
Did you hear about the Unsend button Gmail just introduced?

Did you know that there are Gmail features that you aren’t using?

Have you ever sent an email that you wish you hadn’t sent? Hasn’t everyone? What if you could stop it from sending and undo the disaster you were about to cause. Well, Google understands your struggle and has introduced a new “unsend” button. This revolutionary new feature is only one of the awesome features that Gmail offers. So, would you like to learn more about some more cool features from Gmail that you probably aren’t using? Well, let’s do it!

But first, let’s talk about that unsend button.

If you haven’t set this up yet, you should. It’s a lifesaver for those of us with itchy trigger fingers. So, here’s what you need to do. First, go into your settings. You get there by clicking on the gear at the top right of your Gmail inbox screen. Then, you go to “settings.” Scroll down to the spot where you see “Undo Send” on the left of your screen. Then you click the box to enable it and select an amount of time where your messages can be unsent. It’s a snap and it will save you plenty of headaches. Give it a try!

Let’s talk about getting organized.

Is your inbox out of control? You feel like you can never find anything? Well, Google wants to help with that. Right under the place where you enabled your unsend button, you can categorize your email with six different kinds of markings. This will allow you to organize your “starred” folder with a lot more accuracy because you’ll be able to crate different levels of stars. Another helpful feature for organization is Boomerang. This free app will allow you to read an email and shoot it back into your inbox for when you need it. Both of these features will help you stay on top of your inbox so that you’ll be able to work more efficiently. Give them a try!

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