
How to Increase Streaming Speed on Your Computer

Here are some ways you can improve your streaming speed so your favorite movie never buffers the fun suspense of your favorite thriller into an interminable wait.

While the internet puts a veritably endless selection of movies from every genre and time period at your fingertips, you will not reap all of the benefits of this if your streaming speed is not up to snuff. Nothing is worse than getting excited to watch a movie only for it to freeze and buffer so badly you can’t even enjoy it. Here are some ways you can improve your streaming speed so your favorite movie never buffers the fun suspense of your favorite thriller into an interminable wait.  

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How Does Bluetooth Technology Work?

Chances are, unless you are completely avoiding Bluetooth technology on purpose, you have at least two items in your home that are Bluetooth enabled.

Chances are, unless you are completely avoiding Bluetooth technology on purpose, you have at least two items in your home that are Bluetooth enabled. What exactly is the mysterious technology that allows you to chat hands-free in the car, wirelessly print from your cellphone, and feel one step closer to the ruler of your household?

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How to Increase the Lifespan of Your Laptop

Often laptops only last so long, after undergoing damage. However, many undamaged laptops in perfect working order end up being thrown out prematurely for easily fixable problems.

Laptops are often replaced every few years, as people seek better and faster and newer technology. Often laptops only last so long, after undergoing damage. However, many undamaged laptops in perfect working order end up being thrown out prematurely for easily fixable problems. Unless you are a total tech junkie who always wants the newest thing to come out, you’ll be happy to know that there are actually numerous ways to increase the lifespan of your laptop.  

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5 Ways to Protect Your Online Security

The world is only a click away. However, this ultimate accessibility and convenience does not come without its drawbacks.

In today’s high tech world, we have access to more information and products and media than ever before. The world is only a click away. However, this ultimate accessibility and convenience does not come without its drawbacks. When it comes to online security, it can be difficult to protect yourself. From malware to hackers to spyware, there are numerous threats to our own cyber security lurking in all corners of the web. Read on to learn more about how to protect yourself in the digital age.

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How to Backup Files on Your Computer

You never know when disaster can strike; a virus, a power outage, or personal mistakes can lead to deletion of necessary files.

It’s always a good thing to protect your files.  You never know when disaster can strike; a virus, a power outage, or personal mistakes can lead to deletion of necessary files.  So, when you’ve got them all backed up, you can rest assured that everything will stay perfectly safe, even when something terrible happens to your computer.  You can always replace a computer or download new programs, but files such as pictures, videos, and similar personal content can’t be replaced.  Read on to figure out how you can backup the files on your computer safely and efficiently.

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3 Things You Should Consider Before Buying a Graphics Card

If you are considering updating your computer, there are few investments you can ultimately make that will serve you and your machine better than a high quality graphics card.

If you are considering updating your computer, there are few investments you can ultimately make that will serve you and your machine better than a high quality graphics card. If you are a gamer or a professional or hobby video editor, it is an incredibly good idea. However, buying a new graphics card is not always a one and done process. Here are three things to help you choose the perfect graphics card for your needs.

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Technology Trends to Look Forward to in 2017

Within the coming year, several technologies are going to be developed, and we’re seeing it happen with a rapid pace.

The new year is here, and we’re looking at 2017 for its tech scene.  Within the coming year, several technologies are going to be developed, and we’re seeing it happen with a rapid pace.  So, what are the most exciting upcoming trends for the new year?  Working Nets is here to discuss that with you.  Read on for the best technology trends to look forward to in 2017.

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How to Boost Your Network Security for the New Year

One of the best resolutions that you can make this year is to boost your network security for the new year!

The new year means a lot of things to everyone, whether it’s the chance to finally get in shape and use that gym membership, finally get to the bottom of your Netflix queue, or finally start flossing twice a day. The new year also means a lot of things for your network security! One of the best resolutions that you can make this year is to boost your network security for the new year!

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The Importance of a Network Design Plan

When you are mapping out the network for your business, it can be tempting to take shortcuts or skip the planning phase in favor of getting it online as quickly as possible.

When you are mapping out the network for your business, it can be tempting to take shortcuts or skip the planning phase in favor of getting it online as quickly as possible. However, you should keep in mind that all good networks with a decent level of security come from good network design plans, not the top of your head. Here is some information about the value of a network design plan when it comes to building IP-based networks!

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Why Are Windows 10 Updates Coming So Slowly?

Windows 10 updates are mandatory and forced, whether you want them to happen or not. And they’re happening more infrequently.

Windows 10 owners know by now that updates to the OS are being released much slower than Microsoft has done so in the past.  Remember when a tiny popup would show at the bottom of your screen, asking you to update, and you always selected for it to update in four hours?  That’s gone, now.  Updates are mandatory and forced, whether you want them to happen or not.  And they’re happening more infrequently.  Read on to find out why.

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