
The Benefits of Custom IT Solutions for Your Business

Your business needs systems setup, cyber security, back ups, managed services, and networks to work in the digital age. Why get them all from separate sources when you can get a custom IT solution from an experienced IT company? A custom IT solution is a considerable investment but gets you everything you need without the things you don’t, gets you real hands on support, and improved efficiency over prepackaged systems.

Get Everything You Need and Nothing You Don’t

The first benefit of custom IT solutions for your business is that with custom it solutions you get everything you need and nothing you don’t. By getting custom IT assistance provided by experienced and qualified individuals, you can pick the features you want, the ones most relevant to your business. This way you can get them all from one source, rather then getting multiple prepackaged or proprietary IT solutions to address the things your company needs most you can get them all in one. And with custom IT solutions you don’t get anything you don’t need, no extra clutter on your systems, no distracting programs, and no unnecessary extra costs. So with custom IT solutions you get everything your business needs and nothing it doesn’t, where as with prepackaged IT solutions you might have to buy multiple products to precisely fit your companies IT needs and you’ll get material superfluous to your business. [Read more…]

Surprising Benefits of IT Managed Services

Running a business is a full time job. In today’s hectic, fast-paced business world, nothing can sink the ship faster than having to split your attention. So why should you or your staff also be working as the IT crew? Every minute someone spends fixing a technical problem is a minute they’re not utilizing the skills you pay them for. It’s a minute wasted. Working Nets is here to show you how you can get that productivity back, and more by utilizing IT managed services.

Greater Efficiency

The most obvious benefit of managed services is the increased efficiency it offers businesses. While many companies try to skate by without any IT support, troubleshooting problems as they arise, this method causes delays, costs time, and wastes resources. Managed services will allow you to have a leg up on future problems. Problems will be logged and addressed with seconds of occurring, and can be resolved quickly by trained, IT professionals. Managed services can even prevent problems before they occur, further reducing any system down-time and severely mitigating risk.

Faster, Responsive Patching

If your staff is preoccupied fighting disasters on a case-by-case basis, managing software and firmware updates tends to stop. This leaves your business vulnerable to security threats, data corrupting bugs, and plain old system failure, resulting in hours and hours of downtime. Managed services will keep all of your systems up-to-date, ensuring their operating at maximum capacity for you.

Capacity Planning

Managed services can provide stunning benefits you might not even have thought possible. Since managed services will constantly monitor your office’s network, it will automatically store and sort information related to that network’s performance and workload. This information allows you to make informed purchasing decisions, identifying IT bottlenecks and spending money wisely.

Interested in Securing Great Managed Services?

At WorkingNets, we provide managed services to hundreds of small businesses around the country. We employ only experienced tech professionals with insight into the latest emerging business technologies and risks, to ensure your IT is always working for you, never against. To talk to someone about managed services for your small business, give us a call at (443) 992-7394. We’d be happy to assist you with your professional business networking needs.

You can also visit WorkingNets.com and follow us on FacebookTwitterLinkedIn and Google+

Benefits of IT Services for Healthcare Providers


If you’re a medical professional or hospital administrator, you know the rigorous technological demands that are put upon any medical institution on a daily basis. Whether it’s insurance management or patient record keeping, you rely on your medical computer systems to keep things running smoothly and ensuring your patients get the best care possible. That’s why Working Nets is here to talk about the benefits of outsourced IT services for Baltimore healthcare providers.

Always-Available Service Desk

With the increasing complexity of technology available to the average consumer, the complexity of queries to help desks increases too. In a fast-paced world where callers have high expectations, it’s vital to have a tech support team that can handle problems quickly. Working Nets service desk provides accurate and fast IT service that’s ready to handle anything from password resetting to system configuration at a moment’s notice.

Network Monitoring

Make sure your users have a reliable and smooth experience each and every day they access your system with network monitoring from Baltimore’s best IT services provider, Working Nets. We’ll keep you up to date on your network’s functionality, and address potential issues before they become major problems.

Expert IT Consultation

Do you need someone with a high degree of specific technical knowledge fast? Working nets can provide the best available IT consulting, advising you on anything from system design to product purchasing, ensuring that your healthcare systems are completely cost-effective. We’re ready with the IT services and knowledge you need to keep your Baltimore healthcare office running at maximum efficiency.

Security and Recovery Services

If you’re working on a potentially unsecured healthcare management system, disaster could strike at any time. Whether it’s through user error or a malicious hacking attempt, the consequences could be dire. Lost or stolen data presents a significant danger to your healthcare business and your Baltimore clients. Fortunately, Working Nets has ample network security options to keep your information safe and secure. We also boast a suite of data recovery options, ensuring that your information is protected against system errors and crashes.

Working Nets Has What It Takes

At Working Nets, we know that handling the massive task of managing IT services for a healthcare, while actually keeping everything running can seem impossible. Outsourcing your IT can give you peace of mind and allow you to take care of the things that are important for your company. Working Nets is a Baltimore based IT Service and Security company that services small businesses nationwide. We’re always on top of emerging cybersecurity trends and threats so you don’t have to be.

To talk to someone about managed IT for your business, give us a call at (443) 992-7394. We’d be happy to assist you with your professional business networking needs.

You can also visit WorkingNets.com and follow us on FacebookTwitterLinkedIn and Google+

Setting Up Your Small Business Office Network

Setting up an office computer network for a small business isn’t always an easy task. Even with some tech-savvy people on your team, setting up a network that’s built to last and easily expand as your business does can be difficult. While it’s almost always better to consult a professional office network design and installation company, Working Nets is here with a general guide to make the process easier for any DIYers.

Wired vs. Wireless

Within the past few years wireless networking has skyrocketed in popularity among small businesses, largely because of a great decrease in its price. The benefits of wireless networking are obvious, you won’t need to run as many cables through your workplace, giving you greater freedom with your setup, you can use it from anywhere on your premises, and you can offer guests easy access.

However, there are still some advantages to sticking with Ethernet-focused wired networking. Wired office networks will still have the edge speed-wise, be cheaper than purchasing a powerful router, and won’t run into as many connectivity issues that can sometimes plague wireless systems. At Working Nets, we recommend a combination system with wired access for any permanent terminals with wireless network availability for anything portable.

What Do I Need?

Windows and OS X have built in networking features that make setting up a simple office network fairly straightforward, Aside from the computers themselves, you’ll need a few basic pieces of networking equipment to start connecting your system together.  To set up a network you’ll need a router that connects with your internet provider and your main server. Larger set ups may need additional routers or wireless relays to ensure network coverage for your whole office.

How Do I Keep My Network safe?

It’s crucial that after setting up your small business’s office network, you take the time to implement ample security measures to keep your data safe. To start with you should make sure all your computers and your router are operating with active firewalls (this can be easily checked in their respective settings) to keep malicious software out. If you’re running a wireless network make sure that WEP encryption is enabled and that users will need to put in a pass key before accessing the network. Make sure networked computers are using the most updated and secure versions of their preferred web browser, and check their history to monitor for suspicious activity.

So this is All I Need for Easy, Safe Networking, Right?

Unfortunately, no. With cyber criminals become more prevalent and creative every day, maintaining an office network is a constantly evolving challenge. While the steps listed above will get you started on your way to a great office network, they won’t take care of everything. If you want complete network security, easy set up, and management, call Working Nets today! We’re a Maryland based company with years of experience managing networks of both large and small businesses, as well as a team of highly dedicated, well-trained technical experts who stay on the cutting edge of network management so you don’t have to.

To talk to someone about network management for your small business, give us a call at (443) 992-7394. We’d be happy to assist you with your professional business networking needs.

You can also visit WorkingNets.com and follow us on FacebookTwitterLinkedIn and Google+

The Benefits of Professional Network Management

As a small business owner, whether you’re in Maryland or any other part of the country, you know that there’s only one thing keeping your systems connected and communicating with the world at large: Your network. Aside from connecting you to the world, you network stores valuable files, client information, and personal data so keeping it up and running, and secure, is of paramount importance. But why do it all on your own while running a business? Working Nets is here with some of the perks of professional network management.

Minimize Network Downtime

Every small business’s worst nightmare, one their sure to experience at least a handful of times, is a downed network, which can bring even the most productive day to a screeching halt. Fortunately, with professional network management, you’ve got a team of qualified experts monitoring your network around the clock, preventing network collapse whenever possible, and quickly restoring it to operational capacity if it goes down.

Device Configuration Management

Professional network management services have the power to conduct quick and accurate inventories of every network-connected device at any time. This allows them to better identify problem devices, inappropriate network use, and security threats. Additionally, network management for your small business ensures that all your connected devices will be kept up to date with the latest security software, and will be properly configured to interface as efficiently as possible with every other device in your system. .

Optimized Network Security

Keeping your small business’s data secure is of paramount importance. There aren’t only your interests at stake either. Because most business’s networks store some amount of client information, you’ve also got to look out for the sensitive data of your loyal customers. Professional network management ensures that your network’s security protocols are constantly up-to-date, and that you have a team of experienced cybersecurity professionals standing by, ready to disable any threat that comes your way.

Get Professional Network Management with Working Nets

We’re a Maryland based company with years of experience managing networks of both large and small businesses, as well as a team of highly dedicated, well-trained technical experts who stay on the cutting edge of network management so you don’t have to.

To talk to someone about network management for your small business, give us a call at (443) 992-7394. We’d be happy to assist you with your professional business networking needs.

You can also visit WorkingNets.com and follow us on FacebookTwitterLinkedIn and Google+

Cyber Security Tips for Your Small Business

The increasing digitization of business platforms and information has been a boon to small businesses worldwide, allowing small business to reach further than ever before, establishing themselves in markets around the world and making information readily accessible to employees no matter where they are. However, as we all know, this trend hasn’t come without risks. Cyber security threats are everywhere and ever changing. Working Nets is here with a few simple tips that small business owners should follow to maintain cyber security.

Train Employees Thoroughly

A recent cyber security survey found that in 77% of small businesses employees were considered the biggest threat to cyber security. This was not due to nefarious behavior, but rather the fact that many employees are untrained in, or ignore, cyber security standards, reusing passwords, or leaving them on easily lost physical objects. That’s why it’s vital to train your employees in proper internet usage, strong password creation, secure data storage, and the penalties for ignoring those protocols.

Use Clean Machines

Make sure any computer that handles your small business’s data is protected with up-to-date security software, web browsers, and operating systems. Make sure you antivirus software performs regular scans to check for spy or malware, and be sure to have routine cyber security inspections performed by a reliable cyber security company.


In case of an unexpected data breach or system failure, it’s absolutely vital to have your small business’s important data and files backed up in a secure location. This can include documents, digital spreadsheets, databases, financial files, accounts receivable/payable files and human resources info. Store your information with a reliable cloud service for maximum protection from data loss.

Need Cyber Security for Your Small Business?

Contact Working Nets. We know that handling the cyber security for a business while actually keeping that business running can seem impossible. Outsourcing your IT can give you peace of mind and allow you to take care of the things that are important for your company. Working Nets is a Maryland based IT Service and Security company that services small businesses nationwide. We’re always on top of emerging cyber security trends and threats so you don’t have to be.

To talk to someone about managed IT for your business, give us a call at (443) 992-7394. We’d be happy to assist you with your professional business networking needs.

You can also visit WorkingNets.com and follow us on FacebookTwitterLinkedIn and Google+

Is Facebook Crossing a Line in the Tech World?

In today’s world of technology, it’s not uncommon to know what’s going on in everyone’s lives all the time. We see it every day on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sites. People put their information out for everyone to see. We’re not bashing social media sites. They can be extremely useful to businesses who want more of a web presence as well as for people just trying to keep up with far-flung friends and family. One of the problems that’s popping up with social media sites and websites in general is that they want a lot of information from you – and they’re getting pretty sneaky about how they get it. Let’s talk about Facebook’s new “Messenger” app for smart devices.

How Could the Facebook Messenger App be Violating Your Privacy

Many people choose to use the Facebook app on their phone to stay in touch on the go. It’s very convenient, especially for people who don’t have a lot of time to spend on their computers. Facebook messaging is an easy way to communicate quickly, but before long, it could also be a way to totally violate your privacy. Check out what the app will be able to do once it becomes a mandatory piece of mobile Facebook messaging (which is actually very soon):

  • Change your network connectivity – This means that Facebook will be able to decide whether you’re connected to Wi-Fi or not. They’re essentially remotely accessing and messing with features on your phone by doing this.
  • Access your phone book and SMS – You’ll now be able to send SMS messages and place calls directly from your Facebook Messenger app. You can see what kinds of problems this could cause. It means that Facebook has complete access to your contacts and can send information on your behalf.
  • Record information when it feels like it – You read that right. The Facebook Messenger app can take pictures, videos, or audio at any time. This is a huge invasion of privacy. Knowing that an app can turn your camera on and off at will is a scary prospect.

These are just a few of the different liberties that Facebook Messenger will be taking with your phone once the app is downloaded. For a more in depth look at what Facebook Messenger is doing, please visit this website.

Cyber Security from Working Nets

In the meantime, it’s important to remember that the security for your small business relies on a working knowledge of mobile device information as well as information on different websites and scams. We recognize that you don’t always have that kind of time as a small business owner, which is why we offer cyber security and managed IT services. To talk to someone about cyber security for your small business, give us a call at (443) 992-7394. We’d be happy to assist you with your professional business networking needs.

You can also visit WorkingNets.com and follow us on FacebookTwitterLinkedIn and Google+


Dealing with a Computer Virus: Avoid the Horror Stories with Managed IT Services

Anyone with even the smallest amount of computer knowledge has a rough understanding of what a computer virus is. And we all know that Dealing with a Computer Virus can be a real nightmare, especially for business owners. This is because computer viruses are designed to corrupt programs and files. They embed themselves into the code of software, sitting and waiting until the program is installed and executed. Once this happens, the virus can quickly spread, infecting other applications and files on your computer.

In the end, a computer virus can cause your computer to crash, delete important files, or even render your computer inoperable. All of these are bad news for business owners, resulting in costly downtime. However, the scariest news of all may be how most computers become infected.

It is believed that close to 75% of all viruses are contracted through friendly means, which means that the virus came from a friend, co-worker, client, or other friendly individual. And as more and more computers are connected to the Internet every day, the risk of contracting a computer viruses every time you download software or accept an attachment in an e-mail also grows.

To help prevent your computer from contracting a virus, consider installing virus protection software. However, it is not just enough to install the software, you must also keep it up to date.

Additional tips to help you avoid the effects of computer viruses include:

  1. Never open an email or attachment from a suspicious address or name you do not recognize.
  2. Stay up to date on your virus software updates.
  3. Always back up your files.
  4. Act fast if your computer is ever infected.
  5. Trust Working Nets and Avoid the Horror Stories with Managed IT Services!

The virus protection we offer at Working Nets is top-notch and consistently updated, ensuring your business remains safe. We know computer and network performance is crucial to the success of your business. We were founded to provide small businesses, like yours, with expert information technology support.

If you have any questions, please contact Working Nets by calling (443) 992-7394 or visit WorkingNets.com today! You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+.