
The Apple-1: The Original Apple Computer

While we have certainly come a long way from the Apple-1, we still find ourselves continually looking for improved computer performance.

It’s hard not to talk about computer history without mentioning Apple computers. Computer design and capability have obviously come a long way since the Apple-1, but it’s important to identify some of the early pioneers of the personal computer movement. Without computer clubs and visionaries like Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, who knows how different the industry may have turned out.

 The Apple-1 Computer History

The Apple-1 was the first batch of 50 computers that the Byte Shop purchased from Jobs and Wozniak. It was hand-made in the garage of the legendary duo, and in the 1980’s, the motherboard made its way to a man’s shop and sat on a shelf for close to 40 years.


Apple Computers, Prices and Auctions

Originally, these early computers would have cost you $666. Recently, one that was in poorer condition than Tom Romkey’s (the man who owned the piece from 1976), saw a similar looking model sell for £563,904 at auction. Romkey’s model, which is in better condition, has a conservative estimate of $500,000 U.S. dollars. Because of its age and how it was just sitting on a shelf, computer history buffs are stunned that it survived this long and is fully functional. The original owner apparently hated it, so part of the reason it is in such good condition is that it was only used once.


The Apple-1 Motherboard

The younger generation of computer users probably wouldn’t consider an Apple-1 a computer in terms of what they are accustomed to. The pre-assembled Apple-1 is just essentially a motherboard that needed the owner to provide a keyboard, screen and casing. Currently, there are only 66 surviving Apple-1’s that have been authenticated. This piece of computer history is set for auction on September 21st.

While we have certainly come a long way from the Apple-1, we still find ourselves continually looking for improved computer performance.


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