
Common Computer Monitor Problems and Solutions

LCD screens rely on millions and millions of electrical signals being sent using light, and they must all work perfectly at once. So, naturally, there are going to be a few hiccups.

LCD monitors are the norm on the computer market, these days.  While they are faster and have many advantages over classic cathode ray tube (CRT) monitors (you know, those boxy things we used to use), they still have their problems.  LCD screens rely on millions and millions of electrical signals being sent using light, and they must all work perfectly at once.  So, naturally, there are going to be a few hiccups.  But most of them are easily fixable.  Here’s a list of some common monitor problems and their solutions.


Dead Pixels

Does your monitor have one tiny pixel that doesn’t seem to be working properly?  This can be annoying when you’re trying to watch your favorite show, and a small green dot is right on the main character’s nose.  To fix it, try applying pressure with your finger when you turn the monitor on and off.  With any luck, this can help kick-start the electrical signal being sent to the pixel.  If that doesn’t work, try a program which rapidly changes the colors of the monitor; sometimes, this can cause the pixel to jump-start into working again.

Fixed Images

While it might not look like a classic CRT monitor burn, images can get “stuck” in LCD screens.  This is simply when pixels have lost their ability to respond to their full voltage range.  Your best chance at a fix is to open a pure white widow, like a blank text file or a blank Paint file, and place it over the affected area.  This forces all the pixels to be fully “charged”, which should make them start working again.

Image Color or Resolution Issues

Have you checked your video card recently?  It’s possible that it may be malfunctioning or out of date.  Try updating the driver.  If that doesn’t solve the problem, you may need a new video card entirely.  This happens with older computers, so don’t be surprised if your three-year-old laptop’s video card is seeing its last days.

Working Nets can help solve your monitor problems!

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