
The Importance of Backing Up Your Business Data

When the stakes are this high, you’re going to want to invest in throwing your data into an online backup system.

It might seem like saving multiple times to multiple folders is enough to keep your data safe.  Some may even use a flash drive to ensure they’ll never lose their data.  The reality is, computers crash.  Flash drives are lost.  Data is hardly safe, these days.  And for most people, their business data is deeply important.  Losing it could mean losing your job.  When the stakes are this high, you’re going to want to invest in throwing your data into an online backup system.

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Ransomware: A Disturbing New Trend in Cybersecurity

A recent rash of ransomware attacks on hospitals has shown the need for strong cybersecurity measures even at places not normally considered a high-value target for hackers. While ransomware isn’t new technology, its use as a tool for extortion is on the rise.

Ransomware locks you out of your data unless you agree to a hacker’s demands. Working Nets can help protect your business and customers.

What is Ransomware?

Ransomware is a type of malware that blocks access to vital software or data, requiring a key or piece of code to unlock. It’s commonly used by hackers to extort their target — if you pay the hacker’s ransom, they’ll give you the key and you’ll be able to access your software or data. It’s been used recently in high-profile attacks against hospitals, banks and individuals. [Read more…]

Should you Worry About your Mobile Device Getting a Virus?

Is malware lurking on your mobile device?

We’ve talked a little about how to tell whether or not your PC has a virus, but what about your personal or company phone? You may not have thought much about this, but it warrants a little bit of your time. After all, if you use a company phone, or even a personal phone, for your job then your information might be at risk. That’s why Working Nets is here to give you the rundown on phone viruses so that your business can stay safe. Let’s go over the facts. [Read more…]

Experts Predict Major Cyber-Attack Within 11 Years

A survey released today, conducted by the Pew Research Center, found that the majority of major technology analysts believe that a major cyber-terrorist attack against US energy, banking, or health care systems will be carried out successfully within the next 11 years. The survey, which was given to 1,642 of the world’s most prominent technology experts asked if, in their professional opinion, they believed that a cyber-attack would cause “widespread harm to a nation’s security and capacity to defend itself” within the next 11 years.

Over 60% answered yes.

Working Nets is here with the inside scoop on the danger this impending threat could pose for your small business.

It’s Already Begun

Cyber-attacks have already risen dramatically in frequency and scope within the past year alone. Many experts cited this month’s major cyber-attack on Apple’s iCloud storage system, which many attribute as a covert action by the Chinese government, as an example of the increasing threat of digital terrorism.  Jason Pontin, the editor of the MIT Technology Review also cited the 2009 Stuxnet computer worm, which disabled the centrifuges in an Iranian nuclear power plant, as an example.

Why Are They So Dangerous?

Cyber-attacks are proportionally dangerous to the amount we depend upon the internet to conduct important tasks, which shows no signs of diminishing.

Stewart Baker, a partner at Steptoe & Johnson, a Washington D.C. law firm. Was quoted as saying that “cyberware just plain makes sense. Attacking the power grid or other industrial control systems is asymmetrical and deniable and devilishly effective.” Cyber-attacks involving the theft of personal data are equally threatening, allowing terrorist groups to seize foreign capital to fund their efforts.

The Dissenting Opinion

It’s worth noting however, that the 39% who answered “no” have some pretty compelling evidence on their side as well.

“The nation-states with the capability to deliver such an attack do not have the motivation to do so,” says David Clark, a research scientist at MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, invoking the mantra of mutually assured destruction that saw this country through the cold war.

Many experts agreed with Clark’s opinion and added that while new cyber-security threats do appear every day, so do new defensive measures against them. For every major threat there is always a team of dedicated technology professionals ready to quickly combat it.

Protect Your Business From Cyber-Attacks

Working Nets, employer of the area’s most talented and qualified cyber-security experts, can create a data protection solution customized for any network. Preparation is the best defense against potentially disastrous cyber-attacks.  With Working Nets at your back you’ll avoid many of the other problems that could disrupt the functionality of your business on a day-to-day basis.

To talk to someone about cyber-attacks, network security and disaster preparedness  for your small business, give us a call at (443) 992-7394. We’d be happy to assist you with your professional business networking needs.

You can also visit WorkingNets.com and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google

Data Breaches: What Causes Them and How Can I Stay Protected?

With all of the vital, private information stored in your network, protecting yourself from data breaches is one of the most important aspects of your business. But in order to prevent data breaches, you first need to learn what exactly causes them. They are blamed on a number of different things: are they a system malfunction, or are they human error? Read on to find out Working Nets’ take on data breaches and what you can do to shield yourself from them.

 Do Employees Contribute to Data Breaches?

According to the 2011 Cost of Data Breach Study, 39 percent of organizations could cite negligence on the part of employees as the cause of their data breaches. If an employee of your company is either unaware of how to prevent data breaches or they go about instigating a data breach themselves, much of your valuable information could be put into jeopardy. One of the reasons that employee data breaches have become more and more prevalent is due to the changing nature of technology. Cloud computing networks and mobile devices mean that employees can now gain access to company information away from the safely monitored in-office network.

Another leading cause of data breaches is the more familiar method of a hacking attack. By targeting your network, hackers can infiltrate your data system and steal important information, including credit card information, personal identification numbers, and email passwords. The breakdown of which industries experience what type of data breach falls into clear categories: non-financial businesses (i.e. healthcare groups) experience higher levels of employee data breaches, while financial institutions more often experience outside hacking attacks.

So how can you work to protect your network from a severe data breach? IT experts from Working Nets can create a data protection solution customized for the exact nature of your network. Being prepared for an impending breach is the best line of defense, and a well-maintained network will also avoid many of the other problems that could disrupt the functionality of your business on a day-to-day basis.

To talk to someone about data breaches and security and disaster preparedness  for your small business, give us a call at (443) 992-7394. We’d be happy to assist you with your professional business networking needs.

You can also visit WorkingNets.com and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+




How to Avoid Viruses and Spyware

Computers house the most important information for your business. Technology has taken over the business world entirely; people rarely have paper copies of anything anymore. One of the scariest things imaginable for a company is being hacked or getting a virus that causes you to lose all of the data on your computer. Spyware actually allows hackers to see what information is on your computer. Think of all the different files you have – financial statements, documents that have sensitive meeting information on them, private client information, and more. If you find yourself hacked or lose all of your important information, it could seriously set your company back. The following tips will help you avoid spyware and viruses.

  • Anti-virus and anti-spyware protection – There are many software companies that offer virus and spyware protection for your computer. You should always do your research on the software that you choose to make sure that it’s going to offer comprehensive protection. It’s also important to check for software updates so that you know your computer is continuously protected.
  • Use Internet common sense – The Internet was first introduced to the public in 1991, meaning we’ve had the opportunity to work with it and learn about it for almost 23 years now. Those who have been using the Internet for that length of time have a decent idea of what causes viruses and spyware to show up on their computers: clicking on suspicious links and popups number one among them. Make sure that you trust the source for any link that you click on.
  • Check every day – You should have you protection run a scan for viruses and spyware every day. The sooner you discover a problem with your computer, the less likely you are to sustain permanent damage to the hard drive. Shut down a problem as soon as it comes up. Knowing about something is the first step to taking care of the problem.
  • Outsource your IT – Outsourcing your IT gives you a group of computer savvy people at your fingertips. They can give you all the tips and tricks you need for keeping your computer safe from spyware and viruses  while making sure that your system is entirely up to date. Hiring a company to take care of your IT needs can actually save you money and worry.

At Working Nets, we know that the idea of having your computer hacked is a scary one. Nobody wants to think that their information is out there for everyone to see. Call us today to find out more about anti-virus and anti-spyware software as well as outsourcing your IT. You can reach us at (443) 992-7394 or visit WorkingNets.com today for more information!

Welcome to Working Nets – your virtual IT Department!

You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+.

Source: Tech Republic

Second Largest Data Breach Hits EBay

EBay has now fallen victim to a cyber-attack, which was disclosed by the company Wednesday. The hackers were able to gain access to the database of 145 million EBay users and their records. Hackers were able to steal information like mailing addresses, e-mail addresses, and passwords; however the company assures its users that no PayPal or financial data was compromised during the attack.

EBay has given a small insight as to how the hackers were able to gain access to the information. They claim that the attack took place between the end of February and the beginning of March and that hackers used credentials they obtained from employees. Using this information, they were then able to access the company’s database holding millions of users’ records.

The attack has left many experts questioning how the company missed the attack that took place nearly three months ago. Experts are left wondering if the employee’s whose credentials were stolen were really authorized to have access to such information. EBay is working with FBI to investigate the attack and has hired a forensic division from Mandiant, a company through FireEye Inc. to help with the investigation. Internet security expert Dan Kaminsky wants to know how the information was compromised and why it took so long for EBay to detect the attack. The attack comes in second to the October 2013 attack on Adobe Systems Inc. that left 152 million user accounts compromised, but surpasses the December 2013 attack on Target Corp that compromised 40 million credit card accounts and 70 million customer records.

If you are concerned that your business could be in jeopardy of a hacker attack, contact Working Nets Inc. today. At Working Nets, we provide services like security and disaster preparedness as well as virus and spyware protection. Working Nets strives to provide small businesses with the protection they need to help their information stay secure. To inquire about protection against security breaches, call us today at (443)-992-7394 or fill out our online form.

Find Working Nets online at Google+, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.



What is Malware and How Can I Protect Myself?

Just the word “malware” sounds bad. That’s for a pretty good reason. Malware can do some serious damage if hackers manage to somehow get it on your computer. Most people store important information or their computers that they wouldn’t want anyone else getting ahold of – malware can provide hackers and thieves with this type of information. Think of all of the passwords you use on a daily basis. Do you access your bank account from your computer? With malware and spyware, hackers can see your password and gain access to your accounts. It’s pretty scary. Learning a little bit more about how malware works and what you can do to protect yourself may give you some peace of mind if you take the advice to heart.

What is malware?
Malware is a program that you (unwittingly) install on your computer that allows others access to your information. Though you never plan to install malware or do it on purpose, you’ll find that sometimes simply clicking the wrong link can install malware. Once it’s there, that’s it. Unless you find it early enough, you’re probably going to find yourself in a tough situation and detecting it isn’t easy. You probably won’t have an idea that what you’re clicking on is spam and you likely also won’t know exactly how the malware got on your computer once you figure it out.

How can I protect myself?
There are a few things that you can do to make sure that you don’t end up with malware on your computer. First and foremost, make sure you keep it up to date. Most companies that manufacture computers and operating systems stay on top of the most prevalent scams and make patches to prevent against hackers each time they break through. You should also be careful about what you click on when you’re on the Internet. If you’ve been using the Internet for a while, you probably know that already. If you don’t know what something is or if it looks suspicious, don’t click on it. You should also invest in some software that can detect malware or help prevent it.

If you own a business, one of the best things that you can do to protect yourself is to outsource your IT. A company like Working Nets can help you to figure out if there’s something suspicious going on and keep you up to date on the latest malware scams so that you know what to avoid. At Working Nets in Baltimore, we support your business by providing top-notch Information Technology (I.T.) services to companies like yours: Companies that don’t need full-time I.T. services, but do need someone to turn to, when they are having a problem.  If you have any questions about malware please contact us at 443.992.7394 or visit our website!

At Working Nets, our focus is on your needs!

You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+.

Source: http://safeandsavvy.f-secure.com/2011/01/20/how-to-protect-from-malware/#.U3aMGfldXTo

What Is The Importance of Cybersecurity?

Last year, Wired writer, Matt Honan lost control of his digital life. It took about an hour for him to lose control over everything: his email, his contacts, his bank accounts, his iTunes, even the data that was on his personal hard drive on his Macbook. Everything. He was able to recover much of it. (Here is an account of how he did it.) But it was a very difficult and sobering experience for him.

Since then, he has spent a lot of time trying to reconstruct what happened, and how they did it. His conclusion is that Passwords are the problem, and that we just have to find another mechanism to replace them. I have a different view, but I do want to share some important lessons that I took from reading about his experience:

  1. It is critical not to use the same password for everything. Whether Matt likes it or not, passwords are not going anywhere for the foreseeable future. There is nothing else out there that provides the ease of use and flexibility that passwords do. Especially not at comparable cost. But they can be compromised. And if yours is, and it’s the one you use for everything, you’re in big trouble. By the time you even discover it, it may be too late. I know that it’s difficult to remember a bunch of different passwords, but it’s more difficult to remember every site you’ve ever logged into, and even more difficult, if not impossible, to completely recover from a successful hack.
  2. The most important account you have is your email account. If you only change ONE password to make it different than the others, make it this one, and make it tough. Longer is better. Passphrases are better than passwords. (I.e. Believe it or not, “iwishihadaferrarri” is a much better password than “Xrq5@Ny” because it’s so much longer AND it’s a lot easier to remember.) Why? Because that is the starting point for all others. If you forget your bank account, Facebook and Paypal passwords, how do you recover them? You click on the Forgot My Password link on their websites, put in your email address, and they will send you a password reset link. What could I do with that? I could change the passwords for everything else.
  3. Consider whether “ease-of-use” features are worth the ease-of-damage-they-can-cause. In Matt’s case, because he had enabled Apple’s iCloud service’s Remote Wipe feature, which was intended to be a security feature, once they took control of his account, they were able to remotely wipe out everything on his MacBook Air, remotely. We all use some of those types of security features, and sometimes they’re fine. But before you click Accept, consider what you’re accepting. Do you really want that toolbar the Java update asks about installing? Maybe you do, but don’t just blindly leave the check box checked.

It’s a fascinating digital world out there. And it’s important to know how to navigate it safely.

If you have any questions, please contact Working Nets by calling (443) 992-7394 or visit WorkingNets.com today!

Welcome to Working Nets – your virtual IT Department!

You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+.

What Is Spyware And How Can I Prevent It?

Spyware, this is something that all computer owners go at great lengths to avoid. This is because it is malicious code that attacks your computer.\

Spyware is computer software that performs certain behaviors without your explicit permission. These behaviors include collecting personal information, advertisements or changing certain settings on your computer.

However not all advertisements are/or contain spyware.

Spyware is difficult to remove because it was designed that way. Some changes spyware makes to your computer is changing your search engine or adding additional components to your toolbar that you don’t want or need.

There are a few simple steps you could do to keep spyware off of your computer.

The best way to keep spyware off of your computer is with an antivirus program and by keeping your antivirus program up to date. You also need to read the terms and conditions carefully when installing a product, file, or service from the internet.

Spyware can drastically slow down your computer and make it more difficult to use. The best way to protect yourself is to be prepared.

For more information about computer security in Baltimore:

  • How Can I Protect My Computer From Viruses and Spyware?
  • How Can I Create A Secure Password? Tips from Your Baltimore IT Company
  • Has My Password Been Compromised?

Welcome to Working Nets – your virtual IT Department in Baltimore!

At Working Nets in Baltimore, we support your business by providing top-notch Information Technology (I.T.) services to companies like yours: Companies that don’t need full-time I.T. services, but do need someone to turn to, when they are having a problem. We provide services like Network Design, Monitoring and Maintenance. We troubleshoot technical issues when they arise, and give you options for solving them. We help you use your technology investment to achieve your business goals.

At Working Nets, our focus is on your needs!

You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+.
