
How to Prepare Your Computer For a Power Disturbance

With hurricanes comes vicious and persistent power outages. Computers, particularly desktops, can be vulnerable to many power hiccups.

It’s hurricane season!  While autumn usually brings cold weather and falling leaves, it can also leave us vulnerable to the vicious hurricanes that often sweep up and down the east coast.  Even as Hurricane Matthew dissipates up north, we are now currently in the most active hurricane season since 2012, and the deadliest since 2005.  And with hurricanes comes vicious and persistent power outages.  Computers, particularly desktops, can be vulnerable to many power hiccups.  Here’s how you can protect them.

1. Get a Surge Protector.


A surge is a period of time where the voltage produced by an outlet experiences a very short, lowered level of output.  And a surge is the opposite of this, involving an increase in voltage.  A surge protector is usually a device that includes four outlets; it regulates voltage to protect your devices from these spikes and surges.


2. Invest in an Uninterruptible Power Supply


An uninterruptible power supply, or UPS, can keep supplying power to your devices after the power has gone out or been interrupted.  This is helpful for your computer for several reasons; it protects it from any kind of surge or spike, and also keeps it running so you don’t lose your files or data.  That way, when the power goes out, you can shut down safely.


3. Have a Generator


It’s a little bit over the top, but a generator can be an amazing piece of equipment during a storm.  The power could go out for days, even up to a week–in some areas where this is an extreme risk, a generator should be a must-have.  Keep your electricity running, or turn it on when you most need it.


Working Nets can help recover your computer after a power outage.


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