
Effective Ways To Protect Your Computer

With the amount of information we put on the internet and the threats in the cyber security universe, it’s vital to know about self-protection.

In the world of technology, access is universal. With everything just a few clicks away, things are faster than ever, but they’re also more dangerous than ever before. It’s a bittersweet development, and it’s something we have to figure out. This accessibility makes it important to have the best security techniques. With the amount of information we put on the internet and the threats in the cyber security universe, it’s vital to know about self-protection. It’s imperative that you realize hacking can affect you. Too many people think it’s just something they see in the news and will never harm them, but you can’t have that mindset.

Update Your Software

Software updates are a bit constant, and we have a tendency to ignore them. Ignoring your software update can easily leave you open to security risks. Most updates actually come with a designed security improvement, so the decision to ignore them could be costly. An easy way to make sure you always update is by simply turning on automatic updates.


Phishing scams are ruthless, and they’re way too believable, which is why people fall for them. Cyber criminals will create mock pages in an attempt to trick people into giving away personal information. Phishing scams can be completed through any time of device, like phone, text or email. Always be aware of the site that pops up, especially if it immediately asks you for personal information to continue.

Your Password

Passwords are needed for most things, and many are personal to the people making them. Password management is key, and you can’t create something that’s easily identifiable. When creating your password, make sure it’s a longer word with a strong variation between characters. You also want to constantly change your password every three months.

Contact Working Nets Today

Working Nets is IT without the ego. We offer technological help and top-notch service without making you feel out of the loop or left behind. Even today’s top technology professionals still have issues with their gadgets and software sometimes, so don’t be afraid to ask for help if and when you need it! Our specialty is helping you understand the pieces of technology you use in simple ways. By outsourcing your information technology to us (and letting us do the network design planning), we will make sure that your company is up to date and safe, because technology never sleeps. Interested in finding out more about our services? Give us a call at (443) 992-7394 or visit us online. For more technology tips, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and LinkedIn.