
Malware to Watch Out for Cryptolocker

Keeping your network, computer and data safe is everyone’s biggest concern. Unfortunately, there are hackers out there in the internet trying to gain access to your private data. In an attempt to gain access to your sensitive files, hackers will create malicious software that can destroy your files and wreak havoc on your computer. Below is some information about what it does:

  1. The software is typically contracted by use of email phishing techniques. They masquerade as something from someone you trust, and get you to click a link and run their software.
  2. The software downloads, and connects back to one of a whole bunch of servers that are on-again-off-again, to make it harder to find, and disable. When the software connects, an encryption key-pair is created (public key/private key).
  3. The software then downloads the public key to your machine, and uses it to encrypt every document file (e.g. .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .txt, etc.) it can find on your hard drive, and any other drive it can find connected to your machine (i.e. network drives). The encryption uses an RSA 2048 bit cipher, making it impossible to decrypt without the private key. (That’s how this type of encryption works: One key encrypts. The other decrypts.)
  4. When it finishes encrypting everything it can find, it brings up this window, which instructs you to either pay the money. (In this case, it shows $100. In others, it could be $300 or more.) It also starts a timer. If you don’t pay the ransom by the time the timer runs out, the private key is deleted, and your data will never be accessible again.
  5. Once the data is encrypted, I want to reiterate that there is no way out of it! You will pay, or you will lose your data. The only alternate recourse is to clean off the machine, and restore everything from backup… if you have one.

The important information that you need to know is, you always need to be suspicious about clicking strange links, especially if they want you to run a program of some sort. And always make sure your data is encrypted to help keep it safe.

If you have any questions, please contact Working Nets by calling (443) 992-7394 or visit WorkingNets.com today!

Welcome to Working Nets – your virtual IT Department!

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Small Business Cyber Security Tips

As a small business owner, you have so much to worry about, from customer service to accounting to sales and everything in between. Unfortunately, many small business owners completely overlook one of the most important aspects of any strong business: Cyber Security!

“[The] cyber threat is one of the most serious economic and national security challenges we face as a nation” – President Barack Obama

Small Business Cyber Security Tips

  1. Cyber security Education: before doing anything else, educate your employees about cybersecurity.
  2. Cyber security Rules: Put specific behavioral rules in place to protect personally identifiable information.
  3. Antivirus Software: The easiest step to take as a small business owner is to install antivirus software on your computers. This will protect them against viruses, spyware, and other malicious code. But don’t forget to install any patches and updates as they arise.
  4. Backup Important Information: Be sure to regularly backup important data on every computer. This includes preadsheets, databases, financial files, human resources files, accounts receivable/payable files, and any other important files.
  5. Secure WiFi: Make sure your WiFi network is secure and hidden.
  6. Secure Physical Access: Make sure every computer you own is password protected to deter physical access to your network.
  7. Contact Working Nets: At Working Nets, we provide top-notch information technology services to companies who don’t require an IT department, but do need reliable assistance when challenges arise. We assure that your vital business data is kept secure if disaster strikes.

If you have any questions, please contact Working Nets by calling (443) 992-7394 or visit WorkingNets.com today!

Welcome to Working Nets – your virtual IT Department!

You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+.


It’s National Cyber Security Awareness Month – Tips for Safeguarding Your Business U.S. Small Business Association

Tips For Secure Web Browsing

How is your tablet putting you at risk?

1) Encrypted Email Server: You need to make sure your email server is using encryption for communication, especially when you’re using an unencrypted (or even a WEP-encrypted) wireless network. This is something a lot of people don’t think about. But the email client on your iPad or tablet is using whatever configuration it was set up with, to download your mail. So if the mail server settings aren’t set up to use encryption – some mail servers still don’t even enable it – then your tablet is periodically sending out your username and password in the clear, through an unencrypted wireless medium, that anyone could, potentially, be reading.  If a hacker can get into your email, they probably have enough information to   reconstruct your entire digital life, in their own image.

Is your email secure? Contact Working Nets today for an analysis of your email system.

2) WiFi: Wireless hotspots put you at risk. How? These hotspots are often unsecured, meaning your information and your digital identity is at risk. What’s worse is that even encrypted WiFi connection make you data accessible to others within the network. So instead of using WiFi, rely on 3G or 4G.

3) Downloading Apps: When downloading apps, do so only from trusted sources. Third party sources can put your tablet and your digital life at risk. This is because certain sites will actually try to download files to your tablet, files which will attempt to gather your digital information.

So please be safe! And check back in 2013 as we unveil the rest of our Tablet Cybersecurity Tips.

If you have any questions, please contact Working Nets by calling (443) 992-7394 or visit WorkingNets.com today!

Welcome to Working Nets – your virtual IT Department!

You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+.

Source: Securing a tablet for web browsing in six easy steps

Benefits of Offsite Backup

As a business owner, it is important to have a good disaster recovery plan in place. This will ensure the safety of your critical business data and will help minimize downtime in the event of a disaster. And one of the most important aspects of any good disaster recovery plan is Offsite Backup.

Yet, I see it time and time again. A company who relies on digital information has an onsite backup system in place, believing this to be enough. But let me ask you this…what happens if something happens to your building?

Your building can be rebuilt. Your digital information, however, could be lost forever. Because of this, offsite backup is incredibly important.

Benefits of Offsite Backup

  1. Efficiency: Automated offsite backup is quick, easy, and incredibly efficient.
  2. Cost Effective: There are no upfront hardware costs.
  3. Saves Time: While onsite tape backups can take up to 15 minutes to work, offsite backup is quick and easy.
  4. Faster Recovery: Tape backups take a long time to recover data, while offsite backup is much faster. And any business owner will appreciate less down time!
  5. Reliability: If something happens to your building, you still know your data is safe, offsite.
  6. And more!

Offsite Backup & Disaster Preparedness from your Virtual IT Department

Data protection and recovery is crucial. That is why Working Nets works hard to ensure that your vital business data is kept secure if disaster strikes.

If you have any questions, please contact Working Nets by calling (443) 992-7394 or visit WorkingNets.com today!

Welcome to Working Nets – your virtual IT Department!

You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+.


The Importance Of Virus Protection

Most computer users blindly download, install, and ascribe to an anti-virus program without actually fully understanding the necessity of such software. At Working Nets, we provide top-notch virus protection at affordable prices to ensure your business, files, and computers remain safe and functioning smoothly.

What are threats?

Malware, short for “malicious software,” is the catchall phrase for potentially damaging threats to your computer: viruses, trojan horses, worms, spyware, and the like. Generally this software is created to either disrupt or worse – destroy – files and programs on your computer.

What happens when malware infects your computer?

Without a reliable anti-virus program, your infected computer often becomes unusable, requiring the hard drive to be wiped clean, and your computer’s operating system reinstalled. To avoid lost data and a dysfunctional system, effective malware-combatants are necessary.

What does Antivirus software do?

Antivirus software serves double duty, both removing preexisting malware and working to prevent them from occurring in the first place. Taking the precaution against harmful viruses will save you money and time in the long run, protecting your computer and by extension, your business. Let the Information Technology professionals at Working Nets, Inc. help you do just that, by outsourcing your computer support needs from our company.

If you have any questions about Antivirus Software, please contact Working Nets by calling (443) 992-7394 or visit WorkingNets.com today!

Welcome to Working Nets – your virtual IT Department!

At Working Nets, we support your business by providing top-notch Information Technology (I.T.) services to companies like yours: Companies that don’t need full-time I.T. services, but do need someone to turn to, when they are having a problem. We provide services like Network Design, Monitoring and Maintenance. We troubleshoot technical issues when they arise, and give you options for solving them. We help you use your technology investment to achieve your business goals.

At Working Nets, our focus is on your needs!

You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+.


The Importance of Antivirus and Security Software

Phishing Scam Requests Credit Card Info, How to Stay Protected

Unfortunately, scammers are becoming more creative with their attempts to lure you out of your finances. Not only are scammers getting more creative, they are also outsmarting many internet users and getting them to hand over their credit card info. Some common fraudulent behavior includes a scammer using the name of a well-established company such as Microsoft to help establish some trust with the person being scammed.

A common fraud is sent in the form of an email. The email sender claims to be from Microsoft stating that your account is ‘blocked’ and can only be unblocked with a credit card number. The email is actually not from Microsoft. A way to keep yourself safe is to never give out any sort of personal information in an email like this. As a matter of fact, you should not even bother replying. It is best to report the email and contact Microsoft directly if you think there actually is a problem.

At Working Nets, we were founded to provide small businesses, like yours, with expert information technology support they needed. Our disaster recovery services help ensure your vital business data is kept safe and secure!

If you have any questions about Disaster Recovery, please contact Working Nets by calling (443) 992-7394 or visit WorkingNets.com today! You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+.



Hackers Will Be Attacking Windows XP Users in the Next Year

Some people do not like change; they become so accustomed to a certain way of doing things. This is not only in regards to a daily routine, or a habit that needs breaking, but a certain type of software as well. Many Microsoft users still have Windows XP installed on their computers (whether it is a home or office computer), not because it is the best operating system, or even the easiest to use. But because people get comfortable with what is familiar. However this may pose an issue in the next year.

Apparently, hackers are storing information that exploits vulnerabilities in Windows XP and will unleash them when Microsoft stops  supporting the Windows XP operating system next year.

What Does This Mean for Windows XP Users?

If you are a Windows XP user worried about the safety of your computer and documents in the future you are now left with two options.

  1. Accept the change and upgrade to Windows 7 or Windows 8. Both of these operating systems come with a slew of new features and upgrades that you will probably love once you adapt to change.
  2. Pay Microsoft the high premium they are charging to have them continue to support Windows XP so you don’t have to adapt to a new operating system. However this won’t save you. No matter how many future vulnerabilities are discovered, Microsoft will no longer be updating Windows XP. The hackers know this and will begin taking over machines that run Windows XP en masse.
This is not a small problem. There are millions of people still running XP on business machines with critical information on them, or on home machines with all the credit card accounts listed in a file somewhere. These could all become compromised.

Disaster Recovery Services from Working Nets in Baltimore, Maryland

At Working Nets, we were founded to provide small businesses, like yours, with expert information technology support they needed. Our disaster recovery services help ensure your vital business data is kept safe and secure!

If you have any questions about Disaster Recovery, please contact Working Nets by calling (443) 992-7394 or visit WorkingNets.com today! You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+.



Is My Password Secure?

Have you ever asked yourself that? Either that or “How can I make my password secure?” Unfortunately, it’s not quite that simple. Security isn’t really a thing you can do, it is part of an overall plan you set up for your business.

The more convenient something is, the less secure it is, and vice versa.

What can we do?

One fairly simple thing you can do to help protect yourself, and your business, is to improve your password policies. Here are some suggestions for improve your passwords:

  • Use at least 8 characters
  • Use at least 3 of the 4 types of characters (Uppercase, Lowercase, Numeric and Symbol)
  • Change your password at least twice a year. More frequently would be better, but at least twice
  • Don’t keep your passwords where they could be found. Under the keyboard, in your desk drawer, or on your bulletin board all qualify as “where they could be found”
  • Use character substitutions to help make passwords more complex, yet easy to remember
    • becomes @
    • becomes $
    • becomes 1
    • becomes 0
    • becomes 3
    • WorkingNets becomes W0rk1ngN3t$
  • Consider some of the following when making a complex password, to help make it memorable:
    • Passphrases: OnceUponATime
    • Misspellings: SkubaDyver
    • Themes: MilesDavis, SonneyStitt, TheloniusMonk (old Jazz Musicians)
    • Combinations: M1l3$D@v1$, 0nc3Up0n@T1m3, $kub@Dyv3r
  • Wherever possible, don’t share passwords. There are other ways to get into important data, if you have to.

Using some of these basic methods can go a long way towards protecting your business, and yourself, from fraud.

At Working Nets, we were founded to provide small businesses in Baltimore and the surrounding area, businesses like yours, with the expert information technology support they need to not only survive, but thrive. Our disaster recovery services help ensure your vital business data is kept safe and secure, providing you with a peace of mind that is unequalled.

Did you know that 43% of companies that experience major data loss never recover? 51% close within 2 years. Don’t let this happen to you. Pick up the phone, call Working Nets today, and stop playing Russian roulette with your business.

If you have any questions about cloud computing, please contact Working Nets by calling (443) 992-7394 or visit WorkingNets.com today! You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+.


How Can Cloud Computing Benefit Me?

Cloud computing is one of the big buzzwords right now. But why? Clearly if everyone is talking about it then there must be something to it. Cloud computing offers many benefits to users.  Whether you know it or not, you may already be using cloud based storage. That photo you just uploaded to Facebook, that is stored in the cloud so you can share the content with other members.

The benefits to cloud computing are very straightforward. Your data becomes accessible from anywhere if you have the correct permissions. Additionally, data in the cloud is safer, it requires security backups and firewalls to protect your sensitive data from prying eyes.

In short, cloud computing is beneficial regardless of the reasons which you chose to use it and it also provides a much greater accessibility rate for its users.

At Working Nets, we were founded to provide small businesses in Baltimore and the surrounding area, businesses like yours, with the expert information technology support they need to not only survive, but thrive. Our disaster recovery services help ensure your vital business data is kept safe and secure, providing you with a peace of mind that is unequalled.

Did you know that 43% of companies that experience major data loss never recover? 51% close within 2 years. Don’t let this happen to you. Pick up the phone, call Working Nets today, and stop playing Russian roulette with your business.

If you have any questions about cloud computing, please contact Working Nets by calling (443) 992-7394 or visit WorkingNets.com today! You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+.



Benefits of Outsourced IT Services

If you are reading this blog, the smart money says that you, like many small business owners today, are faced with a difficult IT challenge that you are unsure how to address. This problem may be beyond the capabilities of your current IT staff, or your company might not actually have dedicated IT personnel to begin with. In either situation, there are many reasons why you might wish to hire another company to manage your IT services. Luckily, we have decided to save you some time by listing a few of the benefits of outsourced IT services below:

  • Affordability: You might think it would be more expensive to outsource your IT needs, but you can actually save money through outsourcing. When you turn to an IT professional such as Working Nets, you get exactly what you pay for. There is no need to interview and hire each employee and provide him or her with benefits, promotion opportunities, or other incentives. Instead, you pay a comparatively cheaper fee to have another company to employ the best people it can and handle whatever IT services you need, ranging from email services, to disaster recovery, to virus protection.

  • Expertise: IT companies specialize in fulfilling your IT needs. You spend enough of your time trying to run your company already. Why waste even a fraction of that time on managing your IT services when an outside company can address everything you need? Companies like Working Nets ensure they select the very best from a pool of highly talented applicants to tackle even the toughest of IT problems you might have. We then are able to apply our expertise to creating IT solutions tailored to whatever issue you may be having.

  • Disaster recovery: Have you ever heard the expression “Better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it”? Although it normally applies to jackets, it can also apply to disaster recovery services. One of the biggest benefits of outsourcing IT services is the ability to backup your important data at an external location. An unfortunate downside to our technologically-dependant world is that even our best technology can fail us at the worst of times. By storing your data with Working Nets you ensure that your data is kept secure and regularly tested to prevent failure.


At Working Nets, we were founded to provide small businesses, like yours, with expert information technology support they needed. We provide many services, including systems setup and support, data security, disaster recovery, computer network analysis, equipment purchase consulting, network design and configuration, general troubleshooting, and spyware and virus protection. We are standing by to help you on any issue you may have!


If you have any questions about the benefits of outsourced IT services, please contact Working Nets by calling (443) 992-7394 or visit WorkingNets.com today! You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+.