
The Benefits of Professional Network Management

As a small business owner, whether you’re in Maryland or any other part of the country, you know that there’s only one thing keeping your systems connected and communicating with the world at large: Your network. Aside from connecting you to the world, you network stores valuable files, client information, and personal data so keeping it up and running, and secure, is of paramount importance. But why do it all on your own while running a business? Working Nets is here with some of the perks of professional network management.

Minimize Network Downtime

Every small business’s worst nightmare, one their sure to experience at least a handful of times, is a downed network, which can bring even the most productive day to a screeching halt. Fortunately, with professional network management, you’ve got a team of qualified experts monitoring your network around the clock, preventing network collapse whenever possible, and quickly restoring it to operational capacity if it goes down.

Device Configuration Management

Professional network management services have the power to conduct quick and accurate inventories of every network-connected device at any time. This allows them to better identify problem devices, inappropriate network use, and security threats. Additionally, network management for your small business ensures that all your connected devices will be kept up to date with the latest security software, and will be properly configured to interface as efficiently as possible with every other device in your system. .

Optimized Network Security

Keeping your small business’s data secure is of paramount importance. There aren’t only your interests at stake either. Because most business’s networks store some amount of client information, you’ve also got to look out for the sensitive data of your loyal customers. Professional network management ensures that your network’s security protocols are constantly up-to-date, and that you have a team of experienced cybersecurity professionals standing by, ready to disable any threat that comes your way.

Get Professional Network Management with Working Nets

We’re a Maryland based company with years of experience managing networks of both large and small businesses, as well as a team of highly dedicated, well-trained technical experts who stay on the cutting edge of network management so you don’t have to.

To talk to someone about network management for your small business, give us a call at (443) 992-7394. We’d be happy to assist you with your professional business networking needs.

You can also visit WorkingNets.com and follow us on FacebookTwitterLinkedIn and Google+

Apple iCloud Security Breach

The imminent launch of apple’s latest iPhone has been marred by an internet security breach of epic proportions. Over the past weekend users of the website 4chan began leaking a series of racy celebrity photos apparently stolen from individual iCloud accounts. Victims included actresses Jennifer Lawrence and Kirsten Dunst, as well as model Kate Upton, and many more.

This recent spate of internet hacking prompted Apple to respond by reassuring users that the theft did not occur through a breach in any of Apple’s systems, including iCloud. According to Apple the thefts were a resulted of targeted hacking and phishing schemes, an attack where hackers gain access to user’s accounts by luring targets into clicking on a compromised URL.  Some have speculated that the attack may have been made possible through the iPhone’s Find My iPhone feature which, until recently, had a bug which could allow someone to continually guess passwords without being ejected from the system. Apple has refuted this speculation, stating in a press release that “None of the cases we have investigated has resulted from any breach in any of Apple’s systems including iCloud® or Find my iPhone.”

Brute Force

Most security experts agree that the theft was the result of a brute-force attack on individual accounts. “Brute-forcing” is a technique wherein hackers use password generators to quickly try thousands of common password combinations on specific accounts. Accounts with weak or common passwords are much more vulnerable to this method of hacking than those with more complicated, unique passwords. The FBI has reported that it is working on the case but has delivered no other official comments at this time.

The major internet security breach could not have come at a worse time for Apple. Aside from the impending launch of a new device, Apple has been reported to be only a week away from officially announcing plans on launching a mobile wallet (which would store credit card information) and a wearable device that could track and record details about a user’s personal health.

Personal Safety

If anything, this incident has highlighted the importance of keeping track of where your information is being stored and of maintaining strong personal security over all of your accounts and devices.

It’s also important to remember that the security for your small business relies on a working knowledge of mobile device information as well as information on different websites and scams. We recognize that you don’t always have that kind of time as a small business owner, which is why we offer cyber security and managed IT services. To talk to someone about cyber security for your small business, give us a call at (443) 992-7394. We’d be happy to assist you with your professional business networking needs.

You can also visit WorkingNets.com and follow us on FacebookTwitterLinkedIn and Google+



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