
Password Pitfalls for Your Network Security

Every time you reuse a password, create a weak password, or even share your password with someone else, you are putting your valuable data at risk.

How many passwords do you have for each of your many online accounts? The answer is probably “less.” That means that you’re probably reusing passwords for different account, and thus, compromising your data. Every time you reuse a password, create a weak password, or even share your password with someone else, you are putting your valuable data at risk. What if we told you that there are programs out there that can help you keep your passwords strong and safe? Well, there are and we’re going to be talking about them today. Let’s take a look.

How can you create a more secure system of passwords?

The first thing you should do with all of your passwords is make sure that they aren’t easy to guess. They should be without pattern and filled with varied characters. Complex passwords are much more secure, but they’re also harder to remember, especially if you need a new one for each and every login. This is where password applications come in. Some examples of these helpful apps are LastPass Premium, Sticky Password Premium, and Dashlane 4. These apps will generate and keep track of highly secure passwords for each and every one of your accounts so that you can trust in your login security.

Make sure you’re smart about password security.

Network security hinges not only on password strength, but on many different factors. Never give out your passwords to people you don’t know. When you do lend out your passwords, you should make sure that you change them promptly after the person borrowing it has done their task. Common sense measures like these will help keep you on top of your network security.

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