
Outsourcing IT to Prevent Cyber Crime

Malware and spyware are a big problem in a world that relies so heavily on technology. Many businesses have the option for buying items online or use some type of server whenever you shop with a credit card. Those who shop with Target or eBay learned about that the hard way in the past year when both companies were breached by hackers. 15 million new malware strains were discovered in the first quarter of 2014 alone. Protecting yourself from malware and spyware has never been more important than it is right now, especially for small businesses. Luckily, we have the answer.

How Does Outsourcing IT Help Protect You?

Let’s start with some figures. The good news is that America is not in the top 10 countries for being the most-malware infected. The bad news is that we’re not in the bottom 10, either. Many computers still get infected with common types of malware, such as Trojans, worms, and viruses. One of the best ways for small businesses to avoid dealing with these problems on company computers is to get anti-virus software and enable firewalls. These are only as good as their updates, though. If users aren’t on top of anti-virus updates and know exactly what types of malware and viruses are prevalent at the time, there’s not much they can do to protect themselves. It’s a lot of work to keep up with all of the malware and spyware on the Internet today. Outsource IT companies make it their business to know what’s going on and how to prevent problems. When you outsource your IT, your network becomes safer and so does all of the information on it.

How Can I Protect My Company from Malware?

There are a few things that you can do to help. The first and most important thing is to learn about what malware is and what it does. The more you know, the better you can fight it. Educate your employees on what is and isn’t safe on the Internet. By outsourcing your IT, you can also block certain sites from employee computers in order to decrease the likelihood of visiting sites that have malware. Doing so will help with computer safety and security as well as productivity. The main thing to take away is to find out everything you can about malware and talk to someone about outsourcing your computer security to a company that exists to protect your company!

Welcome to Working Nets – your virtual IT Department!

At Working Nets, we know that the idea of having your computer hacked is a scary one. Nobody wants to think that their information is out there for everyone to see. Call us today to find out more about anti-virus and anti-spyware software as well as outsourcing your IT. You can reach us at (443) 992-7394 or visit WorkingNets.com today for more information!

You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+.

Source: PandaSecurity


Keep an Eye Out for “Ransomware”

You’ve heard of malware and spyware by now, and you likely have a good idea of how to protect your computer from malicious programs that can take information right off of your computer and share it with hackers. This week we’re talking about a specific type of malware, and a pretty vicious one at that. The creators of ransomware of not only hack your computer, but they’ve also developed a sneaky way to get money from you (you know, or your credit card number). In order to get control of your computer back, you have to pay them a ransom of $300. Sound pretty awful? It is. It’s also almost impossible to stop.

The most recent and powerful piece of ransomware is brought to us by Cryptolocker. Basically what this does is use a “botnet” (network of hijacked computers) to spread viruses to multiple computers. The FBI did try to shut Cryptolocker down, but their methods weren’t exactly flawless or foolproof. They seized Cryptolocker’s servers and replaced them with FBI servers. The problem is that the actual ransomware is still around. It just needs to be updated. Hackers are smart enough to figure out a way to start distributing the malware again. All they have to do is switch their method of delivery. While this may be a minor setback, it’s not going to be enough to actually stop them entirely. It’s just a bump in the road, especially when you consider that the people behind Cryptolocker have already managed to collect 4 million dollars in the span of nine months. It’s a dangerous “get rich quick” scheme that’s spawning a malware trend amongst hackers everywhere.

The problem isn’t just affecting Americans, but is a worldwide problem that is only growing. The moral of the story is to take precautions. Once ransomware is on your computer, you’re not going to be able to get it off without either paying the fine or losing the entirety of your files. And we really don’t suggest paying these criminals. Protect yourself.

  • Only open email from reputable sources and never click links that take you to outside pages unless you trust the site and have done some research.
  • Make sure that your firewall is up and running. It’s also advisable to have anti-malware and anti-spyware programs installed on your computer.
  • Do not click on pop ups and be careful about who you let use your computer. Make sure it’s someone you trust and someone who knows the precautions as well as you do.

Internet safety is important for avoiding being a victim of ransomware. Call us today to find out more about anti-virus and anti-spyware software as well as outsourcing your IT. You can reach us at (443) 992-7394 or visit WorkingNets.com today for more information!

Welcome to Working Nets – your virtual IT Department!

You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+.

Source: Money.CNN

What is Disaster Recovery and How Can it Benefit Small Businesses?

Consider all of the things that you use your computer for in your small business. If you’re reading this from your work computer right now, that’s one thing down – you use it for research. You probably type up documents. If you work in accounting you might have important financial information saved to your hard drive. You may even have personal information saved on your computer. What would happen if your hard drive were to crash or something were to happen to your computer? That’s where disaster recovery comes in.

What exactly is disaster recovery?
Disaster recovery starts with backup. The first thing you want to do to avoid losing information is to make sure that you safely back up all of your important information to a cloud type system or external hard drive. The more places that you have the information backed up, the more likely you are to be able to get a hold of it if anything happens to your actual computer. After you’ve backed everything up, you should talk to an experienced IT company that can help you figure out a disaster recovery plan in the event that something important doesn’t get backed up. A competent IT support company will be able to talk to you about what your disaster recovery options are and how to get the data back that you lost in the event that your computer is infected with malware, spyware, or succumbs to outside forces.

How can disaster recovery benefit a small Baltimore business?
Finding an IT company that specializes in disaster recovery means you have to worry about it less yourself. We can set up your computer to automatically back information up. When you do important work on the computer, you need to know that there’s a way to save that important work if something happens to your computer. Not only can we help you with disaster recovery, but we can also do everything to prevent utilizing the disaster recovery from becoming necessary. We know how to protect your computer, hardware, and software from outside sources. Hackers with malware and spyware will have a hard time getting to your hard drive and causing any damage at all; that’s not to say that disaster recovery isn’t necessary. You should still have a backup plan in case something ever does happen.

Outsourcing your IT to a company that has experience with disaster recovery and computer related issues will enable you to have your problems solved quickly and efficiently and help protect you from most computer related problems that arise. To get started with disaster recovery for your Baltimore small business, please contact Working Nets by calling (443) 992-7394 or visit WorkingNets.com today for more information!

Welcome to Working Nets – your virtual IT Department!

You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+.


The Many Advantages of Cloud Computing for Small Businesses

If you work in the business industry, you’ve probably heard someone say at one point or another “Oh yeah, we’re moving to cloud computing,” at which point you probably went home and looked up cloud computing. It’s a fairly new way to be able to work with colleagues that makes perfect sense – the point of the Internet is to be able to share information. Cloud computing makes it easy to share information with colleagues, coworkers, and even those outside of your business while keeping all of your documents and information safe from destruction and prying hackers (most cloud computing has layers of security). If you’ve looked into cloud computing at all, you know that those are pretty big advantages. But what about the other perks to implementing cloud computing for your small business?

  • Save your money – Being able to share over a network can get expensive. Network infrastructure is confusing if you’ve never actually had to network devices together before. It can take a lot of time and cost an exorbitant amount of money. Working with cloud computing will help you save yourself the headache and give your wallet a break. Some cloud computing services are still free while others do cost money; it’s still cheaper than networking, though. The tough work of keeping up with your systems goes out the window and gives you more time to focus on your work.
  • Recover your files (or don’t lose them at all) – One major problem of storing documents and information on local hard drives is that hard drives can crash and be lost in disasters. Most cloud computing services back your work up for you on multiple servers in case something happens to one of the servers. Your work will stay safe across the board and you won’t have to worry about what happens if your computer crashes in the meantime.
  • Scalability – Thriving small businesses are constantly growing and need to know that their technology can grow with them. Buying physical infrastructure doesn’t usually allow for much scalability. Cloud computing, however, allows you to scale up as much as you need to. You only pay for the storage and space that you need, which can also save you money.

Working with cloud computing is a great way to help grow your small business without spending a lot of extra money. If you need help learning how to use or implement cloud computing, or if you need general IT support, we’ve got you covered. Please contact Working Nets by calling (443) 992-7394 or visit WorkingNets.com today for more information!

Welcome to Working Nets – your virtual IT Department!

You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+.

3 Advantages of Outsourcing IT You May Not Have Considered

Everyone knows the basic usefulness of outsourcing your IT. It gives you a little bit of extra time and money to focus on the important things. Plus, you’ve got a group of professionals who have made a career out of making sure that other people’s IT needs are met. They consistently go through training to learn more about how to work on computers and computer networking, which can be extremely beneficial if you’re not particularly computer savvy (and let’s face it, computers are a bit confusing for everyone). There are a few advantages that you may not have considered when it comes to outsourcing your IT, though. Check out 3 of the biggest advantages that we’ve compiled.

  1. Make more money – You know that outsourcing your IT can save you money, but did you realize that it can also help you make money? Better technology generally means better customer service. An IT support company can help you figure out the best IT solutions for your company and move you forward in the customer service industry. Your employees will also be able to be more productive if they can easily solve technology problems.
  2. Run your small business like a big business – Big businesses usually have an extensive IT staff that focuses on just that company’s needs because they can afford it. It’s tough to get a large enough IT staff to bounce great ideas around when you own a small business. If you outsource your IT to a company that knows how to make the most of the technology that you have, you get a team of professionals dedicated to your cause for a much smaller price than in-house IT.
  3. Know when to update – Running a business will keep you very, very busy. You probably don’t have time to check every computer or keep a log of when security updates need to happen or when software updates come out. An outsourced IT company can keep you up to date on software and hardware. They’ll let you know when it’s time to update or make a change so that you don’t have to worry about things like that. You’re company will run more efficiently and it won’t involve you ever lifting a finger.

If you haven’t considered outsourcing your IT, now is the time to think about it. Working with a company like Working Nets gives you the security and peace of mind that your company is running with the best technology possible. Talk to us about what different plans we have available for IT support. call us today at (443)-992-7394, drop by, or fill out our online form for more information! You can also find Working Nets online at Google+, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.

Source: http://www.essent.com/News/Blog/The-Top-10-Benefits-of-Outsourcing-IT-through-Managed-Services-284-24.htm

Second Largest Data Breach Hits EBay

EBay has now fallen victim to a cyber-attack, which was disclosed by the company Wednesday. The hackers were able to gain access to the database of 145 million EBay users and their records. Hackers were able to steal information like mailing addresses, e-mail addresses, and passwords; however the company assures its users that no PayPal or financial data was compromised during the attack.

EBay has given a small insight as to how the hackers were able to gain access to the information. They claim that the attack took place between the end of February and the beginning of March and that hackers used credentials they obtained from employees. Using this information, they were then able to access the company’s database holding millions of users’ records.

The attack has left many experts questioning how the company missed the attack that took place nearly three months ago. Experts are left wondering if the employee’s whose credentials were stolen were really authorized to have access to such information. EBay is working with FBI to investigate the attack and has hired a forensic division from Mandiant, a company through FireEye Inc. to help with the investigation. Internet security expert Dan Kaminsky wants to know how the information was compromised and why it took so long for EBay to detect the attack. The attack comes in second to the October 2013 attack on Adobe Systems Inc. that left 152 million user accounts compromised, but surpasses the December 2013 attack on Target Corp that compromised 40 million credit card accounts and 70 million customer records.

If you are concerned that your business could be in jeopardy of a hacker attack, contact Working Nets Inc. today. At Working Nets, we provide services like security and disaster preparedness as well as virus and spyware protection. Working Nets strives to provide small businesses with the protection they need to help their information stay secure. To inquire about protection against security breaches, call us today at (443)-992-7394 or fill out our online form.

Find Working Nets online at Google+, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.



Why Should I Outsource My Small Business IT?

Many people have an in house IT staff, which works well for big corporate companies who have regular IT needs. Small businesses are a niche of their own. While they still have some of the needs that big businesses do, they also have more limited resources, different business essentials, and every bit of help they can get to help them focus on the most important aspects of owning a small business: giving the best customer service available and bringing in enough money to keep the company up and running. Small businesses can greatly benefit from outsourcing their IT needs in quite a few different ways.

  1. Reduced costs – With an in house IT staff, you can very easily lose money. The IT staff can end up costing you money if you find that you don’t use them as often as you think you will. With an outsourced IT company, only use them when you need them and you can set up plans where you only pay when you use the company. IT management companies can also help you set up your technology in a way that will be cost efficient for you, because they know what you need and how to get it for the best prices.
  2. Expert IT advise – If you hire on an IT management company, you have the reassurance of knowing that the people that work there are certified and have the knowledge to back up the information they’re giving you. IT companies only hire the best IT people, since management knows exactly what skills to look for. You’ll be working with IT experts who can help you reduce your costs and manage your technology.
  3. Customer service – Outsourcing your IT allows you to deliver better customer service; if there’s an emergency, you can contact your IT management company and they can help you quickly solve your problem and get your system back up and running in no time, allowing you to take better care of your customers and have more time to work on your company.
  4. Security – Outsourcing your IT also means outsourcing your security. IT management companies know a lot about how to protect you from spyware, malware, and other viruses that can potentially harm your computer. They can also set up a fantastic security system and give you tips and tricks on how to create strong passwords and keep your classified information under wraps.

When you outsource your IT, make sure you talk to the IT experts first. At Working Nets Inc., we’re expert IT without the ego. We speak in a language you can understand and help you grasp some of the difficult concepts involved with technology; you focus on what you know and we’ll supply the backup!

Welcome to Working Nets – your virtual IT Department in Baltimore!

At Working Nets in Baltimore, we support your business by providing top-notch Information Technology (I.T.) services to companies like yours: Companies that don’t need full-time I.T. services, but do need someone to turn to, when they are having a problem. We provide services like Network Design, Monitoring and Maintenance. We troubleshoot technical issues when they arise, and give you options for solving them. We help you use your technology investment to achieve your business goals.

At Working Nets, our focus is on your needs!

You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+.

Source: http://www.essent.com/News/Blog/The-Top-10-Benefits-of-Outsourcing-IT-through-Managed-Services-284-24.htm


In The Future Will Tablets Be As Powerful As Computers?

Currently, the Intel Ivy Bridge processors used in PCs and Macs require a lot more power and run a lot hotter than the processors used in tablets. Because of this, they need a lot more cooling infrastructure to go along with them. They also require bigger batteries to be competitive in battery life.

As you can imagine, the current Ivy Bridge is not suitable for use in tablets.

But what if Intel found a way to cut the power demands of its processors? What if your tablet could use the same processor as your desktop? Sound crazy? Well, the future of tablet processors is looking pretty bright. According to a CNET report, Intel is planning to cut the power demands of its current line of processors. So what does this mean for the future of tablets?

Before Intel’s announcement, tablet manufacturers had three general chip options:

  1. Intel Core (or AMD) Processor
  2. Intel Atom Processor
  3. ARM-based Processor

With decreased power demand, the newest version of Ivy Bridge is more suitable for use in tablets. And Intel’s next generation of processors, code named “Haswell,” which is rumored to be scheduled for release in mid-2013, could cut power demands even further.

If Intel truly can reduce power consumption, that changes everything. This could lead to new tablets with better battery life, less heat, and the ability to run the full version of Windows 8 (along with all the legacy apps). Newer tablets would basically have the functionality as PCs.

Now wouldn’t that change the face of the computer industry?

“If it comes out that way and works that way, that could be a game-changer,” said Workings Nets’ own David Spigelman. “But don’t count on it happening in the next few months. I’m betting it’ll be AT LEAST Q3 before anything like that could become available – possibly 2014.”

If you have any questions, please contact Working Nets by calling (443) 992-7394 or visit WorkingNets.com today!

Welcome to Working Nets – your virtual IT Department!

You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+.

Source: Intel Core Processors may soon get Less Power Hungry

Why Should I Outsource My Network Security?

Your business doesn’t just utilize technology, it relies on technology! Because of this, protecting your business-critical data must be a top priority. But how can you ensure your network stays secure without enough room in your budget to hire a dedicated IT technician?

The Answer: Outsourcing your Network Security needs to Working Nets, your Virtual IT Department!

Benefits of Outsourced Network Security

  • Knowledge: Working Nets, your virtual IT department lives and breathes information technology!
  • Cost Effective: Your company can benefit from the security expertise of an entire team of IT technicians for less than the cost of a single, in-house employee.
  • Vigilance: Cyber attacks can happen at any time. You need a team of security specialists monitoring your network for potential problems.
  • No Training: You do not have to worry about training any new employees. Isn’t that convenient?
  • Proactive: An outsourced approach to network security is proactive, rather than simply reactive. We will work with you to help prevent attacks from happening. And if they do, our security experts know exactly how to respond to any given attack.
  • And More!

Working Nets assures that your vital business data is available when you need it!

If you have any questions about Network Security or Outsourced IT Services, please contact Working Nets by calling (443) 992-7394 or visit WorkingNets.com today!

Welcome to Working Nets – your virtual IT Department!

At Working Nets, we support your business by providing top-notch Information Technology (I.T.) services to companies like yours: Companies that don’t need full-time I.T. services, but do need someone to turn to, when they are having a problem. We provide services like Network Design, Monitoring and Maintenance. We troubleshoot technical issues when they arise, and give you options for solving them. We help you use your technology investment to achieve your business goals.

At Working Nets, our focus is on your needs!

You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+.

Disaster Recovery Services, from Working Nets in Baltimore

As a smart business owner, you know you need to protect your business. You backup your data in multiple locations and invest in security technology both for your network as well as for your physical location. However, there are some things that will catch your business by surprise. Local weather emergencies can shut down access to your building. Power outages can disrupt your systems and networks. Hard drives crash and networks are hacked. Natural disasters like floods or fires can damage your building. Not only does your business suffer in the short term as it rebuilds, it suffers in the long term you lose competitiveness in the marketplace due to the time and resources it takes to rebuild. Your reputation can be damaged, and customer confidence can erode.

In order to ensure that your business can continue to function in the event of an emergency, Working Nets offers business continuity and disaster recovery services. Our engineers will perform a comprehensive audit and look for additional ways to protect both your network and your physical business. Off-grid power sourcing allows you to continue operations even when the main grid goes down. We will implement risk reduction strategies for your network and advanced data protection and storage methods. We will assess the feasibility of implementing a telework program so your employees can work from home in the event that the office can’t be opened. Our action plans will help you get through a crisis, and we will address the legal exposure, regulatory compliance problems, and public relations issues that can come about when your business hits and unanticipated speed bump.

It does not matter if you are a new startup or an established business, Working Nets, your virtual IT department is here to help you succeed.

Schedule a consultation with us today to identify how to reach your target audience the right way.

Welcome to Working Nets – your virtual IT Department!

At Working Nets, we support your business by providing top-notch Information Technology (I.T.) services to companies like yours: Companies that don’t need full-time I.T. services, but do need someone to turn to, when they are having a problem. We provide services like Network Design, Monitoring and Maintenance. We troubleshoot technical issues when they arise, and give you options for solving them. We help you use your technology investment to achieve your business goals.

At Working Nets, our focus is on your needs!

You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+.

