
Make Outlook Work For You

Many companies use Microsoft Outlook as a centralized program for emails, calendars, and task lists.

Many companies use Microsoft Outlook as a centralized program for emails, calendars, and task lists. If your company uses Outlook, or is thinking of switching over to it, here are a few tricks and tips to make the program work for you! [Read more…]

The Many Benefits of Managed IT for Small Businesses

Small businesses often offer extraordinary quality within a unique specialization. They invest countless hours and resources into a single area of expertise. However, this admirable dedication to superior service may mean that other aspects of a business are lacking. Small businesses have limited quantities of time and money, and need to maximize their potential. As today’s world of business relies heavily on technology, any fault in network functionality, security, or data integrity is disastrous. Malfunctions in hardware, software, or networks waste time and eat money, and are therefore particularly disastrous for small businesses.

Managed IT is the optimal solution. It can rescue a small business when in dire straits, and even prevent technological calamities from ever taking place. When you outsource your small business’ IT, you hand off the difficulty of maintaining and repairing your technical infrastructure. Your chosen company will monitor your network and security status, keeping your computer systems healthy and hassle-free. When they detect trouble, IT assistance is delivered over the Internet or on-site, depending on the issue’s severity. Common services include server support, data backup, network security, software solutions, and network monitoring.

Outsourcing IT is especially intelligent for small businesses because of the immense flexibility and the many benefits for productivity. Quality managed IT companies will tailor their services to you small business’s unique needs and budget. Communication will be kept to an unobtrusive but supportive level, ensuring that you’re neither overwhelmed with information nor left in the dark. If you want an increased level of control, find out if your managed IT company will cooperate with an in-house IT specialist. This solution can offer a more personalized experience, while still providing you the intense quantity and quality of support made available by outsourced IT.

To talk to someone about managed IT for your small business, give us a call at (443) 992-7394. We’d be happy to assist you with your professional business networking needs.

You can also visit WorkingNets.com and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+

Sources: , http://

What is Disaster Recovery and How Can it Benefit Small Businesses?

Consider all of the things that you use your computer for in your small business. If you’re reading this from your work computer right now, that’s one thing down – you use it for research. You probably type up documents. If you work in accounting you might have important financial information saved to your hard drive. You may even have personal information saved on your computer. What would happen if your hard drive were to crash or something were to happen to your computer? That’s where disaster recovery comes in.

What exactly is disaster recovery?
Disaster recovery starts with backup. The first thing you want to do to avoid losing information is to make sure that you safely back up all of your important information to a cloud type system or external hard drive. The more places that you have the information backed up, the more likely you are to be able to get a hold of it if anything happens to your actual computer. After you’ve backed everything up, you should talk to an experienced IT company that can help you figure out a disaster recovery plan in the event that something important doesn’t get backed up. A competent IT support company will be able to talk to you about what your disaster recovery options are and how to get the data back that you lost in the event that your computer is infected with malware, spyware, or succumbs to outside forces.

How can disaster recovery benefit a small Baltimore business?
Finding an IT company that specializes in disaster recovery means you have to worry about it less yourself. We can set up your computer to automatically back information up. When you do important work on the computer, you need to know that there’s a way to save that important work if something happens to your computer. Not only can we help you with disaster recovery, but we can also do everything to prevent utilizing the disaster recovery from becoming necessary. We know how to protect your computer, hardware, and software from outside sources. Hackers with malware and spyware will have a hard time getting to your hard drive and causing any damage at all; that’s not to say that disaster recovery isn’t necessary. You should still have a backup plan in case something ever does happen.

Outsourcing your IT to a company that has experience with disaster recovery and computer related issues will enable you to have your problems solved quickly and efficiently and help protect you from most computer related problems that arise. To get started with disaster recovery for your Baltimore small business, please contact Working Nets by calling (443) 992-7394 or visit WorkingNets.com today for more information!

Welcome to Working Nets – your virtual IT Department!

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Why Should I Outsource My Small Business IT?

Many people have an in house IT staff, which works well for big corporate companies who have regular IT needs. Small businesses are a niche of their own. While they still have some of the needs that big businesses do, they also have more limited resources, different business essentials, and every bit of help they can get to help them focus on the most important aspects of owning a small business: giving the best customer service available and bringing in enough money to keep the company up and running. Small businesses can greatly benefit from outsourcing their IT needs in quite a few different ways.

  1. Reduced costs – With an in house IT staff, you can very easily lose money. The IT staff can end up costing you money if you find that you don’t use them as often as you think you will. With an outsourced IT company, only use them when you need them and you can set up plans where you only pay when you use the company. IT management companies can also help you set up your technology in a way that will be cost efficient for you, because they know what you need and how to get it for the best prices.
  2. Expert IT advise – If you hire on an IT management company, you have the reassurance of knowing that the people that work there are certified and have the knowledge to back up the information they’re giving you. IT companies only hire the best IT people, since management knows exactly what skills to look for. You’ll be working with IT experts who can help you reduce your costs and manage your technology.
  3. Customer service – Outsourcing your IT allows you to deliver better customer service; if there’s an emergency, you can contact your IT management company and they can help you quickly solve your problem and get your system back up and running in no time, allowing you to take better care of your customers and have more time to work on your company.
  4. Security – Outsourcing your IT also means outsourcing your security. IT management companies know a lot about how to protect you from spyware, malware, and other viruses that can potentially harm your computer. They can also set up a fantastic security system and give you tips and tricks on how to create strong passwords and keep your classified information under wraps.

When you outsource your IT, make sure you talk to the IT experts first. At Working Nets Inc., we’re expert IT without the ego. We speak in a language you can understand and help you grasp some of the difficult concepts involved with technology; you focus on what you know and we’ll supply the backup!

Welcome to Working Nets – your virtual IT Department in Baltimore!

At Working Nets in Baltimore, we support your business by providing top-notch Information Technology (I.T.) services to companies like yours: Companies that don’t need full-time I.T. services, but do need someone to turn to, when they are having a problem. We provide services like Network Design, Monitoring and Maintenance. We troubleshoot technical issues when they arise, and give you options for solving them. We help you use your technology investment to achieve your business goals.

At Working Nets, our focus is on your needs!

You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+.

Source: http://www.essent.com/News/Blog/The-Top-10-Benefits-of-Outsourcing-IT-through-Managed-Services-284-24.htm