
The Many Advantages of Cloud Computing for Small Businesses

If you work in the business industry, you’ve probably heard someone say at one point or another “Oh yeah, we’re moving to cloud computing,” at which point you probably went home and looked up cloud computing. It’s a fairly new way to be able to work with colleagues that makes perfect sense – the point of the Internet is to be able to share information. Cloud computing makes it easy to share information with colleagues, coworkers, and even those outside of your business while keeping all of your documents and information safe from destruction and prying hackers (most cloud computing has layers of security). If you’ve looked into cloud computing at all, you know that those are pretty big advantages. But what about the other perks to implementing cloud computing for your small business?

  • Save your money – Being able to share over a network can get expensive. Network infrastructure is confusing if you’ve never actually had to network devices together before. It can take a lot of time and cost an exorbitant amount of money. Working with cloud computing will help you save yourself the headache and give your wallet a break. Some cloud computing services are still free while others do cost money; it’s still cheaper than networking, though. The tough work of keeping up with your systems goes out the window and gives you more time to focus on your work.
  • Recover your files (or don’t lose them at all) – One major problem of storing documents and information on local hard drives is that hard drives can crash and be lost in disasters. Most cloud computing services back your work up for you on multiple servers in case something happens to one of the servers. Your work will stay safe across the board and you won’t have to worry about what happens if your computer crashes in the meantime.
  • Scalability – Thriving small businesses are constantly growing and need to know that their technology can grow with them. Buying physical infrastructure doesn’t usually allow for much scalability. Cloud computing, however, allows you to scale up as much as you need to. You only pay for the storage and space that you need, which can also save you money.

Working with cloud computing is a great way to help grow your small business without spending a lot of extra money. If you need help learning how to use or implement cloud computing, or if you need general IT support, we’ve got you covered. Please contact Working Nets by calling (443) 992-7394 or visit WorkingNets.com today for more information!

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