
Surprising Benefits of IT Managed Services

Running a business is a full time job. In today’s hectic, fast-paced business world, nothing can sink the ship faster than having to split your attention. So why should you or your staff also be working as the IT crew? Every minute someone spends fixing a technical problem is a minute they’re not utilizing the skills you pay them for. It’s a minute wasted. Working Nets is here to show you how you can get that productivity back, and more by utilizing IT managed services.

Greater Efficiency

The most obvious benefit of managed services is the increased efficiency it offers businesses. While many companies try to skate by without any IT support, troubleshooting problems as they arise, this method causes delays, costs time, and wastes resources. Managed services will allow you to have a leg up on future problems. Problems will be logged and addressed with seconds of occurring, and can be resolved quickly by trained, IT professionals. Managed services can even prevent problems before they occur, further reducing any system down-time and severely mitigating risk.

Faster, Responsive Patching

If your staff is preoccupied fighting disasters on a case-by-case basis, managing software and firmware updates tends to stop. This leaves your business vulnerable to security threats, data corrupting bugs, and plain old system failure, resulting in hours and hours of downtime. Managed services will keep all of your systems up-to-date, ensuring their operating at maximum capacity for you.

Capacity Planning

Managed services can provide stunning benefits you might not even have thought possible. Since managed services will constantly monitor your office’s network, it will automatically store and sort information related to that network’s performance and workload. This information allows you to make informed purchasing decisions, identifying IT bottlenecks and spending money wisely.

Interested in Securing Great Managed Services?

At WorkingNets, we provide managed services to hundreds of small businesses around the country. We employ only experienced tech professionals with insight into the latest emerging business technologies and risks, to ensure your IT is always working for you, never against. To talk to someone about managed services for your small business, give us a call at (443) 992-7394. We’d be happy to assist you with your professional business networking needs.

You can also visit WorkingNets.com and follow us on FacebookTwitterLinkedIn and Google+

All About Data Backup

Computers are as much a part of our everyday lives as eating and sleeping. It is almost 100% guaranteed that you will interact with a computer or other piece of technology at some point every day. In fact, a recent survey showed that you’re likely to have just as many electronic interactions as you are to have face-to-face interactions in today’s world. This statistic is even more prevalent for small businesses that require a lot of technology to operate. If you think about it, nearly everything that you do for your company requires you to use a computer of some sort. This brings us to our first point.

Why is Data Backup Important?

Have you ever thought about all of the information stored in a piece of equipment that can easily fit on your desk? Now, have you ever considered what would happen if that piece of equipment was destroyed or decided to fail one day? You could lose relevant financial information, client information, and more. Data backup is important in a few different cases:

  • Your computer fails
  • Your computer is destroyed in a disaster
  • Someone steals your information
  • Your data becomes corrupted

If any of these things happen, you want to know that your data is in more than one place; you also want to make sure that the second place is safe, though. That brings us to point number 2!

How Should I Back Up My Data?

There are many different options for backing up your important data. It all depends on what technology you know how to use and what you think will work well for your company. The following options are some popular data backup options:

  • The Cloud – It sounds a lot more complicated and ethereal than it is. Saving to the cloud basically means that you’re saving to a remote database that you can access from any computer. Using a cloud computing service will allow you to back up and share information.
  • External Hard Drive – The only problem with external hard drives is that they also have the ability to crash and are susceptible to physical disasters. If you do back up to an external hard drive, it’s advisable that you password protect it and store it somewhere different than your primary computer.
  • Flash Drives – If you need a quick way to back up your data and take it with you somewhere, a flash drive is the answer. It doesn’t offer as much space as an external hard drive or cloud computing service, but it essentially does the same job. Flash drives are tiny, so you also have to be careful not to lose it.

Backup and Recovery Experts

Data protection and recovery is crucial. Working Nets assures that your vital business data is kept secure if disaster strikes. We have knowledgeable experts on staff who can make sure that your IT needs are covered and that all of your information is safe. To talk to someone about data backup and recovery for your small business, give us a call at (443) 992-7394. We’d be happy to assist you with your professional business networking needs.

You can also visit WorkingNets.com and follow us on FacebookTwitterLinkedIn and Google+

Source: Technology.Pitt

The Many Benefits of Managed IT for Small Businesses

Small businesses often offer extraordinary quality within a unique specialization. They invest countless hours and resources into a single area of expertise. However, this admirable dedication to superior service may mean that other aspects of a business are lacking. Small businesses have limited quantities of time and money, and need to maximize their potential. As today’s world of business relies heavily on technology, any fault in network functionality, security, or data integrity is disastrous. Malfunctions in hardware, software, or networks waste time and eat money, and are therefore particularly disastrous for small businesses.

Managed IT is the optimal solution. It can rescue a small business when in dire straits, and even prevent technological calamities from ever taking place. When you outsource your small business’ IT, you hand off the difficulty of maintaining and repairing your technical infrastructure. Your chosen company will monitor your network and security status, keeping your computer systems healthy and hassle-free. When they detect trouble, IT assistance is delivered over the Internet or on-site, depending on the issue’s severity. Common services include server support, data backup, network security, software solutions, and network monitoring.

Outsourcing IT is especially intelligent for small businesses because of the immense flexibility and the many benefits for productivity. Quality managed IT companies will tailor their services to you small business’s unique needs and budget. Communication will be kept to an unobtrusive but supportive level, ensuring that you’re neither overwhelmed with information nor left in the dark. If you want an increased level of control, find out if your managed IT company will cooperate with an in-house IT specialist. This solution can offer a more personalized experience, while still providing you the intense quantity and quality of support made available by outsourced IT.

To talk to someone about managed IT for your small business, give us a call at (443) 992-7394. We’d be happy to assist you with your professional business networking needs.

You can also visit WorkingNets.com and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+

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