
How Can I Create A Secure Password? Tips from Your Baltimore IT Company

Creating a secure password isn’t that difficult, but why do so many people have a hard time doing that? Simple, because they don’t want to have to remember the difficult password. This is why so many people use ‘password’ as their password. It is easy to remember.

However, if a website is asking you to create a password, it is important that you create a strong password; especially, if you want to keep your sensitive information private (Bank Account, Facebook, Twitter, etc.). Below, your Baltimore IT company has compiled a list of tips for having a secure password.

  • It should be at least eight characters long
  • Does not contain your name or the username
  • Is not a complete word, use a phrase instead
  • Is not the same as all of your other passwords
  • Contains:
    • One uppercase letter
    • One lowercase letter
    • A number
    • A unique symbol (!@#$%)

If you feel you must write down your password in order to remember it, make sure you don’t label it as your password, and keep it in a safe place. The last thing you want is to become the victim of your accounts being hacked. The more confusing your password is, the safer it is.

Welcome to Working Nets – your virtual IT Department in Baltimore!

At Working Nets in Baltimore, we support your business by providing top-notch Information Technology (I.T.) services to companies like yours: Companies that don’t need full-time I.T. services, but do need someone to turn to, when they are having a problem. We provide services like Network Design, Monitoring and Maintenance. We troubleshoot technical issues when they arise, and give you options for solving them. We help you use your technology investment to achieve your business goals.

At Working Nets, our focus is on your needs!

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What’s That Strange Charge On My Phone Bill? The Missed Call Scam

Scammers are always coming up with new ways to trick you out of your money. Their latest plan involves the missed call function on your cell phone. In short, a scammer will call your phone and then hang up immediately. On your phone, you will see a missed call and because you are curious you will call back. Then the scammer charges you for the call for every minute you’re on the line. This scam is called the “One Ring Scam.”

The trick here is when the scammer calls you, your phone only rings once. So you still have the missed call notification but they don’t have to pay for long distance charges.

When you call the number back, you get charged once to connect to the call, and then additional charges incur for every minute you’re still on the phone.

This one is fairly easy to avoid getting sucked into, but below are a list of tips so you can avoid getting scammed

  • If you don’t know the number, don’t call it back
  • Google the number before calling it back, if it’s a scam someone will identify the number as a scam and save you the fees.
  • Check your phone bill for charges that you believe are fraudulent.

Welcome to Working Nets – your virtual IT Department!

At Working Nets, we support your business by providing top-notch Information Technology (I.T.) services to companies like yours: Companies that don’t need full-time I.T. services, but do need someone to turn to, when they are having a problem. We provide services like Network Design, Monitoring and Maintenance. We troubleshoot technical issues when they arise, and give you options for solving them. We help you use your technology investment to achieve your business goals.

At Working Nets, our focus is on your needs!

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Is There An Unexplained Charge on your Credit Card? You May Be a Victim of Fraud!

Unfortunately, credit card fraud has become increasingly more common recently. Target was hacked and so are countless other websites and apps. Last week, the Better Business Bureau issued a fraud alert for people to check their bank statement for unexplained charges of $9.84. When scammers steal your credit card information, they test your account by charging a relatively small amount and see if you detect it. If the charge goes undetected by you, the scammers now have access to your card and will begin racking up other charges as time goes on.

So How Do I Fix This?

Fortunately for you, if you noticed this charge then you are in good shape. Simply call your bank and report the fraud. If your bank does not offer you a new card, simply request one to prevent this from happening to you again.

It is important to be diligent in checking over your bank statements and make sure that all charges that appear are ones you have personally authorized. Unfortunately, scammers are not a thing of the past and your credit card information will always be at risk but as long as you know how to search your bank statements, you should be in good shape from a potentially disastrous financial scam.

Welcome to Working Nets – your virtual IT Department!

At Working Nets, we support your business by providing top-notch Information Technology (I.T.) services to companies like yours: Companies that don’t need full-time I.T. services, but do need someone to turn to, when they are having a problem. We provide services like Network Design, Monitoring and Maintenance. We troubleshoot technical issues when they arise, and give you options for solving them. We help you use your technology investment to achieve your business goals.

At Working Nets, our focus is on your needs!

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The Data Breach at Target Affects More Than Originally Thought

In December, the retail giant Target reported that hackers had breached their collection of customer data and made off with credit and debit card numbers and affecting up to 40 million people. Now, Target is reporting that the data breach will affect up to 70 million people. In a statement, Target stated that the stolen data includes not only credit and debit card numbers, but names, phone numbers, addresses, and email addresses of customers as well. Target’s ongoing investigation into the matter revealed these new findings in the data breach, which occurred between Nov.27 and Dec. 15 of last year.

Target has attempted to contact every customer for whom it has contact information and inform them that their information was stolen. CEO Gregg Steinhafel apologized to all Target customers in a video statement. According to IT World, “Target has pledged to pay for the costs of any fraudulent charges related to the breach. The company is also offering one year of free credit monitoring and identity theft protection to customers who shopped at the company’s U.S. stores.”

Welcome to Working Nets – your virtual IT Department!

At Working Nets, we support your business by providing top-notch Information Technology (I.T.) services to companies like yours: Companies that don’t need full-time I.T. services, but do need someone to turn to, when they are having a problem. We provide services like Network Design, Monitoring and Maintenance. We troubleshoot technical issues when they arise, and give you options for solving them. We help you use your technology investment to achieve your business goals.

At Working Nets, our focus is on your needs!

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Disaster Recovery Services, from Working Nets in Baltimore

As a smart business owner, you know you need to protect your business. You backup your data in multiple locations and invest in security technology both for your network as well as for your physical location. However, there are some things that will catch your business by surprise. Local weather emergencies can shut down access to your building. Power outages can disrupt your systems and networks. Hard drives crash and networks are hacked. Natural disasters like floods or fires can damage your building. Not only does your business suffer in the short term as it rebuilds, it suffers in the long term you lose competitiveness in the marketplace due to the time and resources it takes to rebuild. Your reputation can be damaged, and customer confidence can erode.

In order to ensure that your business can continue to function in the event of an emergency, Working Nets offers business continuity and disaster recovery services. Our engineers will perform a comprehensive audit and look for additional ways to protect both your network and your physical business. Off-grid power sourcing allows you to continue operations even when the main grid goes down. We will implement risk reduction strategies for your network and advanced data protection and storage methods. We will assess the feasibility of implementing a telework program so your employees can work from home in the event that the office can’t be opened. Our action plans will help you get through a crisis, and we will address the legal exposure, regulatory compliance problems, and public relations issues that can come about when your business hits and unanticipated speed bump.

It does not matter if you are a new startup or an established business, Working Nets, your virtual IT department is here to help you succeed.

Schedule a consultation with us today to identify how to reach your target audience the right way.

Welcome to Working Nets – your virtual IT Department!

At Working Nets, we support your business by providing top-notch Information Technology (I.T.) services to companies like yours: Companies that don’t need full-time I.T. services, but do need someone to turn to, when they are having a problem. We provide services like Network Design, Monitoring and Maintenance. We troubleshoot technical issues when they arise, and give you options for solving them. We help you use your technology investment to achieve your business goals.

At Working Nets, our focus is on your needs!

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Hackers Are At It Again – Their Target, Snapchat

Recently a major security flaw has been exposed in the picture messaging app, Snapchat. If you are unfamiliar, Snapchat is a mobile only app for sending pictures and videos that self-destruct after ten seconds. The point of the app is to be able to share images and videos without wondering who else will see them.

A group of hackers recently discovered a flaw in the app’s security and threatened to expose it if the founder of the app did not attempt to fix it. The app was not fixed and on December 31, 2013 SnapchatDB.info was born. On the site, there is a list of 4.6 million usernames and phone numbers of people that use Snapchat.

So you use Snapchat and you’re worried – now what?

Fortunately, the hackers don’t plan on doing anything malicious with the information they uncovered. But if you want to see if your personal information is safe. Head over to http://lookup.gibsonsec.org/ and type in your username. It will search the database to see if your username and phone number has been compromised.

If your information has been shared, the safest thing you can do is delete your account. Unfortunately, it will not remove your phone number from the website though.

Welcome to Working Nets – your virtual IT Department!

At Working Nets, we support your business by providing top-notch Information Technology (I.T.) services to companies like yours: Companies that don’t need full-time I.T. services, but do need someone to turn to, when they are having a problem. We provide services like Network Design, Monitoring and Maintenance. We troubleshoot technical issues when they arise, and give you options for solving them. We help you use your technology investment to achieve your business goals.

At Working Nets, our focus is on your needs!

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Has My Password Been Compromised?

There is a new website which launched recently and the main purpose is to identify if you’ve been pwned.

Pwned is internet slang for the word ‘owned’ and is used frequently to describe dominance over someone regarding the internet.

When your computer has been hacked and your personal data is now available to someone that you did not give consent to having it, that is considered being pwned.  When your data has been compromised, passwords or otherwise, it is best to change your password as soon as possible to protect yourself.

By going to http://haveibeenpwned.com/ and putting in your email address it can check any recent major security breaches and let you know if your account is safe or it has been compromised.

The website lets users know if their passwords were compromised in high-profile attacks against Adobe, Stratfor, Gawker, Yahoo, Pixel Federation, and Sony. All told the website currently scans more than 150 million compromised accounts.

Staying safe online is important and this website is an easy way to keep yourself safe!

Welcome to Working Nets – your virtual IT Deptartment!

At Working Nets, we support your business by providing top-notch Information Technology (I.T.) services to companies like yours: Companies that don’t need full-time I.T. services, but do need someone to turn to, when they are having a problem. We provide services like Network Design, Monitoring and Maintenance. We troubleshoot technical issues when they arise, and give you options for solving them. We help you use your technology investment to achieve your business goals.

At Working Nets, our focus is on your needs!

You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+.

Be sure to check out all the information we have to offer about IT Services.



Cybersecurity News: Los Angeles Creates Cyber Security Command Center

Around the world e-security is one of our biggest threats. In Los Angeles, steps are being taken to combat the risks. The Cyber Intrusion Command Center was created to secure all city agencies against cyberattacks. The mayor of Los Angeles wants to make sure that the city is protected from all future potential cyberattacks.

Technology allows the government to be more efficient at a lower cost, but security can be sometimes compromised. That’s where the cybersecurity command center comes in. The purpose of the command center is to protect the computer systems from potential hackers. Federal officials have warned city officials that the next terrorist attack could be through computers as technology continues to be more prevalent in society. The goal of the cybersecurity command center is to fight electronic terrorism.

The center will identify cyberthreats, ensure incidents are quickly investigated and see that information on the threats are sent out.

Welcome to Working Nets – your virtual IT Department!

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The Importance Of Virus Protection

Most computer users blindly download, install, and ascribe to an anti-virus program without actually fully understanding the necessity of such software. At Working Nets, we provide top-notch virus protection at affordable prices to ensure your business, files, and computers remain safe and functioning smoothly.

What are threats?

Malware, short for “malicious software,” is the catchall phrase for potentially damaging threats to your computer: viruses, trojan horses, worms, spyware, and the like. Generally this software is created to either disrupt or worse – destroy – files and programs on your computer.

What happens when malware infects your computer?

Without a reliable anti-virus program, your infected computer often becomes unusable, requiring the hard drive to be wiped clean, and your computer’s operating system reinstalled. To avoid lost data and a dysfunctional system, effective malware-combatants are necessary.

What does Antivirus software do?

Antivirus software serves double duty, both removing preexisting malware and working to prevent them from occurring in the first place. Taking the precaution against harmful viruses will save you money and time in the long run, protecting your computer and by extension, your business. Let the Information Technology professionals at Working Nets, Inc. help you do just that, by outsourcing your computer support needs from our company.

If you have any questions about Antivirus Software, please contact Working Nets by calling (443) 992-7394 or visit WorkingNets.com today!

Welcome to Working Nets – your virtual IT Department!

At Working Nets, we support your business by providing top-notch Information Technology (I.T.) services to companies like yours: Companies that don’t need full-time I.T. services, but do need someone to turn to, when they are having a problem. We provide services like Network Design, Monitoring and Maintenance. We troubleshoot technical issues when they arise, and give you options for solving them. We help you use your technology investment to achieve your business goals.

At Working Nets, our focus is on your needs!

You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+.


The Importance of Antivirus and Security Software

Phishing Scam Requests Credit Card Info, How to Stay Protected

Unfortunately, scammers are becoming more creative with their attempts to lure you out of your finances. Not only are scammers getting more creative, they are also outsmarting many internet users and getting them to hand over their credit card info. Some common fraudulent behavior includes a scammer using the name of a well-established company such as Microsoft to help establish some trust with the person being scammed.

A common fraud is sent in the form of an email. The email sender claims to be from Microsoft stating that your account is ‘blocked’ and can only be unblocked with a credit card number. The email is actually not from Microsoft. A way to keep yourself safe is to never give out any sort of personal information in an email like this. As a matter of fact, you should not even bother replying. It is best to report the email and contact Microsoft directly if you think there actually is a problem.

At Working Nets, we were founded to provide small businesses, like yours, with expert information technology support they needed. Our disaster recovery services help ensure your vital business data is kept safe and secure!

If you have any questions about Disaster Recovery, please contact Working Nets by calling (443) 992-7394 or visit WorkingNets.com today! You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+.

