
Why You Should Replace Your Computer Fan Right Now

If you see any issues which may indicate problems with your computer fan, it is very important that you get it looked at as soon as you can and replaced.

A computer fan is a key part of what keeps any computer working smoothly. If you see any issues which may indicate problems with your computer fan, it is very important that you get it looked at as soon as you can and replaced. Without a working fan your computer can overheat and become severely damaged. Here are 5 reasons why you may need to replace your computer fan.

Your Computer Fan Is Broken or Damaged


Nothing lasts forever, and any moving part is liable to suffer wear and tear over time, even if the best care in the world is taken of it. Fortunately a fan can be purchased as a part separate from the machine and installed. If your fan is broken or damaged it requires replacement as soon as possible.


A Noisy Fan


Fans are generally not completely silent, but if yours is constantly loud and clearly struggling it can be a sign of problems. Your fan may be wearing out, or may have become loose. This can also mean that your fan is not working correctly. In any of these situations, your machine will benefit from fixing.




A fan and a heat sink work together to keep your computer cool under the pressure of constant use. If they are not in tip top shape and working properly, your computer can potentially become so hot that it’s inner systems and workings become melted. Once this happens, your machine will be useless.


Consider Upgrades


If you have made major updates to your computer, such as a new graphics card or replacing ram, your old computer parts may struggle to keep up. This can lead to overheating and in severe cases a complete meltdown. Make sure your machine can handle upgrades.


Powerful Software


Running software that is too powerful and demanding for your machine can also lead to potentially serious issues. This is why making sure your computer fan, heat sink, and the rest of your machine is capable of handling what you want to do with it.


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