
Is Your Outlook Up to Date?

Is your Outlook up to date?

On April 20th some components of Microsoft Outlook stopped working in conjunction with google apps. This change is very important to note if you’re using google apps to sync with Outlook. Those of you who have automatic updates will probably not even notice a change, but those of you who do not might be in for a bumpy ride. Make sure that your Outlook software is completely up to date so that you can keep utilizing it. [Read more…]

Why Updating your Operating System is Worth It

Keep your OS updated and see the benefits.

If you’re still using Windows XP then you are probably getting regular messages from Microsoft. These messages are going to keep telling you that XP is no longer supported and that updating your OS is essential to stay in touch with the modern world. These messages aren’t being pushy. They’re giving you the right information. Keeping your Operating System (OS) updated is an essential practice if you own a business. So, let’s find out why that is.

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