
Cyber Security and Internet Safety

With all of the information that both individuals and companies keep online, cyber security is increasing in importance every day. Protecting your information from identity theft and fraud is getting more difficult as hackers become more skilled. Stay ahead of the hackers and online criminals with the following cyber security tips for internet safety!

  • Passwords – Your passwords for all of your secure information should be varied and uncommon. The best thing to do is to make sure you use variations of numbers, symbols, and letters. It is also good to make sure you are not using the same password for every website you have. If by chance someone does figure out your password and all of them are the same, they now have access to all of your information on various sites.
  • Social Media – Always limit the amount of personal information you give out. It will help keep you safe and your information secure. Be sure you use the privacy settings that are provided to you that way you’re only sharing information with the people you want to be sharing it with. With email, do not automatically download attachments, but always scan them for viruses and make sure they come from credible sources.
  • System – Make sure your computer is always up to date. This includes anti-virus software, browser, operating system, and any other important facet of your computer and network. Keep your network and Internet secured. Make sure nobody has access to it that shouldn’t. Remember to tell anyone who uses your Internet source to keep the password to themselves and limit what other information they share.
  • Teach and Inform – Teach your children the importance of cyber security at home. This should be part of any safety information you give them. It is just as important to observe internet safety as it is to observe public safety. Keep an eye on Internet history and make sure you know where your children are visiting online. Most companies also give you the ability to censor what your children can see and do online. For a small business, it is also best to censor what employees can see and what information they are able to give out.

Don’t let hackers get your important personal or business information.  Keep your company and home safe by taking these cyber security tips and reading up on some more. You can never be too safe online.

If you have any questions about Cyber Security Tips, please contact Working Nets by calling (443) 992-7394 or visit WorkingNets.com today!

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Source: Cyber Security Tips