
Gmail Smart Labels for Social Updates and other Email Helpers

Are you tired of weeding through a seemingly endless string of emails? Of course you are. We all are. But what other options do we have? Well, now thanks to Google’s new Smart Labels, you are able to filter your email more efficiently, allowing you to receive only the content you want to read!

Enabling Google Smart Labels

  1. Go to your Gmail settings menu
  2. Click “Labs”
  3. Enable Google Smartlabels

Smart Labels automatically categorizes bulk, notification, forum messages, and more, leaving your Inbox free from unwanted clutter.

Other Email Helpers

  • Boomerang: Boomerang gives you control of when you send and receive email messages.
  • Rapportive: Rapportive gives you immediate access to the biographical information of your contacts, including what people look like, where they’re based, where they work, and more.
  • Mailstrom: Mailstrom is one of the smartest and fastest ways to clean out your inbox, deleting or archiving hundreds or even thousands of messages at once. “I’ve cleared out 60% of my mailbox already,” said Working Nets own David Spigelman.

If you have any questions about Google Smart Labels and other Email Helpers, please contact Working Nets by calling (443) 992-7394 or visit WorkingNets.com today!

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