
How to Increase Streaming Speed on Your Computer

Here are some ways you can improve your streaming speed so your favorite movie never buffers the fun suspense of your favorite thriller into an interminable wait.

While the internet puts a veritably endless selection of movies from every genre and time period at your fingertips, you will not reap all of the benefits of this if your streaming speed is not up to snuff. Nothing is worse than getting excited to watch a movie only for it to freeze and buffer so badly you can’t even enjoy it. Here are some ways you can improve your streaming speed so your favorite movie never buffers the fun suspense of your favorite thriller into an interminable wait.  

Improve Your Internet Connection


Consider using ethernet to get your computer online. In fact, a wired connection can often be faster than Wifi. Try connecting your computer to the router with an Ethernet cable. If you do this, you may notice distinct improvements in your streaming speed. It is important to note, however, that this option is rarely available for mobile devices, such as your smartphone.


Get Closer To Your Wifi Signal


Many people put their wireless routers in places that impede them from working at their best, and endure a frustratingly slow connection while being unable to figure out why. If your router is all the way down in your basement and you use your computer mostly in your bedroom on the uppermost floor of your house, that may be why your connection is suffering. You may want to move your router to the room where you most often do work or even purchase a wifi range extender to boost the signal across your home. There is a lot you can do to maximize your router so be sure to look into options.


Be Sure To Turn Off Any Competing Devices  


If you are on a network sharing an Internet connection, disconnect any extraneous devices from the network while they are not being immediately used. This can be incredibly helpful.  


Working Nets Can Help You Increase Your Streaming Speed

Working Nets is IT without the ego. We offer technological help and top-notch service without making you feel out of the loop or left behind. Even today’s top technology professionals still have issues with their gadgets and software sometimes, so don’t be afraid to ask for help if and when you need it! Our specialty is helping you understand the pieces of technology you use in simple ways. By outsourcing your information technology to us (and letting us do the network design planning), we will make sure that your company is up to date and safe, because technology never sleeps. Interested in finding out more about our services? Give us a call at (443) 992-7394 or visit us online. For more technology tips, follow us on Facebook,Twitter, Google+, and LinkedIn.