
The Pros and Cons of Using Dual Monitors

Do your workers struggle to keep all of the windows they need open while getting their work done?  Dual monitors might be the perfect solution.

Do your workers struggle to keep all of the windows they need open while getting their work done? Do your employees need access to multiple programs at once? Dual monitors are a great solution for this issue, but they aren’t without their own issues. What are some of the pros and cons of using dual monitors in your office?

The Advantages of Dual Monitors

Dual monitors offer many benefits to users who need to get a lot done at the same time while using many programs, including:

  • Dramatically increasing productivity by decreasing the amount of time they need to spend clicking from program to program or window to window
  • Many employees need to use many things at the same time as part of their natural workflow, including web designers and programmers. Flipping back and forth between programs isn’t an option for some fields of work, so dual monitors become a necessity.
  • Keeping email clients and social media up on one monitor so that employees can stay wired to what’s happening elsewhere in the office while also doing their work
  • Dual monitors work very easily with laptops, as they allow employees to move throughout the office with one screen and use the second monitor elsewhere
  • Dual monitors can allow workers to video chat at the same time that they are working on another problem or issue

The Disadvantages of Dual Monitors

While dual monitors offer many benefits, they don’t exist without a few drawbacks, including:

  • There are more chances for distraction with dual monitors
  • Dual monitors can take up a huge amount of space on a small desk, leaving space for little else
  • Dual monitors cost more than single computers, since you need to purchase an extra monitor for every desktop computer

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