avoid spyware and viruses.

  • Anti-virus and anti-spyware protection – There are many software companies that offer virus and spyware protection for your computer. You should always do your research on the software that you choose to make sure that it’s going to offer comprehensive protection. It’s also important to check for software updates so that you know your computer is continuously protected.
  • Use Internet common sense – The Internet was first introduced to the public in 1991, meaning we’ve had the opportunity to work with it and learn about it for almost 23 years now. Those who have been using the Internet for that length of time have a decent idea of what causes viruses and spyware to show up on their computers: clicking on suspicious links and popups number one among them. Make sure that you trust the source for any link that you click on.
  • Check every day – You should have you protection run a scan for viruses and spyware every day. The sooner you discover a problem with your computer, the less likely you are to sustain permanent damage to the hard drive. Shut down a problem as soon as it comes up. Knowing about something is the first step to taking care of the problem.
  • Outsource your IT – Outsourcing your IT gives you a group of computer savvy people at your fingertips. They can give you all the tips and tricks you need for keeping your computer safe from spyware and viruses  while making sure that your system is entirely up to date. Hiring a company to take care of your IT needs can actually save you money and worry.

At Working Nets, we know that the idea of having your computer hacked is a scary one. Nobody wants to think that their information is out there for everyone to see. Call us today to find out more about anti-virus and anti-spyware software as well as outsourcing your IT. You can reach us at (443) 992-7394 or visit WorkingNets.com today for more information!

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Source: Tech Republic