
5 Ways to Make Your Computer (and Life) Run Faster

If you are struggling with a slow computer, here are five easy ways to make your computer run faster.

When your computer is running slowly, it slows everything down. A slow computer can prevent you from getting a work assignment done on time, meeting an important deadline or cause you a lot of frustration throughout the day. If you are struggling with a slow computer, here are five easy ways to make your computer run faster. [Read more…]

3 Easy Things You Should Be Doing for Your Computer


Your computer will thank you for doing these easy things.

It certainly seems like everyone has a computer these days, or at least access to one. We use our computers for work and for relaxing whether we’re putting together a presentation or watching something on Netflix. People even do their banking on computers! Now, you should ask yourself if you’re taking good care of your computer. After all, what would you do if it suddenly gave out on you? It would be pretty bad. So, you should practice good computer maintenance. Are you ready to learn more? Let’s do it. [Read more…]