
Do I Really Need A Terabyte of Storage?

While this depends largely on your job, interests, hobbies, and lifestyle, Microsoft’s latest option in storage is making many people ask just how much they truly need.

How much storage do you really need? While this depends largely on your job, interests, hobbies, and lifestyle, Microsoft’s latest option in storage is making many people ask just how much they truly need. In exchange for a monthly fee, Office 365 users have access to one terabyte of storage. Will the average person make use of this much storage? How much can even fill 1,000 gigabytes? Read on to learn more about this option and find out if it would be worthwhile for you.

How Many Office Documents Can One Terabyte of Storage Hold?


It is estimated that about 85,899,345 pages of word documents would fill one terabyte. It would be almost impossible to generate that much content on your own, and if you can, the archiving nightmare you will face will be tough to get a handle on. A terabyte of storage could hold a complete collection of the original Harry Potter books over 25,000 times. The average person could most likely never fill a terabyte with word documents.


What About Music Files?


The average song takes up about five megabytes of storage. A terabyte of storage could take on about 200,000 songs. That’s 17,000 hours, or over two years, of music. Very few people would require this sort of storage or back up just for music.


Movies And The Terabyte


A terabyte of storage can hold about 500 hours worth of movies. If most movies are about two hours long, this means that you can hold about 250 movies. If you are a filmmaker or film buff with a large collection, than having a terabyte of storage would possibly be beneficial.

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